Filemaker Alternatives - ios

I'm looking for an alternative to FileMaker Pro. I've been playing with a trial for a week now.
I'm looking for a rapid application development platform for small relational databases to run on iOS and OS X
Things I like about FM
Can make reasonable looking layouts quite quickly.
Can access the database from an iPad with Filemaker Go.
Things I don't like about FM
EVERYTHING takes a half a dozen clicks. In particular constructing a script with mouse clicks is painful.
The number of modal dialog boxes is astounding. It is routine to have them layered 3 deep.
Syntax is verbose. Set Variable [ $name Value:value ] Some of the examples start to look like excel formulas. (Excel is a write only language....) Or COBOL.
Near as I can figure variable scope is either local or global. If a script calls a script, you must call it with any local variables you want it to have access to.
Debugging is very difficult in the FM Pro version.
Doesn't seem to be any provision for building a library of functions in a single file.
No clear and obvious guide to how to document your database so that it can be maintained.
No clear and obvious way to print out all your scripts.
No clear and obvious way to print out a calling tree/dependency tree.
No clear guide to best practices.

The short answer is: Despite it's shortcomings (and I'll admit it has many), FileMaker is still the best rapid-development platform for OS X and iOS (and Windows, for that matter). The closest second-place (for OS X/iOS) I can think of would be Cocoa/Cocoa Touch with Core Data with Ruby on Rails for a web interface a distant third.
Having said that, I can offer a few tips for some of your complaints:
If you're a keyboard-centric person like myself, turn on Full Keyboard Access (in the Keyboard System Preference within the Shortcuts tab). This will allow you to tab through all of the controls, such as buttons, which makes it much easier to select deep dialog options from the keyboard. For example, when building a script, you can use the tab key to focus on the list of script steps, then type a few letters of the step you want, which will highlight it, and press return, which will add it to the script. Then, while a script step in the script is highlighted, you can use Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down to move the step up and down in the execution order.
Script variables, both local and global, can be set within any calculation. For example, if you're capturing a primary key value to a local variable and you already have an If script step, you can do the capture within the If script step.
If[ Let( [ $record_id = Table::ID ]; not IsEmpty( $record_id ) ) ]
Similarly, if you have a number of Set Variable script steps in a row, you can combine them into one:
Set Variable[ $? Value:Let( [ $var1 = 1; $var2 = "two" ] ) "" ]
This sets the $? variable to an empty string, but has the side effect of also setting $var1 and $var2.
You're correct that variables are either local to a script (or calculation) or global to the file. If you want to share information between scripts, parameters are the solution. For my personal solution for sending multiple parameters to a script, read my article on Multiple FileMaker Script Parameters.
If you're going to do any amount of custom development with FileMaker, you really want to get FileMaker Pro Advanced, which, inaddition to a step-level debugger, offers the ability to create custom menus and, my personal favorite, custom functions. Using custom functions (which can easily be brought from one file to another), you can built a complex library of functions.
To print out all of your scripts, open Manage Scripts, select all of the scripts with Cmd-A and click the print button on the bottom right of the window.
For script dependencies, look into BaseElements, a FileMaker-based solution for documenting FileMaker systems.
While there's no standard "best practices" across the board, and because of how FileMaker organizes its objects, documentation is often found in various places (script comments, calculation comments, field comments), there are many ways to build a system in FileMaker so that you increase its maintainability. Unlike Objective-C or PHP, where you can be fairly certain where the comment for something will be (either in the declaration or at its first use), FileMaker is more flexible. The important idea behind "best practices" and documentation, in my opinion, is consistency. If you comment a field by using the field comments, always comment fields that way, don't comment calculation fields within the calculation or use dummy validation to put comments in a calculation there.
If you're looking for one guide (but not the only guide) for best practices, check out FileMaker Coding Standards. I use some of those guidelines, and others are my own that have evolved over time.
Finally, if you're looking for generally great material on how to get the most from FileMaker, check out FileMaker Magazine, published by one of the people involved with the FileMaker Coding Standards site.
The truth is, if you're coming from some more conventional development platform, FileMaker is going to take a bit of getting used to. I've been using it for over 20 years, so I'll admit it's probably difficult for me to completely empathize with that situation. But if you give it a bit of a chance, I think you'll find that there's no other platform available that can build complex database systems for OS X and iOS so quickly.

Filemaker takes a lot of getting used to, it's very different to SQL or any of the mainstream taught languages so if you have done some training you will need to re-think how to get to the same end goal.
If you are serious about it then get Filemaker Pro Advanced v14 and that should fix some of your GUI editing issues and join and do the training course that you can download from there.
Once doing that and getting some experience you will find Filemaker is very RAD. Also there IS a way to get around any shortcomings, everything is possible in Filemaker.
As for passing multiple parameters to a script a quick and easy way to do it for 99.5% of cases is to do this:
Calling the script - In the parameters box separate your parameters with a carraige return like so: "parameter 1" & "¶" & "parameter 2" & "¶" & "parameter 3" etc.
In your receiving script use GetValue(get(scriptparameter),1) for parameter 1, 2 for 2, etc.
This technique won't work when you are trying to pass text with carraige returns but that is the exception.


Is there a sandboxable compiled programming language simililar to lua

I'm working on a crowd simulator. The idea is people walking around a city in 2D. Think gray rectangles for the buildings and colored dots for the people. Now I want these people to be programmable by other people, without giving them access to the core back end.
I also don't want them to be able to use anything other than the methods I provide for them. Meaning no file access, internet access, RNG, nothing.
They will receive get events like "You have just been instructed to go to X" or "You have arrived at P" and such.
The script should then allow them to do things like move_forward or how_many_people_are_in_front_of me and such.
Now I have found out that Lua and python are both thousands of times slower than compiled languages (I figured it would be in order of magnitude of 10s times slower), which is way to slow for my simulation.
So heres my question: Is there a programming language that is FOSS, allows me to restrict system access (sandboxing) the entire language to limit the amount of information the script has by only allowing it to use my provided functions, that is reasonably fast, something like <10x slower than Java, where I can send events to objects inside that language with which I can load in new Classes/Objects on the fly.
Don't you think that if there was a scripting language faster than lua and python, then it'd be talked about at least as much as they are?
The speed of a scripting language is rather vague term. Scripting languages essentially are converted to a series of calls to functions written in fast compiled languages. But the functions are usually written to be general with lots of checks and fail-safes, rather than to be fast. For some problems, not a lot of redundant actions stacks up and the script translation results in essentially same machine code as the compiled program would have. For other problems, a person, knowledgeable about the language, might coerce it to translate to essentially same machine code. For other problems the price of convenience stay forever with the script.
If you look at the timings of benchmark tasks, you'll find that there's no consistent winner across them. For one task the language is fastest, for the other it is way behind.
It would make sense to gauge language speed at your task by looking at similar tasks in benchmarks. So, which of those problem maps the closest to yours? My guess would be: none.
Now, onto the question of user programs inside your program.
That's how script languages came to existence in the first place. You can read up on why such a language may be slow for example in SICP.
If you evaluate what you expect people to write in their programs, you might decide, that you don't need to give them whole programming language. Then you may give them a simple set of instructions they can use to describe a few branching decisions and value lookups. Then your own very performant program will construct an object that encompasses the described logic. This tric is described here and there.
However if you keep adding more and more complex commands for users to invoke, you'll just end up inventing your own language. At that point you'll likely wish you'd went with Lua from the very beginning.
That being said, I don't think the snippet below will run significantly different in compiled code, your own interpreter object, or any embedded scripting language:
if event = "You have just been instructed to go to X":
set_front_of_me(X) # call your function
n = how_many_people_are_in_front_of_me() #call to your function
if n > 3:
move_to_side() #call to function provided by you
move_forward() #call to function provided by you
Now, if the users would need to do complex computer-sciency stuff, solve np-problems, do machine learning or other matrix multiplications, then yes, that would be slow, provided someone would actually trouble themselves with implementing that.
If you get to that point, it seem that there are at least some possibilities to sandbox the compiled dlls (at least in some languages). Or you could do compilation of users' code yourself to control the functionality they invoke and then plug it in as a library.

File Path Name or URL analysis

I am looking for information on tools, methods, techniques for analysis of file path names. I am not talking file size, read/write times, or file types, but analysis of the path or URL it self.
I am only aware of basic word frequency text tools or methods, but I am wondering if there is something more advanced that people use/apply to this to try and mine extra information out of them.
Here is the most narrow example of what I would want. OK, so I have some full path names as strings like this:
What I want to know is that the folder MapShedMaps appears "uniquely" 2 times. If I do frequency on the strings I would get 10 appearances. The issues is that I don’t know what level in the directory this is important, so I would like a unique count at each level of the directory based on what I am describing.
This is an extremely broad question so it is difficult for me to give you a per say "Answer" but I will give you my first thoughts on this.
the Regular expression class of .NET is extremely useful for parsing large amounts of information. It is so powerful that it will easily confuse the impatient, however once mastered it can be used across text editors, .NET and pretty much any other respectable language I believe. This would allow you to search strings and separate it into directories. This could be overkill depending on how you use it, but its a thought. Here is a favorite link of mine to try out some regular expressions.
You will need a database, I prefer to use SQL. Look into how to connect to databases and create databases. With this database you can store all the fields abstracted from your original path entered. Such as a parent directory, child directory, common file types accessed. Just have a field for each one of these and through queries you can form a hypothesis as to redundancy.
I don't know if its easily accessible but you might look into whether windows stores accessed file history. It seems to have some inkling as to which files have been opened in the past. So there may be a resource in windows which already stores much of the information you would be storing in your database. If you could find a way to access this information. Parse it with regular expressions and resubmit it to the database of your application. You could control the WORLD! j/k... You could get a pretty good prediction as to user access patterns though.
I always try to stick with what I have available. If .NET is sitting in front of you, hammer away at what your trying to do. If you reach a wall. At least your making forward progress. In today's motion towards object orientated programming, you can usually change data collected by one program into an acceptable format for another. You just gotta dig a little.
Oh and btw, is actually doing a free class on machine learning and algorithms. You might want to check it out or reference it for prediction formulas.
Good Luck.
I wanted to post this as a comment but SO kept editing the double \ to \ and it is important there are two because \ is a key character, without another \ to escape it, regex will interpret it as a command.
Hey I just wanted to let you know I've been playing with some regex... I know a pretty easy way to code this up in and I'll post that as my second answer but I wanted you to check out back-references. If the part between parenthesis matches it captures that text and moves on to the second query for instance....
You could use these matches to find out how many directories each parent directory has under it. Are you following me? Here is a reference.

Visual statechart editor for non-programmers, with limited conditions, events and actions

I'm looking for some visual statechart-editor, for my customer. I'm building for him server application, and he needs tool to build statecarts and upload them to the servers. Ofcourse, the tool needs to have the capability to export to some readable format (such as SCXML), so I could build a reader for it.
I saw some tools, like fsm-editor. But they can't be good for me, because I want to limit my customer to set of specific set of parametrized-conditions, parametrized-events and parametrized-actions.
For example, I'll define:
conditions: coIsDoorOpen, coIsThereNAppelsOnTheTree(n as uint[0..200]), ...
events: evLightOn, evLightOff, evTimeout(ms as uint[1..10,000]), ...
actions: acSetAlarmOn, acCloseWindowN(n as uint[1..10]), ...
and my customer could build some dozens statecharts with those explicit predefined attributes (conds, events & actions), and upload the export of them to the approperiate places.
There is no need to be strict to one statechart-standard or to another. But I need support on this things:
parametrized conditions/events/actions
before entering/exiting state actions
no need to support inner variables; I can use actions&conditions for it.
Is there any tool for it (preferably free)?
If not - is there any OpenSource (C# / JS) implementation of editor that supports all abpve without the stricting of conds/events/actions, that I could easily break in to it and add the requested strict mode?
Based upon your needs, my knee-jerk reaction of recommending Visio or Dia would be inappropriate here. You appear to require a tool with some form of an API or descriptive language to lock users to a constrained set of components Lemmings-style, and your needs would best be serviced by something relatively simple if possible.
I'm curious why altering the source code to SCXML-GUI (fsm-editor) or Violet would not solve your needs, however. You seem to indicate that an open source utility written in C# or JavaScript is most desirable, which I cannot easily locate.
But, in the interests of completeness, here's a comparable question that may help your search. Most notably, this appears to be exactly what you desire and may be worth purchasing.
Best of luck with your project.

Things you look for when trying to understand new software

I wonder what sort of things you look for when you start working on an existing, but new to you, system? Let's say that the system is quite big (whatever it means to you).
Some of the things that were identified are:
Where is a particular subroutine or procedure invoked?
What are the arguments, results and predicates of a particular function?
How does the flow of control reach a particular location?
Where is a particular variable set, used or queried?
Where is a particular variable declared?
Where is a particular data object accessed, i.e. created, read, updated or deleted?
What are the inputs and outputs of a particular module?
But if you look for something more specific or any of the above questions is particularly important to you please share it with us :)
I'm particularly interested in something that could be extracted in dynamic analysis/execution.
I like to use a "use case" approach:
First, I ask myself "what's this software's purpose?": I try to identify how users are going to interact with the application;
Once I have some "use case", I try to understand what are the objects that are more involved and how they interact with other objects.
Once I did this, I draw a UML-type diagram that describe what I've just learned for further reference. What happens after depends on the task I've been assigned, i.e. modify the code, document the code etc.
There is the question of what motivation do I have for learning the new system:
Bug fix/minor enhancement - In this case, I may focus solely on that portion of the system that performs a specific function that needs to be altered. This is a way to break down a huge system but also is a way to identify if the issue is something I can fix or if it is something that I have to hand to the off-the-shelf company whose software we are using,e.g. a CRM, CMS, or ERP system can be a customized off-the-shelf system so there are many pieces to it.
Project work - This would be the other case and is where I'd probably try to build myself a view from 30,000 feet or so to know what are the high-level components and which areas of the system does the project impact. An example of this is where I'd join a company and work off of an existing code base but I don't have the luxury of having the small focus like in the previous case. Part of that view is to look for any patterns in the code in terms of naming conventions, project structure, etc. as this may be useful once I start changing some code in the system. I'd probably do some tracing through the system and try to see where are the uglier parts of the code. By uglier I mean those parts that are kludge-like and may have some spaghetti code as this was rushed when first written and is now being reworked heavily.
To my mind another way to view this is the question of whether I'm going to be spending days or weeks wrapping my head around a system like in the second case or should this be a case where it hopefully takes only a few hours, optimistically that is, to get my footing to make the necessary changes.

How to get started with embeddable scripting?

I am working on a game in C++. I've been told, though, that I should also use an embeddable scripting language like Lua or Angelscript, but to be honest, I have no idea how or why. What advantages would this bring me, over storing all of my data in some sort of text file? How do I get started? I tried to read some Lua examples, but I don't see how it works, or how exactly I am supposed to use it.
First the "why" question:
If you've made reasonable progress so far, you have game scenery where the action happens, and then a kind of GUI with your visible game controls: Maps, compass, hotkeys, chat box, whatever.
If you make the GUI (positions, sizes, settings, defaults, etc) configurable through a configuration file, that's OK for starters. But if you make it controllable by code then you can do many very cool things. Example: Minimize the map when entering a city. Show other player's portraits when in group. Update the map. Display different hot keys in combat. That kinda thing.
Now you can do your code-controlling of your GUI in C/C++ code, but one problem is that whenever you want to change the behavior, even if only a little, you need to recompile the whole dang game client. If you have a billion players, you have to ship them all a new game client. That's a turn-off. Another problem is that there's no way on earth that a player can customize the GUI.
A simple embedded language solves both problem. You can put that kind of code in separate files that get loaded at runtime and can be fiddled with to anyone's heart's content. If you want to update the GUI in some minor way, you can deliver updates of the GUI code separately from the game proper.
As for the how:
The simplest thing to do is to call a (e.g.) Lua "main" routine once for every frame, perhaps passing a bunch of parameters with the latest updatable information, and let that main routine call other functions to do whatever's needed. The thing to be aware of is that your embedded code only gets control for a short time, namely the time between two screen refreshes; so it does a little updating and painting, then it exits again and returns control to your C/C++ main program loop.
Technically, embedding a Lua interpreter in your program is pretty easy. The Lua interpreter has C source code, or there's pre-compiled libraries (DLLs) for Windows. Just link them into your program, initialize once, call the entry point on every iteration of the main frame loop, done.
Scripts are more powerful than storing all of your data in text files. You can assign arbitrary behavior, construct data from other data (e.g., orc captains are orcs with a bit more), and so on.
Scripts allow for faster development and easier maintenance than C++. No compile / edit / link cycle, you can even tweak the scripts while the game is running, and they're easier to update on end users' machines.
As far as the how, one suggestion would be to see how other games do it. For example, TOME, a Roguelike RPG written in C, uses Lua extensively.
For some inspiration, check out the Alternate Hard and Soft Layers pattern described on the C2 wiki.
As for my two cents, why embed a scripting language? Some reasons that I've experienced include,
easy string manipulation tools
leverage the power of loops, macros, and recursion within your data set
create dynamically generated content
wrappers to fetch content from the web
logic to provide default values if data is missing
unit tests written at the data set level
