Handling In-Call Status Bar with Custom Modal Presentation - ios

The Problem
I've noticed some strange behavior when presenting a UINavigationController (with a root view controller, already pushed, naturally) with UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning during a phone call.
If the in-call status bar is enabled after the the navigation controller is presented, the navigation controller shifts its view down as expected. But when the call is ended, the controller does not shift its view back up, leaving a 20p gap under the status bar.
If the in-call status bar is enabled before presenting the controller, the controller does not account for the status bar at all, leaving 4p of the 44p-high navigation bar peeking out from under the 40p status bar. When the call is ended, the controller shifts its view down to accommodate the normal 20p status bar.
*note: this was tested on the simulator, due to the ease of enabling/disabling the in-call status bar, but testers have observed this phenomenon on actual phones.
My (Partial) Workaround
I hacked around the issue by adjusting the frame of the controller during presentation, if the status bar was an abnormal height:
#interface CustomAnimationController : NSObject <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>
#implementation CustomAnimationController
- (void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext
UIViewController *toController = [transitionContext viewControllerForKey:UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey];
UIView *container = [transitionContext containerView];
CGRect frame = [transitionContext finalFrameForViewController:toController];
if (CGRectEqualToRect(frame, CGRectZero))
// In my experience, the final frame is always a zero rect, so this is always hit
UIEdgeInsets insets = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
// My "solution" was to inset the container frame by the difference between the
// actual status bar height and the normal status bar height
insets.top = CGRectGetHeight([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame) - 20;
frame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(container.bounds, insets);
toController.view.frame = frame;
[container addSubview:toController.view];
// Perform whiz-bang animation here
This solution ensures that the navigation bar is below the status bar, but the navigation controller still fails to shift itself back up when the call is ended. So the app is at least usable, but there is an ugly 20p gap above the navigation bar after a call ends.
Is There a Better Way?
Am I missing some critical step to ensure that the navigation controller accounts for the in-call status bar on its own? It works just fine when presented with the built-in modal presentation style.
In my opinion this smacks of a UIKit bug — after all, the navigation controller seems to receive the UIApplicationWillChangeStatusBarFrameNotification (see second point of The Problem). If anyone else has encountered this problem and has found a better way, I would greatly appreciate a solution.

I have spent far too much time on over coming the status bar height issue and have come up with a general solution that works for me and I think will work for your situation as well.
First, a couple things that are odd about the status bar.
It's normally 20 points tall and the screen is normally 568 points tall
While "in-call", the status bar is 40 points high and the screen is 548 points tall
While the status bar is hidden, the status bar is 0 points tall and the screen is 568 points tall
If the status bar changes but you don't update the height of the screen then the calculations will be off, and this can be seen in some pretty big name (and even default) applications.
So, the solution that I've come up with is two fold: 1. Create a macro to get the adjusted screen height 2. Register a notification to update the view when the status bar changes.
Here are the macros, I'd recommend putting these in your prefix file
#define kScreenWidth [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width
#define kStatusBarHeight (([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size.height == 20.0f) ? 20.0f : (([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size.height == 40.0f) ? 20.0f : 0.0f))
#define kScreenHeight (([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame].size.height > 20.0f) ? [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height - 20.0f : [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height)
Additionally, here's the notification center call that I've found works for me 100% of the time the status bar changes.
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self.view selector:#selector(layoutSubviews) name:UIApplicationWillChangeStatusBarFrameNotification object:nil];

I had the same issue and the problem was with the view that I was presenting which was automatically adjusted by 20pt because of in-call bar. However since I insert the view into container, I had to reset the frame to match container's bounds.
- (void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext {
UIView* destinationView = [transitionContext viewForKey:UITransitionContextToViewKey];
UIView* container = transitionContext.containerView;
// Make sure destination view matches container bounds
// This is necessary to fix the issue with in-call bar
// which adjusts the view's frame by 20pt.
destinationView.frame = container.bounds;
// Add destination view to container
[container insertSubview:destinationView atIndex:0];
// [reducted]

Just set the frame in layoutSubviews as it is called when the status bar height changes. In general as a rule of thumb, do all frame setting in layoutSubviews only.

Here is a workaround I put in my app delegate that fixed the problem for me:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application willChangeStatusBarFrame:(CGRect)newStatusBarFrame
if (newStatusBarFrame.size.height < 40) {
for (UIView *view in self.window.subviews) {
view.frame = self.window.bounds;

I had the same issue and I fixed it by call update frame view, so i get height status bar. My problem was solved.
UIView *toViewSnapshot = [toView resizableSnapshotViewFromRect:toView.frame afterScreenUpdates:YES withCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero];


Navigation bar not appear properly in IOS 13

In here, I have hide the default navigation bar and created a custom navigation bar. When run on iOS 13 device using Xcode 11 two navigation bars showing.
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:NO];
Navigation bar not aligned to the top of the screen properly after updating to iOS 13
Any help will be appreciated.
Try the safeAreaLayoutGuide
Apple: The layout guide representing the portion of your view that is unobscured by bars and other content.
In your viewcontroller, if you want to use the full screen and override the navigationbar entirely with your own subclass, then make sure you do this in the initilizer and the viewwill appear methods
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:true animated:true];
[self setExtendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars:true];
from there, you have to access the values of the top layoutguide which will be 44 points and 20 points depending on the size of the iphone you accesss those this way in loadview or viewdidload or a custom subclass
UIWindow *window = UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow;
CGFloat topPadding = window.safeAreaInsets.top;
then the frame of your custom navigation bar is then calculated like so:
CGRect tempRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, topPadding + 44);
44 is there because it's constant across all iphones and ipads for now (this could change in the future and nullify this solution, but this is the standard for now)
that will return correct dimensions for all iphone sizes.
THIS => [self setExtendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars:true];
IS ABSOLUTELY necessary to make this work as i explained. this isn't a good idea to travel down this path because very rarely do you ever need to override and replace the navigation bar with some custom UIView, but if you need to do it, this is how you do it. Just know that this will break if you're not updating frame sizes during on call status and other edge case conditions.

Change status bar alpha

In the Snapchat app, the status bar changes alpha when a table view is dragged down to reload.
This is the normal status bar
This is what happens when the table view is dragged down
How is the status bar alpha changed? And how is the frame changed? Originally I thought it was a snapshot, but the clock changes as it normally should.
This should do the trick for the fade animation:
/* Swift 3 */
let statusBarWindow = UIApplication.shared.value(forKey: "statusBarWindow") as? UIWindow
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2) {
statusBarWindow?.alpha = 0.2
/* Objective-C */
UIWindow *statusBarWindow = (UIWindow *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] valueForKey:#"statusBarWindow"];
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.f
animations:^{ [statusBarWindow setAlpha:0.2]; }
You can also set statusBarWindow's frame and move it how you want. Have fun ;]
They are most likely either grabbing the window the status bar is in and animating that or they are placing a window above the status bar with a view and animating that. I don't have the app to check but it has to be either of these two methods. To place a window above the status bar I think it is window.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelStatusBar + 1 so that it will be above your status bar. If they are grabbing the reference you have to loop through the application windows to find it and I have never tried to find the Statusbar window but I have grabbed the keyboard window. If the clock is indeed being pulled down then it could be a combination of both the getting the window the status bar is in and adding a window above and animating both. Facebook grabs the keyboard window to scroll it up in Facebook Messenger. Hope this helps you.
I found an example of getting the status bar window here.
Also I would recommend using CAAnimations and avoid really changing anything. Just use the animations to give that appearance.

Black status bar in ios 7 - secondary issue

I know this question has been asked several times and the solutions I have seen have been very helpful. But since i have 2 conflicting requirements, I am a little stranded and hoping to find some help.
So here are the requirements:
We have multiple View controllers out of which only one needs to be full screen (without status bar on the top).
The other view controllers need to show a black status bar with a dark gray navigation bar
The First View controller is embedded in a navigation controller.
As recommended in some of the other posts, I did the following
Set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO
Added this code in app delegate
CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
self.window.frame = CGRectMake(0,20,frame.size.width, frame.size.height-20);
self.window.bounds = self.window.frame;
It works fine if I only stay in those View controllers that have the status bar.
The moment I open the FULL screen view controller, that VC is cut off on the top as shown here.
Additionally when I come back to the Main view controller, now thats shifted up as well and the title bar is where the status bar was showing.
I have tried to push the views back down by resetting the view.frame and requesting layout but it doesnt take effect.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
Don't change self.window.bounds in app delegate. Instead, in your view controllers try something like this:
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES/NO animated:YES];
[self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate]; // For showing/hiding status bar
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden {
return YES/NO;
You will have different frames for the view in ViewDidLoad according to whether status bar and navigation bar are there.

iOS 7 Status Bar Collides With NavigationBar

I have a view controller in my app that has a navigation bar dragged on it in the storyboard. It was working fine in the iOS 6 but in iOS 7 it look like this:
The status bar and the navigation bar should no collide with each other. I have seen a lot of such questions on the stack overflow but they didn't of much help to me.
Some questions say that i should use this "self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;" but it didn't work. Some say i should remove the navigation bar and embed it inside the navigation controller that i cannot do due to the way my program is implemented. Some solutions suggests to use the view bounds and all but it didn't work for me as well.
What is the one thing that can help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I have embedded the view controller inside a uinavigation controller. Removed the navigation bar that was earlier manually added in it. Now it looks ok in the storyboard but when i run it, it shows the following:
It is showing text from another view controller that is currently behind it that is its parent view controller. Means its transparent now. Can anyone point out what i am doing wrong?
The latest version of the iOS has brought many visual changes and from a developer's point of view, the navigation and status bar are two noticeable changes.
The status bar is now transparent and navigation bar behind it shows through. The navigation bar image can even be extended behind the status bar.
First of all, if you are a beginner and have just started iOS development and are confused the way status bar and navigation bar is working, you can simply go through a blog post HERE that i found very useful. It has all the information related to navigation and status bar in iOS 7.
Now coming to the answer of your question. First of all i can see two different problems. One is that your status bar and navigation bar are both kind of colliding with each other as shown by you in the question with an image.
PROBLEM: Well the problem is that your have earlier dragged a navigation bar in your view controller which was working in iOS 6 correctly but with the arrival of iOS 7 SDK, this approach is resulting in status bar and navigation bar overlapping with each other.
SOLUTION to First Problem: You can either use UIBarPositionTopAttached or you can use view bounds and frames, i can also suggest and link you to Apple's documentation and bla bla bla but that would take some time for you to solve the issue.
The best and the most easiest way to solve this issue is to just embed your view controller inside a navigation controller and thats it. You can do it by just selecting the view controller and going to Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller. (If there is any content on your old navigation bar, you can first drag it down, embed the view controller in navigation controller and then move the bar buttons on the new navigation bar and then delete the old navigation bar)
SOLUTION to Second Problem: This solution is for your specific question that you have mentioned in the update and is not for the general public reading this. As you can see that navigation and status bar is not visible and a transparent area is showing the parent view controller. I am not really use why you are facing this issue but most probably because of some third party library like ECSlidingView or any other is involved. You can select this view controller in your storyboard and set the background color of the view to be the same as your navigation bar. This will stop showing the parent view controller behind and your navigation bar and status bar will start showing. Now you can cover the rest of your view controller with text view or what ever your are using in it.
Hope this helps!
The navigation bar is too close to the status bar because starting in iOS 7, the status bar is more of an overlay over the whole view controller's view. Since your navigation bar is at (0, 0), the status bar will show on top of the navigation bar. To solve this, simply move the navigation bar down (or, as others have said), create a constraint between the navigation bar and the topLayoutGuide.
When you do that, you will see that there is now a 20 point gap between the navigation bar and the top of the screen. That's because you just moved the navigation bar down 20 points. "But UINavigationController can do it right!" Absolutely, and it does so by implementing UIBarPositioningDelegate on your view controller. This is a one-method protocol that should be implemented like this:
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id<UIBarPositioning>)bar {
return UIBarPositionTopAttached;
After adding your view controller as the delegate for the navigation bar, you'll notice the navigation bar is still shifted down 20 points, but its background will extend up underneath the status bar, just like in UINavigationController.
Another thing you're seeing is that the navigation bar is translucent, meaning anything underneath the navigation bar will be visible to some extent. The translucent property on UINavigationBar is set to YES by default on iOS 7. Before iOS 7, the default was NO.
you can simply do this:
1) add a constrain between the Navigation Bar and Top Layout Guide (select navigationBar, hold ctrl key and go to Bottom Layout Guide, unhold ctrl key)
2) select vertical spacing:
3) set constant to 0:
In your AppDelegate file you can add this:
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
// Prevent Navigationbar to cover the view
UINavigationBar.appearance().translucent = false
I suggest you in your viewDidLoad method you try:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
(by default it is yes now)
This works for me i hope you also have same luck :).
Add below code in your view.
-(void) viewDidLayoutSubviews
CGRect tmpFram = self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame;
tmpFram.origin.y += 20;
self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame = tmpFram;
It basically change location of navigation bar.
This is new feature with IOS7. Instead of staring at 20 px navigation bar in IOS7 staring at 0 px. As a solution shift the whole view downwards to 20 px or you can use image for navigation bar with height 64px.
In case it still helps someone, this is what worked for me for moving the Navigation Bar little bit down in ios 7 and above:
float iosVersion = 7.0;
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= iosVersion) {
// iOS 7+
CGRect viewFrame = self.view.frame;
viewFrame.origin.y += 10;
self.view.frame = viewFrame;
On a device with ios 6.1 and below the Navigation Bar will be unchanged, as it was before.
And this is what I used to make the contents of the Status Bar lighter:
return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;
If your UIViewController is NOT in a UINavigationController and you're using UIStoryBoard, you can set the "iOS 6/7 Deltas" to 20 for the delta Y, for every subview that needs to be offset from the UIStatusBar.
Using Swift:
As #Scott Berrevoets said in his answer you need to implement the method positionForBar in the protocol UIBarPositioningDelegate, but as the UINavigationBarDelegate protocol implements this protocol :
public protocol UINavigationBarDelegate : UIBarPositioningDelegate {
You only need to set the delegate of the UINavigationBar you set using Storyboard and implement the method and it's done, like in this way:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UINavigationBarDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var navigationBar: UINavigationBar!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationBar.delegate = self
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func positionForBar(bar: UIBarPositioning) -> UIBarPosition {
return UIBarPosition.TopAttached
It's worth to mention if you set the position of the y-axis of the navigation bar, let's say to 40 from the top, then it will extend underneath to the top from this position, to simulate the behaviour of the UINavigationController you need to set to 20 from the top.
I hope it will help you.
First, set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in Info.plist.
Then, in AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method add:
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7) {
[application setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];
self.window.clipsToBounds = YES;
self.window.frame = CGRectMake(0, 20, self.window.frame.size.width, self.window.frame.size.height-20);
self.window.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 20, self.window.frame.size.width, self.window.frame.size.height);
return YES;
In iOS 7 app occupies 100 % of screen size.This not a problem .
in earlier iOS window start after statusbar and in iOS 7 window starts from 0px in earlier version view height is 460 (iPhone 4s and earlier) and 548 (iPhone 5) but in iOS 7 view height is 480 (iPhone 4s and earlier) and 568 (iPhone 5 and later) so you have to start view arrangement after 2o px or you have to start view from 20px.
you can write below code in rootviewcontroller or in all viewcontroller for set view from 20px
#define IOS7_HEIGHT 64
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
NSString *currSysVer = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];
if ([currSysVer compare:#"7.0" options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)
CGRect frame=[self.view frame];
if (frame.origin.y!=IOS7_HEIGHT) {
frame.origin.y = IOS7_HEIGHT;
frame.size.height -= IOS7_HEIGHT;
[self.view setFrame:frame];
[self.view layoutSubviews];
here height is 64 because 20 for statusbar and 44 for navigationbar.
try below code it will help you. and your problem will be solved.
For the ones who are having problems implementing #Masterfego 's solution (which is also the official, but I have had problems with Xcode 6.3 and automatic constraints), this is what I did:
I have a UIViewController with an added Navigation Bar. I selected the NAvigation bar and added a height constraint of 64px. We later see a warning that the navbar will be higher (but this is what we do). Finally, you can see that the Status bar looks nice and has the same color as the navbar. :)
PS: I can't post images yet.
You can probably create constraints that are attached to the top layout guide to specify the navigation bar's position relative to the status bar. See the iOS 7 UI Transition Guide: Appearance and Behavior section for more information about using the layout guides.
it's the best answer.
But I wanted know how to use a Storyboard and dragged UINavigationBar on it.
When I implemented the delegate method, and set the return result to UIBarPositionTopAttached, it did not work.
- (void)viewDidLoad{
self.navigationbar.delegate = self;
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id<UIBarPositioning>)bar{
NSLog(#"Got it");
// CGRect frame = self.navigaitonBar.frame;
// frame = CGRectMake(0, 20, CGRectGetWidth(frame), CGRectGetHeight(frame));
// self.navigaitonBar.frame = frame;
// NSLog(#"frame %f",frame.origin.y);
return UIBarPositionTopAttached;
If you use Xcode 6 and Swift, you can make it:
Open to info.plist file of your app.
Add a ViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance Boolean key if it is not existing and assign value “NO”.
Add “Status bar style” key if it is not existing and select “Opaque black style” value to it.
I was facing issue when full screen ModalViewController was opening from my MainViewController, NavigationBar position was getting changed when user was coming back to MainViewController from ModalViewController.
Issue which I noticed is status bar height was not getting included when user came back to MainViewController. Please debug and check origin of your NavigationBar before and after coming back to your ViewController.
// This method will adjust navigation bar and view content.
private func adjustNavigationControllerIfNeeded() {
var frame = self.view.frame
let navigationBarHeight = self.navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.size.height
if(frame.origin.y == navigationBarHeight && !UIApplication.shared.isStatusBarHidden) {
// If status bar height is not included but it is showing then we have to adjust
our Navigation controller properly
print("Adjusting navigation controller")
let statusBarHeight = UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.height
frame.origin.y += statusBarHeight // Start view below navigation bar
frame.size.height -= statusBarHeight
self.view.frame = frame
self.navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.origin.y = statusBarHeight // Move navigation bar
And call it from viewWillAppear method -
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

iOS 7 status bar transparent

In storyboard, in a view controller I tried add a navigation bar under the status bar, running it, it is transparent and shows a label that's supposed to be blurred, like by navigation bar.
But when placing the same view controller embedded in a navigation view controller, the underneath background image could be blurred, which is my intention.
What are these two way different results? What need to do for the firs method to make status bar blur?
In iOS 7 the status bar is transparent by default. The blurring you're seeing when there's also a navigation bar is actually created by the navigation bar. So to create the effect you're looking for without a navigation bar, you need to position a view that produces a blurring effect beneath the status bar.
For reference, add your view with a frame provided by:
CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame];
I know this is old, just for reference, I solved this by setting self.navigationController.navigationBar.clipToBounds = NO
I haven't tested this completely, but go to your plist file and check the following settings:
"View controller-based status bar appearance": If this is set to "Yes", then it should display a status bar that is unique to each View Controller, which might be what you need.
"Status bar style": You may set this to three different styles: Opaque black, Gray, and Transparent black.
Let me know if this worked for you.
UINavigationController will alter the height of its UINavigationBar to either 44 points or 64 points, depending on a rather strange and undocumented set of constraints. If the UINavigationController detects that the top of its view’s frame is visually contiguous with its UIWindow’s top, then it draws its navigation bar with a height of 64 points. If its view’s top is not contiguous with the UIWindow’s top (even if off by only one point), then it draws its navigation bar in the “traditional” way with a height of 44 points. This logic is performed by UINavigationController even if it is several children down inside the view controller hierarchy of your application. There is no way to prevent this behavior.
It looks like you are positioning your view hierarchy in the first example starting at the point (0,20). Also, is that a UIToolbar or a UINavigationBar? If it's the latter, why are you using it by itself and not using it inside of UINavigationController?
If you do not use UINavigationController and are instead using custom view controller containers, you'll need to position your views accordingly.
See this answer for a thorough explanation.
I have similar UI design and based on Matt Hall answer and some article I've googled, I come up with something like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if (NSFoundationVersionNumber>NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
CGRect statusBarFrame = [self.view convertRect: [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame fromView: nil];
UIToolbar *statusBarBackground = [[UIToolbar alloc] initWithFrame: statusBarFrame];
statusBarBackground.barStyle = self.navBar.barStyle;
statusBarBackground.translucent = self.navBar.translucent;
statusBarBackground.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
[self.view addSubview: statusBarBackground];
Where self.navBar points to navigation bar added in storyboard. This is needed only in case when it runs on iOS7 that is why I've added this condition (my app has to support iOS5).
This works like a charm.
alternative approach (enforce status bar size) is also good:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if (NSFoundationVersionNumber>NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
CGRect statusBarFrame = [self.view convertRect: [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame fromView: nil];
self.navBar.frame = CGRectUnion(statusBarFrame, self.navBar.frame);
I've found another solution I think this is best since it involve only storyboard and no code is required.
Switch storyboard view to 6.1 mode (view as: iOS 6.1 and Earlier)
Select problematic UINavigationBar
in size section add 20 delta height in "iOS6/7 Deltas"
Switch back view to 7.0 mode (view as: iOS 7.0 and Later), and be happy with result.
when you embed view controller with navigation view controller that time you will see navigation bar to all the view controller you are pushing to from same view controller. In your first case you are adding the navigation bar object, insted of that you can select view controller from storyboard , go to attributes inspector tab & from their select Top bar as translucent navigation bar.
