efficient way to create map of lists in functional style - f#

Given a dataset, for example a CSV file that might look like this:
I wish to create a map of lists containing the y's for a given x... The result could look like this:
{1:[2,5,1], 2:[1,2]}
In python this would be straight forward to do in an imperative manner.. and would probably look somewhat like this:
d = defaultdict(list)
for x,y in csv_data:
How would you go about achieving the same using functional programming techniques in F#?
Is it possible to do it as short, efficient and concise (and read-able) as in the given python example, using only functional style?, or would you have to fall back to imperative programming style with mutable data structures..?
Note: this is not a homework assignment, just me trying to wrap my head around functional programming
EDIT: My conclusion based on answers thus far
I tried timing each of the provided answers on a relative big csv file, just to get a feeling of the performance.. Furthermore I did a small test with the imperative approach:
let res = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>()
for row in l do
if (res.ContainsKey(fst row) = false) then
res.[fst row] <- new List<string>()
res.[fst row].Add(snd row)
The imperative approach completed in ~0.34 sec.
I think that the answer provided by Lee is the most general FP one, however the running time was ~4sec.
The answer given by Daniel ran in ~1.55sec.
And at last the answer given by jbtule ran in ~0.26. (I find it very interesting that it beat the imperative approach)
I used 'System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()' for timing, and the code is executed as F# 3.0 in .Net 4.5
EDIT2: fixed stupid error in imperative f# code, and ensured that it uses the same list as the other solutions

|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (x, ys) -> x, [for _, y in ys -> y])
|> Map.ofSeq

let addPair m (x, y) =
match Map.tryFind x m with
| Some(l) -> Map.add x (y::l) m
| None -> Map.add x [y] m
let csv (pairs : (int * int) list) = List.fold addPair Map.empty pairs
Note this adds the y values to the list in reverse order

use LINQ in F#, LINQ is functional.
open System.Linq
let data =[
let lookup = data.ToLookup(fst,snd)
lookup.[1] //seq [2;5;1]
lookup.[2] //seq [1;2

For fun, an implementation using a query expression:
let res =
query { for (k, v) in data do
groupValBy v k into g
select (g.Key, List.ofSeq g) }
|> Map.ofSeq


A more functional way to create tuples from two arrays

I've created a function that gets all integers from 1 to n and then combines with the same sequence to create a sequence of tuples of all combinations. So passing it the integer 2 would give you [(1,1);(1,2);(2,1);(2,2)]:
let allTuplesUntil x =
let primary = seq { 1 .. x }
let secondary = seq { 1 .. x }
[for x in primary do
for y in secondary do
yield (x,y)]
This implementations works, but it uses an inner and outer for loop, similar to what I would do in c#.
Could this be achieved in a more idiomatic functional way? Would a more functional way typically be more desirable or is this acceptable in a functional language because of its brevity and clarity?
I'm relatively new to f# and looking for some feedback.
These loops are part of what's called computation expression, which is quite idiomatic to F#. It's just made to look like familiar loops. I can't see any problem with your code being written in this way. If what you want is to get rid of the loops, you could hide them in functions:
let cartesianProduct xs ys =
xs |> Seq.collect (fun x -> ys |> Seq.map (fun y -> x, y))
cartesianProduct [1;2;3] ['a';'b';'c']
val it : seq<int * char> = seq [(1, 'a'); (1, 'b'); (1, 'c'); (2, 'a'); ...]
First, just because there is a for doesn't mean its not functional. In this example you go over each element and yield a new element that will turn into a new element of a new immutable list. Such feature is also named "List Comprehension" and part of languages like Haskell. Imperative would be to loop over a list and mutate the list.
Second, remember that other functions like map, fold, filter also just loop over each element, like a for expression. They are just less powerful than a for loop.
Third, even if it would be "not 100% functional". Who cares? Code should be easily readable and understandable. The intention of two for loops is easy to understand.
Fourth, the equivalent function of the for expression is usually the bind or in this case the Seq.collect function. You also could write, this code.
[for x in primary do
for y in secondary do
yield (x,y)]
Like this:
primary |> Seq.collect (fun x ->
secondary |> Seq.collect (fun y ->
I prefer the for loops for readability!

F# apply function to values in each node of list tree

I have a tree of type type T<'a> = N of 'a * T<'a> list
An example declaration could be like these:
let td = N("g", [])
let tc = N("c", [N("d", []); N("e", [td])])
What I'd like to do is to declare a method to apply a function which returns the tree with the result of applying the function to each value in the nodes of the tree. I've done is using fold below, but is it possible to do without?
let rec foldTree f e (N(x,t)) =
List.fold (mapFold f) (f e x) t
Example usage for reverting the output list order:
foldTree (fun a x -> x::a) [] tc |> (printf "%A")
which FSI outputs as
["c"; "d"; "e"; "g"]val it : unit = ()
If you haven't gone through the excellent Recursive types and folds series, you might want to read through it; that will show you a set of good approaches for handling self-recursive data structures like your tree type. The general rule for working through trees is "do what I need to do on this level, then recursively call the current function on the child nodes". Here, that would look like this:
let rec treeMap f tree =
match tree with
| N (data, children) ->
N (f data, children |> List.map (treeMap f))
Note how this actually gives you back the same tree structure that you started with, rather than flattening the structure the way your List.fold example did.
I hope this is simple enough to be clear without a long explanation, but if you're having any trouble understanding how this code works, let me know and I'll try to explain further.

What are the essential functions to find duplicate elements within a list?

What are the essential functions to find duplicate elements within a list?
Translated, how can I simplify the following function:
let numbers = [ 3;5;5;8;9;9;9 ]
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.map snd
|> List.filter (fun set -> set.Length > 1)
|> List.map (fun set -> set.[0])
I'm sure this is a duplicate. However, I am unable to locate the question on this site.
let getDuplicates numbers =
numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose (fun (k,v) -> match v.Length with
| x when x > 1 -> Some k
| _ -> None)
Simplifying your function:
Whenever you have a filter followed by a map, you can probably replace the pair with a choose. The purpose of choose is to run a function for each value in the list, and return only the items which return Some value (None values are removed, which is the filter portion). Whatever value you put inside Some is the map portion:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.map snd
|> List.choose( fun( set ) ->
if set.Length > 1
then Some( set.[0] )
else None )
We can take it one additional step by removing the map. In this case, keeping the tuple which contains the key is helpful, because it eliminates the need to get the first item of the list:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose( fun( key, set ) ->
if set.Length > 1
then Some key
else None )
Is this simpler than the original? Perhaps. Because choose combines two purposes, it is by necessity more complex than those purposes kept separate (the filter and the map), and this makes it harder to understand at a glance, perhaps undoing the more "simplified" code. More on this later.
Decomposing the concept
Simplifying the code wasn't the direct question, though. You asked about functions useful in finding duplicates. At a high level, how do you find a duplicate? It depends on your algorithm and specific needs:
Your given algorithm uses the "put items in buckets based on their value", and "look for buckets with more than one item". This is a direct match to List.groupBy and List.choose (or filter/map)
A different algorithm could be to "iterate through all items", "modify an accumulator as we see each", then "report all items which have been seen multiple times". This is kind of like the first algorithm, where something like List.fold is replacing List.groupBy, but if you need to drag some other kind of state along, it may be helpful.
Perhaps you need to know how many times there are duplicates. A different algorithm satisfying these requirements may be "sort the items so they are always ascending", and "flag if the next item is the same as the current item". In this case, you have a List.sort followed by a List.toSeq then Seq.windowed:
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.sort
|> List.toSeq
|> Seq.windowed 2
|> Seq.choose( function
| [|x; y|] when x = y -> Some x
| _ -> None )
Note that this returns a sequence with [5; 9; 9], informing you that 9 is duplicated twice.
These were algorithms mostly based on List functions. There are already two answers, one mutable, the other not, which are based on sets and existence.
My point is, a complete list of functions helpful to finding duplicates would read like a who's who list of existing collection functions -- it all depends on what you're trying to do and your specific requirements. I think your choice of List.groupBy and List.choose is probably about as simple as it gets.
Simplifying for maintainability
The last thought on simplification is to remember that simplifying code will improve the readability of your code to a certain extent. "Simplifying" beyond that point will most likely involve tricks, or obscure intent. If I were to look back at a sample of code I wrote even several weeks and a couple of projects ago, the shortest and perhaps simplest code would probably not be the easiest to understand. Thus the last point -- simplifying future code maintainability may be your goal. If this is the case, your original algorithm modified only keeping the groupBy tuple and adding comments as to what each step of the pipeline is doing may be your best bet:
// combine numbers into common buckets specified by the number itself
let getDuplicates = numbers |> List.groupBy id
// only look at buckets with more than one item
|> List.filter( fun (_,set) -> set.Length > 1)
// change each bucket to only its key
|> List.map( fun (key,_) -> key )
The original question comments already show that your code was unclear to people unfamiliar with it. Is this a question of experience? Definitely. But, regardless of whether we work on a team, or are lone wolves, optimizing code (where possible) for quick understanding should probably be close to everyone's top priority. (climbing down off sandbox...) :)
Regardless, best of luck.
If you don't mind using a mutable collection in a local scope, this could do it:
open System.Collections.Generic
let getDuplicates numbers =
let known = HashSet()
numbers |> List.filter (known.Add >> not) |> set
You can wrap the last three operations in a List.choose:
let duplicates =
|> List.groupBy id
|> List.choose ( function
| _, x::_::_ -> Some x
| _ -> None )
Here's a solution which uses only basic functions and immutable data structures:
let findDups elems =
let findDupsHelper (oneOccurrence, manyOccurrences) elem =
if oneOccurrence |> Set.contains elem
then (oneOccurrence, manyOccurrences |> Set.add elem)
else (oneOccurrence |> Set.add elem, manyOccurrences)
List.fold findDupsHelper (Set.empty, Set.empty) elems |> snd

Return item at position x in a list

I was reading this post While or Tail Recursion in F#, what to use when? were several people say that the 'functional way' of doing things is by using maps/folds and higher order functions instead of recursing and looping.
I have this function that returns the item at position x in a list:
let rec getPos l c = if c = 0 then List.head l else getPos (List.tail l) (c - 1)
how can it be converted to be more functional?
This is a primitive list function (also known as List.nth).
It is okay to use recursion, especially when creating the basic building blocks. Although it would be nicer with pattern matching instead of if-else, like this:
let rec getPos l c =
match l with
| h::_ when c = 0 -> h
| _::t -> getPos t (c-1)
| [] -> failwith "list too short"
It is possible to express this function with List.fold, however the result is less clear than the recursive version.
I'm not sure what you mean by more functional.
Are you rolling this yourself as a learning exercise?
If not, you could just try this:
> let mylist = [1;2;3;4];;
> let n = 2;;
> mylist.[n];;
Your definition is already pretty functional since it uses a tail-recursive function instead of an imperative loop construct. However, it also looks like something a Scheme programmer might have written because you're using head and tail.
I suspect you're really asking how to write it in a more idiomatic ML style. The answer is to use pattern matching:
let rec getPos list n =
match list with
| hd::tl ->
if n = 0 then hd
else getPos tl (n - 1)
| [] -> failWith "Index out of range."
The recursion on the structure of the list is now revealed in the code. You also get a warning if the pattern matching is non-exhaustive so you're forced to deal with the index too big error.
You're right that functional programming also encourages the use of combinators like map or fold (so called points-free style). But too much of it just leads to unreadable code. I don't think it's warranted in this case.
Of course, Benjol is right, in practice you would just write mylist.[n].
If you'd like to use high-order functions for this, you could do:
let nth n = Seq.take (n+1) >> Seq.fold (fun _ x -> Some x) None
let nth n = Seq.take (n+1) >> Seq.reduce (fun _ x -> x)
But the idea is really to have basic constructions and combine them build whatever you want. Getting the nth element of a sequence is clearly a basic block that you should use. If you want the nth item, as Benjol mentioned, do myList.[n].
For building basic constructions, there's nothing wrong to use recursion or mutable loops (and often, you have to do it this way).
Not as a practical solution, but as an exercise, here is one of the ways to express nth via foldr or, in F# terms, List.foldBack:
let myNth n xs =
let step e f = function |0 -> e |n -> f (n-1)
let error _ = failwith "List is too short"
List.foldBack step xs error n

N-gram split function for string similarity comparison

As part of excersise to better understand F# which I am currently learning , I wrote function to
split given string into n-grams.
1) I would like to receive feedback about my function : can this be written simpler or in more efficient way?
2) My overall goal is to write function that returns string similarity (on 0.0 .. 1.0 scale) based on n-gram similarity; Does this approach works well for short strings comparisons , or can this method reliably be used to compare large strings (like articles for example).
3) I am aware of the fact that n-gram comparisons ignore context of two strings. What method would you suggest to accomplish my goal?
//s:string - target string to split into n-grams
//n:int - n-gram size to split string into
let ngram_split (s:string, n:int) =
let ngram_count = s.Length - (s.Length % n)
let ngram_list = List.init ngram_count (fun i ->
if( i + n >= s.Length ) then
s.Substring(i,s.Length - i) + String.init ((i + n) - s.Length)
(fun i -> "#")
let ngram_array_unique = ngram_list
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.distinct
|> Array.ofSeq
//produce tuples of ngrams (ngram string,how much occurrences in original string)
Seq.init ngram_array_unique.Length (fun i -> (ngram_array_unique.[i],
ngram_list |> List.filter(fun item -> item = ngram_array_unique.[i])
|> List.length)
I don't know much about evaluating similarity of strings, so I can't give you much feedback regarding points 2 and 3. However, here are a few suggestions that may help to make your implementation simpler.
Many of the operations that you need to do are already available in some F# library function for working with sequences (lists, arrays, etc.). Strings are also sequences (of characters), so you can write the following:
open System
let ngramSplit n (s:string) =
let ngrams = Seq.windowed n s
let grouped = Seq.groupBy id ngrams
Seq.map (fun (ngram, occurrences) ->
String(ngram), Seq.length occurrences) grouped
The Seq.windowed function implements a sliding window, which is exactly what you need to extract the n-grams of your string. The Seq.groupBy function collects the elements of a sequence (n-grams) into a sequence of groups that contain values with the same key. We use id to calculate the key, which means that the n-gram is itself the key (and so we get groups, where each group contains the same n-grams). Then we just convert n-gram to string and count the number of elements in the group.
Alternatively, you can write the entire function as a single processing pipeline like this:
let ngramSplit n (s:string) =
s |> Seq.windowed n
|> Seq.groupBy id
|> Seq.map (fun (ngram, occurrences) ->
String(ngram), Seq.length occurrences)
Your code looks OK to me. Since ngram extraction and similarity comparison are used very often. You should consider some efficiency issues here.
The MapReduce pattern is very suitable for your frequency counting problem:
get a string, emit (word, 1) pairs out
do a grouping of the words and adds all the counting together.
let wordCntReducer (wseq: seq<int*int>) =
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (id,cnt) -> id)
|> Seq.map (fun (id, idseq) ->
(id, idseq |> Seq.sumBy(fun (id,cnt) -> cnt)))
(* test: wordCntReducer [1,1; 2,1; 1,1; 2,1; 2,2;] *)
You also need to maintain a <word,int> map during your ngram building for a set of strings. As it is much more efficient to handle integers rather than strings during later processing.
(2) to compare the distance between two short strings. A common practice is to use Edit Distance using a simple dynamic programming. To compute the similarity between articles, a state-of-the-art method is to use TFIDF feature representation. Actuallym the code above is for term frequency counting, extracted from my data mining library.
(3) There are complex NLP methods, e.g. tree kernels based on the parse tree, to in-cooperate the context information in.
I think you have some good answers for question (1).
Question (2):
You probably want cosine similarity to compare two arbitrary collections of n-grams (the larger better). This gives you a range of 0.0 - 1.0 without any scaling needed. The Wikipedia page gives an equation, and the F# translation is pretty straightforward:
let cos a b =
let dot = Seq.sum (Seq.map2 ( * ) a b)
let magnitude v = Math.Sqrt (Seq.sum (Seq.map2 ( * ) v v))
dot / (magnitude a * magnitude b)
For input, you need to run something like Tomas' answer to get two maps, then remove keys that only exist in one:
let values map = map |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.map snd
let desparse map1 map2 = Map.filter (fun k _ -> Map.containsKey k map2) map1
let distance textA textB =
let a = ngramSplit 3 textA |> Map.ofSeq
let b = ngramSplit 3 textB |> Map.ofSeq
let aValues = desparse a b |> values
let bValues = desparse b a |> values
cos aValues bValues
With character-based n-grams, I don't know how good your results will be. It depends on what kind of features of the text you are interested in. I do natural language processing, so usually my first step is part-of-speech tagging. Then I compare over n-grams of the parts of speech. I use T'n'T for this, but it has bizarro licencing issues. Some of my colleagues use ACOPOST instead, a Free alternative (as in beer AND freedom). I don't know how good the accuracy is, but POS tagging is a well-understood problem these days, at least for English and related languages.
Question (3):
The best way to compare two strings that are nearly identical is Levenshtein distance. I don't know if that is your case here, although you can relax the assumptions in a number of ways, eg for comparing DNA strings.
The standard book on this subject is Sankoff and Kruskal's "Time Warps, String Edits, and Maromolecules". It's pretty old (1983), but gives good examples of how to adapt the basic algorithm to a number of applications.
Question 3:
My reference book is Computing Patterns in Strings by Bill Smyth
