SUP error while sending date parameter to server - ios

I am developing an iOS app using Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1.3 I am getting error while sending date parameter to database.
Here is my code,
SUP105Sales_order *insertRow =[[SUP105Sales_order alloc]init];
int32_t idValue =2671;
int32_t custID =103;
int32_t sales =506;
insertRow.order_date=[NSDate date];
[insertRow save];
[insertRow submitPending];
[SUP105SUP105DB synchronize];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
Server log,
2014-02-28 16:39:41.833 WARN Other Thread-182 [SUP105.server.SUP105DB]{"_op":"C","level":5,"code":412,"eisCode":"257","message":"com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybSQLException:SQL Anywhere Error -157: Cannot convert '' to a timestamp","component":"Sales_order","entityKey":"3210004","operation":"create","requestId":"3210005","timestamp":"2014-02-28 11:09:41.646","messageId":0,"_rc":0}
I think the error above is due to date format. I have tried few other ways to send date to the Sup server, but it did not work.
How to send DATE format to the sales_order table to the order_date column from iOS native app?
Appreciate your help.

The sybase doc says here
You cannot insert data into a timestamp column. You must either insert an explicit null by typing “NULL” in the column or use an implicit null by providing a column list that skips the timestamp column. Adaptive Server updates the timestamp value after each insert or update. See “Inserting data into specific columns” for more information.
In your case it seems that the value sent by your app is an empty string "" which is not allowed for a timestamp field. You can either skip the column in your insert request or set it to "NULL".
Could you try one those options.


How to fetch date in iOS from string object

I have stored NSDate in the DB using
When i fetch the date back to NSString i get following during debugging. (As mentioned in tutorial even though i have a date picker and store value in NSDate, its actually stored as string in DB finally.
(lldb) po _itemPurchaseDate
Attached screenshot. So how do i fetch date and present it in a ui label in iOS?

How do I get a server timestamp from Firebase's iOS API?

I have an iOS app that uses Firebase and currently has a few dictionaries with keys that are NSDate objects. The obvious issue with this is that NSDate draws from the device's system time, which is not universal.
With that, what's the best way to get a server timestamp (similar to Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP for the Web API) using Firebase's iOS API so that I can sort my dictionary keys chronologically?
I'm also aware of the chronological nature of IDs generated by childByAutoID, but I can't figure out the proper way to sort these in code. While they may be returned in chronological order, any time something like allKeys is called on them, the order goes out the window.
Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!
Update: In Firebase 3.0 + Swift, you can use
FIRServerValue.timestamp(). In Objective-C this is [FIRServerValue timestamp].
In Swift, you can now use FirebaseServerValue.timestamp() with Firebase 2.0.3+ (before 3.0).
The equivalent for Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP in iOS is kFirebaseServerValueTimestamp. Right now, this only works for Objective-C and not Swift.
In Swift, you can create your own global timestamp with
let kFirebaseServerValueTimestamp = [".sv":"timestamp"]
and then you'll be able to use kFirebaseServerValueTimestamp in the same way.
But you can only use this as the value or priority of a node. You won't be able to set it as the key name (although, I don't believe you could in the Web API either).
In general, calling allKeys on a dictionary does not guarantee order. But if you're using childByAutoID at a node, you can get back the right order by ordering the NSArray returned by allKeys lexicographically. Something like this would work:
[ref observeEventType:FEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
NSDictionary *value = snapshot.value;
NSLog(#"Unsorted allKeys: %#", value.allKeys);
NSArray *sortedAllKeys = [value.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
NSLog(#"Sorted allKeys: %#", sortedArray);
This is similar to sorting an NSArray alphabetically, but when sorting the auto-generated IDs, you do not want localized or case insensitive sort, so you use compare: instead of localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:
Caveat: Seems like the timestamp is added AFTER your object is persisted in Firebase. This means that if you have a .Value event listener set up on the location your object is persisted to, it will be triggered TWICE. Once for the initial object being stored in the location, and again for the timestamp being added. Struggled with this issue for days :(
Helpful information for anyone else who can't figure out why their event listeners are triggering twice/multiple times!
As of Firebase 4.0 you can use ServerValue.timestamp()
for example:
let ref = Database.database().reference().child("userExample")
let values = ["fullName": "Joe Bloggs", "timestamp": ServerValue.timestamp()] as [String : Any]
ref.updateChildValues(values) { (err, ref) in
if let err = err {
print("failed to upload user data", err)
You can get Time Stamp using FIRServerValue.timestamp().
But, Because of FIRServerValue.timestamp() listener is called two times. Listener will be called two times.

GAIDictionaryBuilder fails for NSNumber values

I am trying to send commerce transaction data to google analytics on iOS with V3 SDK. I am building the data dictionary using GAIDictionaryBuilder class provided by Google (which is not open source unfortunately). For both createTransactionWithId and createItemWithTransactionId calls, my NSNumber values (revenue, price, etc.) are failing to be added to dictionary data properly. Here is the sample code:
NSMutableDictionary* test = [[GAIDictionaryBuilder createTransactionWithId:(NSString *)transactionId
affiliation:(NSString *)affiliation
revenue:(NSNumber *)revenue
tax:(NSNumber *)tax
shipping:(NSNumber *)shipping
currencyCode:(NSString *)currencyCode] build];
NSLog(#"revenue: %#", revenue);
NSLog(#"TR data: %#", test);
// if I explicitly set the value, IT WORKS!!!!
[test setObject:revenue forKey:#"&tr"];
NSLog(#"TR data FIXED??: %#", test);
In the output, I see revenue correctly, then when logging test dictionary I see the following line corresponding to revenue data:
"&tr" = "<null>";
Then, for the manual fix attempt, I see
"&tr" = "15.25";
as expected.
Here are some clues:
I use the same code in a different project compiled in a different OSX machine without any issues like this.
The transactions are in TRY (Turkish Lira), I suspect Google is trying to fix the separator (',' in Turkish vs '.' everywhere else), but as said above, the other app is also using TRY.
So the question is, why "<null>", why and how does it fail to convert a proper NSNumber to this bizarre value?
Eventually, I fixed the issue by working around it. I assigned the NSNumber to a new one (by getting its floatValue) and it seemed to fix the null values.
By the way, google analytics library version 3.07 readme mentions a similar issue as fixed however neither 3.03 nor 3.07 actually fixed my problem.

iOS Insert Row with 2 Date Fields

How does one insert a row into a table that I've created with two sqlserver smalldatetime fields via the windows azure mobile services library? I'm currently trying to use:
[NSDate timeIntervalSince1970]
to store the date-time value as an NSTimeInterval or double. However, this causes the following error:
Error Domain=com.Microsoft.WindowsAzureMobileServices.ErrorDomain Code=-1302 "Error: Bad request."
DateTime fields should be represented by an NSDate field in the NSDictionary object you are sending to insert or update call.
So you would just do:
[table insert:#{ #"id": #"myid", #"deliveryDate": [NSDate date] } completion:... ];
If you send an NSNumber instead, then you would see the -1302 error shown above.

If Statement Failing sometimes with id BoolValue Comparison?

I am pulling data from the web that is formatted in JSON and when I parse the data using "ValueForKeyPath" it stores the string value as an id object.
So I store the data into a NSMutableArray
In the debugger window it shows all the elements added as (id) null.
I have an if statement
if ([[self.activeCategories objectAtIndex:selected] boolValue] == true)
Sometimes I would say 20% of the time it fails the if statement when it should not.
I was wondering if it was because the self.activeCategories is storing id types. Do I need to do [NSString stringWithFormat#"%#", x] to all the objects inside the array? It seems like when I just straight cast it by using (NSString *) it is still type id in the debugger.
It's a very strange error to me... as the error is not consistently reproducible.
Try it like that:
if ([[self.activeCategories objectAtIndex:selected] boolValue])
According to that article a BOOL may hold values other than 0 and 1 which may fail the comparison.
