JIRA is not able to configure application URL of Jenkins - jenkins

I am getting error while integrating jenkins with JIRA.
Both JIRA and jenkins are hosted on same server.
Provided application URL in JIRA is my-ip:8080
error: No response was received from the URL you entered - it may not be valid. Please fix the URL below, if needed, and click Continue.

What ports are JIRA & Jenkins running on? Usually JIRA and Jenkins like to run on the same port (8080) by default. You can change the default port for starting Jenkins as ala something like java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090
Did you see this link: Configuring the Atlassian JIRA plugin to work with Jenkins CI system


How to trigger a Jenkins build from XRay jira?

I am trying to trigger a build in Jenkins directly from Xray. I have been successfully able to create a trigger in jira and has provided the webhook url and other information needed to run the build. But on triggering the build from any Test Plan, I am getting the following error:
Error publishing web request. Response HTTP status:503
ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved.
When i'm hitting the same webhook url in any browser, then the build is getting triggered in jenkins, hence it seems there's no issue with the provided webhook url.
One thing to note is that our Xray is in Jira cloud whereas the Jenkins is running behind a VPN. Can anyone help me in resolving the above issue?
If your Xray on Jira Cloud is trying to acess Jenkins, the Jenkins server needs to have a public URL. If you have it behind the firewall then it's not possible for Xray or any other tool to trigger it directly.
You can call the Jenkins URL from your browser because you are probably with your vpn connected.
The possible workaround would be to use a tool such as ngrok, as mentioned in the docs, to make a tunnel, but beware with the security implications of exposing your Jenkins url to the world.
For reference, Xray cloud provides documentation/examples showcasing how to take advantage of Jira Cloud automation capabilities to trigger jobs, for example in Jenkins.

Jenkins says: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED while trying to list jenkins jobs on slack using hubot

I wanted to have a bot integrated with slack, using which my team can run Jenkins builds. I tried doing it using hubot, following the steps here: https://slack.dev/hubot-slack/
I mentioned all the variables (jenkins_url, jenkins auth -username:password, slack token) in .bashrc and sourced it. The bot connected to slack and when run #hunot help, it will list all the options. So far so good.
I also included jenkins.coffee script in hubot-scripts.json, to reach jenkins however, I'm unable to connect to jenkins. When I run #hubot help, it lists jenkins commands as well. The problem arises when I actually run one of those jenkins commands. When I run #hubot jenkins list, it returns Jenkins says: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
I'm not sure what the issue is. On my jenkins host, I'm using nginx, reverse proxy (so that I don't have to use 8080 in url while accessing jenkins). Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Also, how can I access jenkins without user and password?

JIRA trigger plugin is not working if Jenkins is configured with HTTPS

I have JIRA and Jenkins installed locally on my system. Jira is installed with http on port 8082 and Jenkins is configured with https on port 443.
I have configured Jira Trigger Plugin which triggers Jenkins build if status is changed in JIRA, it works fine when Jenkins is launched with http on port 8083.
Webhook URL - http://localhost:8083/jira-trigger-webhook-receiver/
It does not work when jenkins is launched with https on port 443.
Webhook URL - https://localhost/jira-trigger-webhook-receiver/
I downloaded ".pem" file (security file) from Jenkins server (https://localhost) and added it into the keystore of JIRA (E:\JIRA\8.5.1\Install\jre\lib\security\cacerts) on my local installation but I was not able to trigger jenkins build based on JIRA status change.
I went ahead and added ".pem" in every "cacerts" keystore of every java which is installed on my system but still it was not working for me.
Can anybody please help me here, what am I missing when it comes to configuring webhook for jenkins server if jenkins is configured with https.

404 issue of JiraTestResultReporter plugin configuration in Jenkins

It shows 404 error of JiraTestResultReporter configuration in Jenkins when I added the Jira URL "http://localhost:8080" which is hosted locally and clicked validation button.
My Jenkins server is also hosted locally and URL is "http://localhost:9091" which is run from blue-ocean docker file.
I tried a few ways as per below. But still has a problem.
Changing port for Jira
Restarting both Jira and Jenkins
My expected result would be a successful validation for this Jira URL when I do the validation.
I would very much appreciate if someone suggests upon this problem.

How can I add a proxy server to the jira plugin in jenkins

I my jenkins job, I need to check the blocked issues in jira, if there is any issued in blocked level. than the job will stop.
the jenkins server is in the inner network of our custom company. The Jira server is in our office and published to the internet.
so the jenkins server need to using a proxy server to access the lira server.
but I can't find the way to config the proxy server.(In the 'Manager Plugins' page of jenkins there has been set a proxy, but it seems not work for lira plugin)
