Clarification needed about generating jax-ws client stubs in order to consume a webservice - wsdl

I have on the one hand a wsdl url/file and on the other hand a number of xsd schema files (are the latte called binding files?).
All of these describe a webservice that I would like to consume using jax-ws.
I understand I need to generate client stubs using the wsimport utility.
I have a requirement for one distinct package per xsd schema/binding file for the generated stubs files. The generated stubs for the wsdl would be located in another package.
Does that make sense?
Is this possible? If so how?
I am missing something?
edit: I don't fully understand the difference of intent between files generated against the wsdl and files generated against the xsd binding files as when using wsimport. Can someone please explain?

first thing the xjb files are used to resolve conflicts and customizing schemas.
You can create a distinct package for a XSD if it has a specfic namespace defined for it.
For example you need a package name like then you need to have a name space for the schema as


Generation of Stub Class of WSDL using Maven

What We Have:
In our project we download the wsdl from nexus repository using maven.
Maven has been used for generating the stub class.
If we take a look into the stub class, it will have the WSDL path like "C:\Documents\target...."
Now the problem is if we deploy this package in development server where this path have no relevance.
Logically what we are thinking as part of the solution:
WSDL should be part of our project directory
and generated stub class should take the project context path instead of the path mentioned earlier.
Hope that is what we have to do logically, if our thinking logically wrong please correct us.
What Solution we Need:
Putting the WSDL file in project path, and change the POM file so that it will generate the stub using the WSDL which have in local.
Generated path should refer the WSDL from project directory instead of "C:\Documents\target...."
Looking for your help and support.
if you generated stub once. you need not to generate it again.
as far as wsdl location is concern put it in your project and specify the location inside the program

how to convert java webapplication into single exe file?

I want to convert my struts2 web application into an exe format so that exe file will load my project into server and database into MySQL.
Are there any such tools available for loading files into a folder?
Are there any forms other than .exe to which I could convert my project to do this action?
Is it possible to decrypt the code from class file to java file?
Which is the most secure form for a struts2 project for loading into a server?
You want to convert it to executable one?? generally installer came to assist auto installation like if you have created a product using all these technology and you want save your customer from all the setting and installation processes like database configuration,other configurations etc.
Is it possible to decrypt the code from class format to java format
there are many java d-compilers available which help you to convert .class files to java files though they sometime fails to convert it 100% but in most cases they tend to show some one what they actually want to see.
You can't load an exe file into a web server.
I suppose you could create an executable that includes a server and your war file, but I would strongly discourage the practice.
You could obfuscate (e.g., with ProGuard) and/or encrypt your .class files, but if they're determined to get to your unobfuscated byte code, they almost certainly will.
If they're not that determined, then it's probably not important enough to go through all the effort, debugging, and so on.

Symfony's autogenerated model classes' function location

i'm working on a symfony project and i generated a set of model classes called Base<name>.php, <name>.php, <name>Peer.php and Base<name>Peer.php
I did the famous jobeet tutorial and i still have doubts about locating functions in these files of the model. So my question is:
What kind of functions i have to put in which file?
or expressed other way
How i know where to locate a function in these files?
thank you very much
You should never edit the files prefixed with Base, they can be overwritten if you change something in your schema and regenerate these files.
The custom methods you are writing yourself should be in the Peer class.
To easily locate a method, I use a good IDE like PDT that parses the files and allows searching methods.

XML file or database in this particular case (file updated frequently)

I have a list of URL and I should loop over them every minute or so and save the last successful access time into an XML file or database. Obviously, the URL and some short description will be saved in file as well.
I'm wondering whether XML files are reliable enough or I'm better with a database? If I must go with the database option, which one?
Please advise. Thanks.
You can use XML file for this purpose.
There are lot of options for XML like XML Data Binding, TXMLDocument, XML with ClientDatasets etc.
The simplest option is XML with ClientDataSet.
This is the procedure:
Drop a ClientDataSet on the the form.
Add FieldDefs you need to the ClientDataSet.
Right click on the ClientDataSet component and click Create Dataset.
Right click again and click Save To MyBase XML Table.
You XML is ready and from now onwards you can use ClientDataSet1.LoadFromFile() and ClientDataSet1.SaveToFile() functions to load and save data.
Then you can assign ClientDataSet DataSource to the DBGrid.
I would also use a XML (or JSON) file storage. A simple way to build wrapper classes for a XML file is the XML Schema Binding Generator Wizard in Delphi Professional, or the Data Binding Wizard (in Enterprise / Architect). You only need to provide an example XML or a W3C XSD file. The wizard will create DOM based classes and binding code.
Delphi XML Binding Wizard Tutorial
Delphi Programming Tutorial #39 - XML Data Binding
I would not use XML. To modify an XML file you have to rewrite it, XML is not good at random read and writes, unless you can modify it only in memory and then write it when needed. Well, every minute is not a problem, unless the XML gets very large. An XML file is reliable as much as your application is in writing it. If you need more, you should consider a database. For local access something alike SQLite or Firebird embedded could be your choice.

Creating BlackBerry method stubs using wscompile on WSDL from ColdFusion

I have been working on a BlackBerry application that consumes web services from ColdFusion 7. The Java ME SDK and the Java Wireless Toolkit both require that the generated WSDL be of the document/literal type.
Fortunately, I have input on the web service development so I tried setting 'style="document"' in the cfcomponent tag. This generated a document/literal style WSDL but now wscompile generates the following errors in several places:
Found unknown simple type: javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement
Found unknown simple type: java.util.Calendar
Any ideas why this is happening?
The WSDL does get parsed correctly by the JWSDP tool but the stubs use namespaces that are not available in the J2ME platform. I would have thought ColdFusion WSDL would work more easily with other products in the Java family.
If the service doesn't change much (so the WSDL won't change much) you can save the WSDL as a text file and modify it however you like. My suggestion -- again, assuming the service is more or less finalized -- would be to take the style declaration out of the cfcomponent tag and generate the WSDL, then save it as a plain text file and modify it as necessary to be consumed by the BlackBerry application.
It turns out that the issue was related to the data types of method parameters and return types that was causing the issue. The WSDL was valid and the version of wscompile for J2SE was able to parse it correctly. But due to the reduced API capabilities on the mobile platform, certain data types cannot be parsed with the J2ME version of wscompile.
I did need to keep the 'style="document"' declaration in the cfcomponent tag on the ColdFusion web service since the stub generator for J2ME will only parse document/literal type WSDL files. provides a reference for the data types supported in JAX-RPC for Java ME.
