Which DB for Registration Form iOS? [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i would like to code a Registration Form + Login form for iOS. I don't know very well which DB i can use. I thought to use PHP + MySQL. Do you think is a good idea?
Who can explain me the best option?

iOs app should know nothing about DB. You need to make an API in some other langulage (PHP in your case), which will work with DB.
MySQL is good option as it's free and has a lot of features.


I want to use network class for handling success and errors of servers, which is the best 3rd party for this? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In flutter what's the best library for network?
I am new to Flutter previously I used Alamofire and AFNetworking in Swift.
You can use Dio. Working with this is pretty simple. And it also has support for interceptors, just in case you need to change something or log responses and also the transformers if you want to transform request/response before they are sent/receieved to/from the server.

Payment Integration payzee vs stripe [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have to choose between one of those libraries for my app. Which do you suggest me to use?
I have tried both payzee and stripe, any suggestion which one will be good in production ?
On my personal opinion stripe is better. The code is really easy and well supported and you don't need to deal with personal information of your user.

Node.js vs Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Which one is more futureproof at this point?
Which one is better for creating simple web apps in smallest time?
This also might be a question of JS vs Ruby, what do you think of this?
What are the pros and cons of each?
I suggest you do more google on this topic because it is a very general topic. However these articles offer some comprehensive comparisons:

how can i create a facebook like chat functionality on rails 3 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on a rails app and i want to add a chat functionality just like facebook. does anyone know how i can go about it. i am kinda new to rails so the task is quit difficult form me to accomplish
Messaging is a very difficult thing to do. I would stay away from it if you're new to Rails or web programming in general.
Otherwise, if you're up for a challenge, check out what I've answered on this question.

Safe plugin API for ruby application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What is the recommended approach building a plugin API for a ruby (rails) application?
How can i prevent developers monkey patching over core types?
You can't prevent developers from monkey-patching your code (or any code, for that matter). This is Ruby!
Why would you want to do that anyway?
