Phonegap and video files - ios

Is it possible to search for or get any video file on iOS devices using phonegap?
Currently i use camera.getPicture and point it to the PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM/PHOTOLIBRARY but that is only showing videos taken with the native iOS camera.


Youtube Player Keep on buffering in IOS 9.3 built with react native

I Created Ios app with React native which plays youtube videos within the app. I am using webview and Youtube Iframe API to play youtube videos. The app is working fine in IOS tablet with Version 11 but it's not working in IOS tablet with Version 9.3, the player loads the video but it keeps on buffering the video.
Thanks in Advance

Why does my webview doesn't show the webrtc camera in ios?

I'm working with the Licode webrtc system. In the web browser works very well and now I want to use it on mobile devices with the help of a webview. I was researching and saw that the webview I want to use (crosswalk) is not compatible with webrtc systems in ios but it is in Android as I could verify.
I Installed the camera plugin
  and also I installed plugins to give camera permissions
  But nevertheless I still can not get the webrtc system's camera to show up in my webview.
My question is:
Is there any way to operate the camera on the crosswalk webview in ios?
If it is not like this:
Do you know any way to use the Licode webrtc system with a webview?
Unfortunately, you can't currently use getUserMedia() in a WebView on iOS, hence capturing camera from there won't work.

No sound when playing video in ionic app on an iPhone device

I have an ionic app that plays videos hosted on the internet. When testing the app on a web browser and in the iOS emulator the video plays with sound.
If I download the app onto my iPhone using X-Code the video plays but there is no sound!
Does anyone have an idea as to why the sound works on the emulator but not on the actual device? I have checked that youtube videos play ok with sound.
Ok, so I am clearly an idiot! The mute slider on my iPhone was turned on. Not sure though why this didn't mute youtube videos but did mute my app videos.
For those wondering why sound isn't working in the ionic view app for an iOS device, but it works in an iOS emulator like I was:
The ionic view app comes with a fixed set of cordova plugins. If your app needs a plugin which the ionic view app doesn't support thenyour app won't work in the ionic view app. The sound plugin I was using in my emulator wasn't supported in the ionic view app.
Edit: list of supported ionic view apps can be found here:

How to access iPhone/ipad native camera app from IOS app?

In my application i want to create an exact replica of iOS 7.0 camera inside my app .Like android apps is it possible to call the native camera app in IOS 7.0/8.0.
Second question:
Using UIImagePickerController is it possible to apply filters to photo ,slow mo ,pano?
You access Default camera app using UIImagePickerController
Refer this link ios-programming-camera-iphone

Changing video quality based on device using MPMoviePlayer

I used an MPMoviePlayer to play an .mp4 video within my app, which works fine. I tried my app on an Android device using Apportable but the video wasn't playing till I later realized that it was because the video quality was too high for the device. Is it possible to change the video quality (of an .mp4) based on the device running the app using MPMoviePlayer? If yes, how can this be done?
If you simply have one video that plays on iOS and one that plays on Android via Apportable, you could opt to simply have two files of the same name where one file is added to the project and attached to the iOS build target and the other is attached to the Apportable build target.
