How to integrate Viber in iOS? [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In one of my application I want to integrate Viber. I searched on google for SDK but all my effort went in vain. So I have following question.
Is it possible to integrate Viber in my application?
If yes, then provide me link for SDK and doc.
In my application I want to implement invite feature. When user tap on "Invite Via Viber" my application will open vibe application. After that end-user will select the contact and in share predefined text that I Passed through my app.

You can not do this. Viber does not provide any SDK or API for this purpose. You may take interest in login via Facebook or Twitter..
Because these social sites are way too popular than Viber.
You may look at these links:‎


What's suggested approach to create UI similar to Facebook News Feed? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What's better approach to develop UI/UX similar to facebook new feed and attached Image.
I would like to make it as an Native app. If there is any framework available then I'm willing to use that also.
This open source code available for this app.
This app similar to Instagram app. This shows social feeds of images shared by user.
They have custom TableViewCell and TableViewHeaders.
Try this. It might help you.

Fetch Twitter Feed without logged in to Twitter [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am try to show my twitter feeds in my app using twitter api 1.1, I want its shows only my timeline every time so no need to user login. But twitter don't provide any tutorial or sample code to use their api Can any one suggest some good tutorial or sample code to do this. Thanks.
You ll get from developer page of twitter.
Below I have mentioned link of it and also provide discussion of twitter.
Twitter Developer page
Twitter Discussion
Hope, This will help you.

TwitterSDK for iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any SDK for Facebook ?
I Need to create login into MyApp with Twitter or Facebook.I got SDK for Facebook and completed.but now I am searching Twitter SDK for there any or alternatives ?
Thanks in Advance.
You should use ACAccountStore if you want to integrate with the Twitter and Facebook accounts linked to the device (via the Settings app).
Or you could look at which offers to manage the login (both verification and the UI) and can also be used for user data storage.
Or you can use one of the libraries here.
Explains everything easily on how to integrate plus + perform request.
Twitter.framework is provided by Apple from iOS 5.0
They have given this framework.Here is a screen shot to help you out.
please check this tutorial,they have explained very nicely.
Hope it will help you.

Pulling Instagram images to my app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing and iOS app for iPad where you can personalize Tea Cups importing photos from the roll. I'd love to add Instagram, so the user could add his Instagram's photos. Is there any SDK or Plugin for that?
You should check out this wonderful helper library which will save you precious hours working with the Instagram API.
Instagram has an API. You can get user photos using this API with simple HTTP requests. Check out this page.

Google Drive Realtime API for iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to implement realtime collaboration in my iOS app using Google Drive and the new realtime API. I know that I can set up a web view in Objective-C and set up two-way communications between the web view and my native app, and therefore use the javascript library, but my fear is that this would be inefficient for a high volume of data traffic. I was hoping that possibly there would be a native solution coming on the horizon. Any news on whether the Google API client library for Objective-C will be updated to include the Google Drive Realtime API?
I do not know about the Google real time api but for google drive integration this would work. There is a sample app called Dr.Edit here.
Using UIWebView for doing all this stuff is not advised.
