Access iphone device login mail in my application - ios

I am new one Iphone developer
How to access device login mail inbox in my application. It is possible or not.
please help me.

No. Apple doesn't provide an API for that.
However, you're free to ask the user for their mail server settings and then talk directly to an IMAP server, downloading the mail/attachments yourself.
If you have presets for popular email providers (MobileMe, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) this won't have to be too difficult for most users to deal with.


Parsing and Receiving Email in iOS

Suppose I have an email address that only receives a specific type of email, i.e. an automatically generated receipt email from a transaction.
I would like to build an iOS app to receive the email text from this email address and parse according to a predefined format and display the results. Is it possible to do this without dealing with the email server directly from the app?
Meaning can I for instance piggyback off the native mail client (assuming it is set up to receive pushed email sent to the email address). I tried looking through Apple's docs for iOS but could not find anything useful. Anyone know of something?
3rd party apps have no way to integrate with the Mail app or to make use of any configured mail account the user has setup on the device.
However, you can write an app that can access external email accounts if the user provides all of the usual email account details. The App Store has several 3rd party mail apps that serve as replacements for Apple's Mail app.
If your app is written to work with a specific email account, and not one entered by the user of the app, then you can hardcode all of the account details in the app.
Your app is basically a run of the mill email client. You just have to know how to access IMAP or POP3 accounts, retrieve the emails, and process them as needed.
Again, there is no way your app can intercept or make use of any emails accessed by any email accounts the user has setup for use with the standard Mail app.
There are at least two aspects to your question:
How do I get an email to open in my iOS app?
Put the data in an attachment and see this link
What format can I use in an email attachment to transport persistent
I've had decent results with NSKeyedArchive as an interchange format. There are lots of other choices, depending on what generates the receipts attachments.
Post a followup with your choices. Good luck!

Validating GamceCenter user credentials in the backend

I am building a backend for ios apps, that support login in different networks.
Once the user login in to the network the client tells the news to the backend, and this could offer a list of worlds that the user might play, or even delete old worlds.
One way to steal another person's world is by saying that you are his social network id.
To solve that with facebook, we force the client to send us the fb_token, a token provided from facebook to the client, that we use in the backend to ask facebook if that specific user is the one that he told us to be.
If apple doesn't provide a way to validate this I understand that if an iOS app wants to use game center, it is directly forcing the app developer to also use iCloud because apple can validate the user credentials.
Did apple provide any way to validate user credentials?
The client on iOS can retrieve info about the currently logged in player in GameCenter, which has nothing to do with iCloud.
If you want to use iCloud to authenticate, you might have a different player than the one you wanted.
I think the solution is for the client to retrieve the player info in GameCenter, and send it to your server in an encrypted fashion (say HTTPS), including a timestamp and possibly other dynamic information. This way you'll know that the user info is being sent from the client app itself and there is no man-in-the-middle. That's really the issue that you are struggling with: how to ensure that client-server communication is secure.

Retrieve facebook data in backend service

I'm currently working on an app (iOS 6) where the user will be signing in using their facebook account.
In regards to this I have a few questions:
a) Since the app asks the user for permission to access cetain data (like: basic profile info, friend list, access to post to wall etc), I assume that the app based on it's app id will be somehow authenticated to access this information as long as the user doesn't restrict access through their facebook account.
b) will it be possible for example via a service application to authenticate with the same app id as the mobile app, and hence be able to collect data from the facebook users who authenticated with the app?
The purpose of my question is, that I would like do some analysis on the users using the iphone app, but I don't want the app to first download the information from facebook, and then pass it on to my service for analysis.
If the above is possible, could anyone please guide me in the direction of what it is that I need to do? Perhaps links to tutorials that describes this setup, og simply tell me the right facebook terminology that I'm looking for to achive this.
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit late and you may have already picked a service. I have been using
(tutorial site). They're very good. They have SDKs and sample code for many platforms a RESTful service for others.
They have recently been acquired by FaceBook, and already have strong links to Facebook's SDK.

Friend Invite System for iPhone

I am looking for information on how to implement a friend system within my iPhone app. The app is going to use a web server to check login's. So would the logical thing be to have the friend system setup through the web server as well? I am clueless on what I need to brush up on to be able to implement such a thing so any information/tutorials/open-source code/guides would be helpful to help me understand how it works. Thanks.
Ask new users about their email (login) and passwords. Also let users to invite to your app his/her friends via:
Direct input of known email address.
Selection friend from iOS addressbook (you will also need an email there).
Then just take care of maintaining lists of friends' emails on server side (or both server and client side).

Programmatically read email from inbox on iPhone

Is it possibleĀ for my iOS app to access the user's email inbox in the Mail app? I would like to be able to read the emails and save the attachments.
No. Apple doesn't provide an API for that.
However, you're free to ask the user for their mail server settings and then talk directly to an IMAP server, downloading the attachments yourself.
If you have presets for popular email providers (MobileMe, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) this won't have to be too difficult for most users to deal with.
