Is setNumThreads(x) parallelizing my OpenCV code? - opencv

I really wonder if using OpenCV's setNumThreads(); really allows my code to run in parallel. I've searched a lot on the internet without finding any answer for my question.
Someone there have any answer for my question?

The effect depends greatly on the configuration options you select on cmake configure, see for example CMakeLists.txt, plus the catches of the different configuration options:
/* IMPORTANT: always use the same order of defines
1. HAVE_TBB - 3rdparty library, should be explicitly enabled
2. HAVE_CSTRIPES - 3rdparty library, should be explicitly enabled
3. HAVE_OPENMP - integrated to compiler, should be explicitly enabled
4. HAVE_GCD - system wide, used automatically (APPLE only)
5. HAVE_CONCURRENCY - part of runtime, used automatically (Windows only - MSVS 10, MSVS 11)
And with those, you can understand the code itself. All that said, the parallelising engine won't do much if you're running an inherently sequential algorithm, which is practically everything under OpenCV... My guess is that if you would have several OpenCV programs running in parallel, you could see a meaningful difference.

Feel the need to build on miguelao's answer: most of OpenCV's functionality is NOT multithreaded. setNumThreads only effects multithreaded functions, such as calcOpticalFlowPyrLK.
Normally by default, OpenCV will use as many threads as you have cores. So setNumThreads won't give you a speed gain.
My main use for it is disabling multithreading, so that I may do my own with coarser granularity.


Reduce DeepLearning4j dependency size of exported jar

In my application, I would like to use Deeplearning4j. Deeplearning4j has over 120mb of dependencies, which is a lot considering my own code is only 0.5mb.
Is it possible to reduce the dependencies required? Would loading an already-trained network allow me to ship my application with a smaller file size?
There are many ways to reduce the size of your jar depending on what your use case is. We cover this more recently in our docs, but I'll summarize some things to try here:
DL4j is heavily based on javacpp. You can add -Djavacpp.platform=$YOUR_PLATFORM (linux-x86_64, windows-x86_64,..) to your build to reduce the number of native dependencies in there.
If you are using deeplearning4j-core, that includes a lot of extra dependencies you may not need. In this case, you may only need deeplearning4j-nn for the configuration. The same goes for if you are using only samediff, you do not need the dl4j apis. I don't know enough about your use case to confirm what you do and don't need though.
If you are deploying on an embedded platform, we also have the ability to reduce the number of supported operations and data types now as well. This feature is mainly for advanced users right now (involves building from source) but if you think that could also be applicable despite the first 2, please do confirm and I can try to clarify that a bit.

llvm based code mutation for genetic programming?

for a study on genetic programming, I would like to implement an evolutionary system on basis of llvm and apply code-mutations (possibly on IR level).
I found llvm-mutate which is quite useful executing point mutations.
As far as I have understood, the instructions get count/numbered, one can then e.g. delete a numbered instruction.
However, introduction of new instructions seems to be possible as one of the availeable statements in the code.
Real mutation however would allow to insert any of the allowed IR instructions, irrespective of it beeing used in the code to be mutated.
In addition, it should be possible to insert library function calls of linked libraries (not used in the current code, but possibly available, because the lib has been linked in clang).
Did I overlook this in the llvm-mutate or is it really not possible so far?
Are there any projects trying to /already have implement(ed) such mutations for llvm?
llvm has lots of code analysis tools which should allow the implementation of the afore mentioned approach. llvm is huge, so I'm a bit disoriented. Any hints which tools could be helpful (e.g. getting a list of available library functions etc.)?
Very interesting question. I have been intrigued by the possibility of doing binary-level genetic programming for a while. With respect to what you ask:
It is apparent from their documentation that LLVM-mutate can't do what you are asking. However, I think it is wise for it not to. My reasoning is that any machine-language genetic program would inevitably face the "Halting Problem", e.g. it would be impossible to know if a randomly generated instruction would completely crash the whole computer (for example, by assigning a value to a OS-reserved pointer), or it might run forever and take all of your CPU cycles. Turing's theorem tells us that it is impossible to know in advance if a given program would do that. Mind you, LLVM-mutate can cause for a perfectly harmless program to still crash or run forever, but I think their approach makes it less likely by only taking existing instructions.
However, such a thing as "impossibility" only deters scientists, not engineers :-)...
What I have been thinking is this: In nature, real mutations work a lot more like LLVM-mutate that like what we do in normal Genetic Programming. In other words, they simply swap letters out of a very limited set (A,T,C,G) and every possible variation comes out of this. We could have a program or set of programs with an initial set of instructions, plus a set of "possible functions" either linked or defined in the program. Most of these functions would not be actually used, but they will be there to provide "raw DNA" for mutations, just like in our DNA. This set of functions would have the complete (or semi-complete) set of possible functions for a problem space. Then, we simply use basic operations like the ones in LLVM-mutate.
Some possible problems though:
Given the amount of possible variability, the only way to have
acceptable execution times would be to have massive amounts of
computing power. Possibly achievable in the Cloud or with GPUs.
You would still have to contend with Mr. Turing's Halting Problem.
However I think this could be resolved by running the solutions in a
"Sandbox" that doesn't take you down if the solution blows up:
Something like a single-use virtual machine or a Docker-like
container, with a time limitation (to get out of infinite loops). A
solution that crashes or times out would get the worst possible
fitness, so that the programs would tend to diverge away from those
As to why do this at all, I can see a number of interesting applications: Self-healing programs, programs that self-optimize for an specific environment, program "vaccination" against vulnerabilities, mutating viruses, quality assurance, etc.
I think there's a potential open source project here. It would be insane, dangerous and a time-sucking vortex: Just my kind of project. Count me in if someone doing it.

Recommended way to distribute Halide generated functions?

I am currently experimenting with Halide, the initial tests show quite promising performance improvements.
I am now wondering about what is the best strategy to distribute Halide code. Requiring users to install Halide seems like a heavy barrier at this point in time (since there are no automated install options).
One option would be to use compile_to_c, add the generated C code in the repository, and distribute compilation scripts for such C code. scikit-learn uses a similar strategy for Cython generated code. For Halide this seems like a no-go since the generated C code loses all the optimizations, defeating the purpose of Halide.
My current idea would be to use
compile_to_bitcode, distribute the generated bitcode together with compilation scripts that call llc to generate the desired machine code. The only requirement for the user would be to have llc (i.e. llvm) installed.
Does anyone have experience on this issue?
What are the pro and cons of my idea of distributing bitcode?
What would you recommend?
Some details on the kind of software distribution would help. The question implies a source code distribution, but there is a big difference between a library where programmers may need to interact with Halide produced code at a fine-grained level, and an application where use of Halide is largely invisible to the end user and the goal is just to get it to build.
Distributing bitcode is doable but problematic. To be portable, you have to use something like the PNaCl backend. (PNaCl is fairly close to a generic LLVM bitcode representation.) If you target a specific architecture, there is no guarantee the bitcode will compile or run on any other one. (Halide can lower to architecture specific intrinsics for example.) The LLVM community discourages using bitcode as a distribution format, though if it is in source form (.ll, not .bc) it is likely fairly stable and seems not much worse than shipping assembly files in terms of long term stability.
Halide includes an OS specific runtime into the generated output so even with bitcode, the result includes a number of target specific dependencies.
Often one ends up with a design that chooses, at runtime, between one of a number of Halide outputs based on the actual type of processor being used. E.g. using Halide to compile the same algorithm with two different schedules for SSE2 and AVX2 processors. In this model, there are going to be a lot of object files anyway and one can simply choose at build time which ones to include for a given architecture and OS. Distributing the objects as .ll files rather than .o files will likely work, but I'm not sure it buys much.
I would strive to make the full source code available, requiring Halide if one is doing a compilation from the ground up, and look for ways to provide various levels of binary distribution. Certainly for end user software the emphasis should be on how to get the fully built package into the hands of users. For libraries, Halide may be used to surface a higher level programming model to users of the library, in which case the Halide compiler will need to be present anyway.
We strive to make Halide fairly easy to get onto a system and very stable, but have not absolutely nailed either yet. I'd likely try to provide some level of fallback and using the C backend to generate generic C code might be a decent way to do that without rewriting everything in C directly. (If building from source, one gets a choice between installing Halide or using the prebuilt C code.) This is one of the better use cases for the C backend. (Generating C code from Halide is generally a pretty marginal idea despite it seeming to be a good one at first.)
compile_to_c() is definitely not recommended, as the code it generates isn't very optimized; it's useful mostly as a debugging / development tool.
compile_to_bitcode() sounds like it could work, but I'm not aware of anyone using this as a distribution method.
(It would probably be useful to have an automated install available for Halide.)

Why OpenCV is releasing "World.dll" in 2.4.7?

I heard OpenCV will have "world.dll", a single library that will have the combined functionality of all the other modules in the next release. My question is why would OpenCV do this now while in the past releases, it has always divided the functionality into categorized modules. Is there any special benefit for this?
Some info here:
The main aspect is to make deployment of end-user applications easier - you only have one DLL file instead of many.
I guess there is also a slight performance increase in loading times, because loading one DLL means more continous reading from HDD.

What's the quickest way to parallelize code?

I have an image processing routine that I believe could be made very parallel very quickly. Each pixel needs to have roughly 2k operations done on it in a way that doesn't depend on the operations done on neighbors, so splitting the work up into different units is fairly straightforward.
My question is, what's the best way to approach this change such that I get the quickest speedup bang-for-the-buck?
Ideally, the library/approach I'm looking for should meet these criteria:
Still be around in 5 years. Something like CUDA or ATI's variant may get replaced with a less hardware-specific solution in the not-too-distant future, so I'd like something a bit more robust to time. If my impression of CUDA is wrong, I welcome the correction.
Be fast to implement. I've already written this code and it works in a serial mode, albeit very slowly. Ideally, I'd just take my code and recompile it to be parallel, but I think that that might be a fantasy. If I just rewrite it using a different paradigm (ie, as shaders or something), then that would be fine too.
Not require too much knowledge of the hardware. I'd like to be able to not have to specify the number of threads or operational units, but rather to have something automatically figure all of that out for me based on the machine being used.
Be runnable on cheap hardware. That may mean a $150 graphics card, or whatever.
Be runnable on Windows. Something like GCD might be the right call, but the customer base I'm targeting won't switch to Mac or Linux any time soon. Note that this does make the response to the question a bit different than to this other question.
What libraries/approaches/languages should I be looking at? I've looked at things like OpenMP, CUDA, GCD, and so forth, but I'm wondering if there are other things I'm missing.
I'm leaning right now to something like shaders and opengl 2.0, but that may not be the right call, since I'm not sure how many memory accesses I can get that way-- those 2k operations require accessing all the neighboring pixels in a lot of ways.
Easiest way is probably to divide your picture into the number of parts that you can process in parallel (4, 8, 16, depending on cores). Then just run a different process for each part.
In terms of doing this specifically, take a look at OpenCL. It will hopefully be around for longer since it's not vendor specific and both NVidia and ATI want to support it.
In general, since you don't need to share too much data, the process if really pretty straightforward.
I would also recommend Threading Building Blocks. We use this with the IntelĀ® Integrated Performance Primitives for the image analysis at the company I work for.
Threading Building Blocks(TBB) is similar to both OpenMP and Cilk. And it uses OpenMP to do the multithreading, it is just wrapped in a simpler interface. With it you don't have to worry about how many threads to make, you just define tasks. It will split the tasks, if it can, to keep everything busy and it does the load balancing for you.
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives(Ipp) has optimized libraries for vision. Most of which are multithreaded. For the functions we need that aren't in the IPP we thread them using TBB.
Using these, we obtain the best result when we use the IPP method for creating the images. What it does is it pads each row so that any given cache line is entirely contained in one row. Then we don't divvy up a row in the image across threads. That way we don't have false sharing from two threads trying to write to the same cache line.
Have you seen Intel's (Open Source) Threading Building Blocks?
I haven't used it, but take a look at Cilk. One of the big wigs on their team is Charles E. Leiserson; he is the "L" in CLRS, the most widely/respected used Algorithms book on the planet.
I think it caters well to your requirements.
From my brief readings, all you have to do is "tag" your existing code and then run it thru their compiler which will automatically/seamlessly parallelize the code. This is their big selling point, so you dont need to start from scratch with parallelism in mind, unlike other options (like OpenMP).
If you already have a working serial code in one of C, C++ or Fortran, you should give serious consideration to OpenMP. One of its big advantages over a lot of other parallelisation libraries / languages / systems / whatever, is that you can parallelise a loop at a time which means that you can get useful speed-up without having to re-write or, worse, re-design, your program.
In terms of your requirements:
OpenMP is much used in high-performance computing, there's a lot of 'weight' behind it and an active development community --
Fast enough to implement if you're lucky enough to have chosen C, C++ or Fortran.
OpenMP implements a shared-memory approach to parallel computing, so a big plus in the 'don't need to understand hardware' argument. You can leave the program to figure out how many processors it has at run time, then distribute the computation across whatever is available, another plus.
Runs on the hardware you already have, no need for expensive, or cheap, additional graphics cards.
Yep, there are implementations for Windows systems.
Of course, if you were unwise enough to have not chosen C, C++ or Fortran in the beginning a lot of this advice will only apply after you have re-written it into one of those languages !
