System bug in AVPlayer causes player's system wide to stop playing - ios

Have little hope that anyone's encountered this, but there seems to be a system wide bug with AVPlayer. I've tested with my app along with other apps, including Pandora.
Namely, and randomly, if you successfully open the app and begin playing, then put the app in the background, perform a variety of random actions, such as playing media in other apps, making a phone call, etc, and try to come back to the app, the AVPlayer's don't play.
I've replicated this many times, though inconsistently, with Pandora and the app that I'm working on.
I've logged my code and have not found any errors in playback. It just doesn't play.
Has anyone else experienced this strange issue? I have spent countless days on it and am now desperate.

Looks like the AVFoundation media server is crashing and resetting, causing this problem.
The solution:


Prevent app from being killed in background by iOS Camera app

I have an GPS-Tracking-Fitness-App where the user can track workouts in the background. All of that is working fine. No problem.
But SOME users - not many, but some - have the problem, that opening the camera app on their phones will kill my app.
I can't reproduce it on my phone, but I once had such a phone in handy for debugging, and in the Xcode memory-debugger I could see that opening the camera-app there took about 2-3 GB!!! of ram and my app instantly got a low-memory-warning and was then killed.
I guess my app can't really do something about that?!? It does not use that much RAM itself. So I am wondering if I can somehow prevent that. I guess I did not miss any "background-mode : super-important-to-the-user" or so setting? :)
Or is there a way to at least trigger a Push-Notification in such case? Not sure...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Interstitial ads on iOS don't show a close button

A few months ago, we added Google's interstitial ads to our iOS app and there was a widespread issue of there not being a close button for some of the ads. This resulted in many angry emails, as users were forced to quit the app and hope to get a different advertisement the second time around that they could actually close. It even resulted in a few 1-star reviews. This forced us to remove the ads from the app completely. We obviously prefer to keep them, but are wondering if the issue has since been addressed/if there is anything we can do to proactively ensure this does not occur again? Has anyone else experienced this issue? Were you able to fix it? If so, how?

Debugging ios geofence intermittent issue

We have an app which is monitoring one location. Lately we have noticed that sometimes, ios app doesn't send notification for enter. Things are working fine with android app.
I was reading up on the documentation and the only litmition i found is that an app can only track 20 locations. Which isn't the case in our app. We are tracking only 1 location.
I also looked into if the app has proper implementation and it does, thats why we get notifications sometimes and sometimes we don't.
The other thing that i could think of is if the cell phone was in Low Power Mode. That's one pointer for me so far.
Is there anything else that i could look into to figure out the issue?

CocoaLibSpotify OfflineStatus of Track added to 'markedForOfflinePlayback' Playlist after application restart always SP_TRACK_OFFLINE_WAITING

So I have a problem with CocoaLibSpotify a lot of developers used to have(but that 'has been fixed with updates' and I am on the newest version). There are a lot of posts about this on the web, e.g.: Spotify cocoalibspotify offline status set to 1 but all tracks stuck at waiting. I've tried all of the fixes suggested, also things like logging out and in again, logging out with and without a background task when the app is terminated. I now had this issue for about two weeks and didn't find a solution. Anybody having an Idea of why this could happen/how to fix this?
Thanks for your help.

App audio no longer working after a few days in the background

My iOS app is an audio-led app. If I leave the app and leave multitasking on, I'm finding that if I return after a few days, it happily puts me back in the place in the app that I was, but all audio no longer works. There is no problem if I only leave it a few hours.
It has done this lots, and I have no idea how to reproduce it. I've solved the problem for now by turning multitasking off, which is obviously not ideal. However, this means that the audio gets a full reboot each time and doesn't render the app utterly useless!
Sorry for the vagueness, I'm a little stuck. Things I've tried: making sure all audio is released on transition of app to background, and allowing audio to run in the background (this does something else)
One solution, though not tackling the problem, would be to only allow the app to run in the background for a few hours - does anybody have an idea how to do this?
