Changing bundle Identifier - Acquired an application to create new version from scratch - ios

My company have acquired an app that was already on the app store. The bundle identifier contained the old company name e.g com.oldcompany.CoolApp. However we are to build a new app to take its place, can we change its bundle id in iTunesConnect? e.g com.newcompany.CoolApp. Can this be done? What are the other possible conflicts?
Although the app is in the hands of a new company, must we continue to use the old Bundle ID?
Thanks in advance.

You can transfer the app to a different developer account. Check out this link

So I found the solution, if you match the bundle identifier and app name then there is no problem. The phone views it as the same.


Can we upload two applications with same bundle identifier or same name?

We have a requirement where we need to upload two apps on apple Appstore having same bundle identifier and name but there functionality is different. So can we achieve this.
The bundle identifier needs to be unique, the Application Name should also be different but they can be closely similar with slight spelling and punctation difference. You can get through but it is not recommended.
Answer is NO
Apple will not allow you to create 2 apps with same bundle Id on app store. They will not show you same bundle Id once you have created one app with that bundle Id.
You can not upload app with same name and same bundle identifier
i think you will get notified something like below..if you are going to try
with same name
The Application Name that you provided has already been used. Please
provide a unique Application Name.
But you can make a slight change by adding space. punctuation mark etc.

Bundle Name Changes

I'm about to update my iOS app.
Previously it was called
GCSE Maths - Get A Better Grade
now it I have named my Xcode Project
The GCSE Maths App
and will upload this onto iTune Connect - is it OK to do this so long as they both have the same bundle identifier?
My worry is it will get rejected for having a different name.
No, App store will not reject your app, it is fine totally.
Bundle name can be change as you are updating new version. You can not change bundle identifier and application name. App store allows you to change the Display Name(Name just below the App Icon at app list in device).
If apple allowed to change Display Name while uploading new binary that means they haven't any issue. if they have issue then they wan't provide any option to change Display Name. if you used same bundle identifier then it will overwrite the app on iTunes Connect.

Product Name not displaying properly in Bundle Identifier - numbers not showing?

On my app developer site I created a an app ID of org.myorg.54Miles My apps name is 54Miles.
In XCode my product name is set to 54Miles under my Build Settings - but it makes my bundle identifier under the general "org.sd54.-4Miles"
Any idea why this is? It's causing me to not be able to archive the app and get it distributed because the AppID doesn't match the bundle ID in xcode.
I want it to read: org.sd54.54Miles - but currently I cannot get it to stop reading org.sd54.-4Miles
Cannot figure it out!
I ended up just leaving the bundle ID as it was since apparently Apple has a problem leading with digits in the bundle identifier.
So I just created a new App ID in the developer site to match it. I have since been able to deploy it without issue.

iOS Distribution: Can I change the bundle identifier later on, to match it the reverse domain name of my customer?

I am an independent developer (coming from Android). I developed an app for a customer, and used a work title for this project as bundle identifier.
So, now comes the time, where I want to move to testing on a limited amount of devices with ad-hoc distribution provisioning profiles.
For this I need to create an App ID with a bundle identifier. So, my customer will finally want his app distributed under his reverse domain name.
Can I change the bundle identifier later on, to match it the reverse domain name of my costumer?
Bundle Identifier (Application Id) is an unique identity for any application. You can change it for any application by creating new Apple Id on developer account any time you want until you upload your application on Apple store.
Once you upload your app on Apple store, You can not change it. As if you change it afterwards you will not able to update your app and it will be considered as a new app with new bundle identifier instead of update of existing app.
Sure. You can change it anytime.
You can't change the project name in this field in Xcode, however:
You'd have to rename the whole project to change the last greyed out part of the Bundle ID.
Notice however that you can never change the Bundle ID after the app has gotten to the App Store.

Update the Live app with new Bundle Identifier

I have an application live on App Store(version 1.0). Now i have to provide an update to the same application(version 1.1). But, due to some issue i need to change the bundle identifier of the app. Is it possible to do that? If yes please tell me how to do the same. Or i have to create new App ID.
Thanks in advance..!
Sorry!! you can't do that because when you are going to upload it as a new version so your current bundle identifier must have to match with previous one. Else create a new app Id and upload it as a new app..
You can't change the bundle identifier. The bundle identifier is the key that is used to identify the app. So when you are going to submit an update the same bundle identifier (used for first submission) should be used.
Another option is to go with a separate app submission by creating a new app....
Hope this helps
