sqljocky query does not have a method 'then' (dart database access) - dart

I'm trying to code sql access to a database using sqljocky in Dart. As I want to make some computation with the result returned by my database Handler, the method return a Future.
But when I try to run it, I'm getting the following error:
Uncaught Error: The null object does not have a method 'then'`
I've ran the debugger and found that this error raise on:
db.query('select * from user where email="$email"').then(...)
but the catchError clause doesn't fire.
My handler method is:
// db is a ConnectionPool
Future<Map<String,String>> queryUser(String email){
db.query('select * from user where email="${email}"').then((result) { // here raise the error
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '200';
results['ID'] = row[0];
results['Image'] = row[1];
results['Name'] = row[2];
results['Email'] = row[3];
results['Password'] = row[4];
return results;
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '500';
return results;
And the method that call this handler is:
List getUser(String email) {
Future<Map<String,String>> result = dbhandler.queryUser(email);
result.then((Map<String,String> result) {
String statuscode = result['status'];
String json = JSON.encode(result);
List pair = new List();
return pair;
If I run the query directly in phpmyadmin, it return correct data, so it is correct.
Can someone give me a hint about how to solve it?

The queryUser() method will always return null, as there is no return statement. In the next release of Dart there will be a static hint warning for this, but at the moment there is none.
Perhaps the code below is what you meant to do. Note the initial return statement before db.query(), and the extra result.toList() call. I haven't tested this, so there's probably a typo or two.
Future<Map<String,String>> queryUser(String email){
return db.query('select * from user where email="${email}"')
.then((result) => result.toList())
.then((rows) {
var row = rows.single;
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '200';
results['ID'] = row[0];
results['Image'] = row[1];
results['Name'] = row[2];
results['Email'] = row[3];
results['Password'] = row[4];
return results;
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '500';
return results;
You can also make this a bit cuter using map literals:
Future<Map<String,String>> queryUser(String email){
return db.query('select * from user where email="${email}"')
.then((result) => result.toList())
.then((rows) => <String, String> {
'status': '200',
'ID': rows.single[0],
'Image': rows.single[1],
'Name': rows.single[2],
'Email': rows.single[3],
'Password': rows.single[4] })
.catchError((error) => <String, String> {'status': '500'});

Finally I found the answer using Completer to control the Future object, but the real problem was, as Greg Lowe said, that my methods doesn't return anything as they come to end before the then clause.
Using completer, I've made my query method as:
Future<Map<String,String>> queryUser(String email){
Completer c = new Completer();
db.query('select * from user where email="$email"').then((result) {
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '200';
results['ID'] = row[0].toString();
results['Image'] = row[1];
results['Name'] = row[2];
results['Email'] = row[3];
results['Password'] = row[4];
Map<String,String> results = new Map<String,String>();
results['status'] = '500';
c.completeError((e) => print("error en queryUser"));
return c.future;
I also solved an error when using the foreach method, at first I supposed it return nothing, but after that, I noticed that it return a Future, so I added a then clause.
And my getUser method:
Future<List> getUser(String email) {
Completer c = new Completer();
Future<Map<String,String>> result = dbhandler.queryUser(email);
result.then((Map<String,String> result) {
String statuscode = result['status'];
String json = JSON.encode(result);
List pair = new List();
return c.future;
After those changes, everything works right


Looping through custom fields to populate dynamic fields in Zapier

I'm not sure how to loop through the custom fields when adding a dynamic field via the web script editor.
When I test I can see the fields are being returned in the console
Where the number of fields is different with each instance of our app.
This is the code I'm using to return the data.
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = z.JSON.parse(response.content)._embedded;
return results;
I assume I need to loop through each of the fields, pull out the ID and name and then put them back as an array of objects?
Something like this, only problem is nothing is being returned?
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = z.JSON.parse(response.content).results._embedded;
var cFields = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
cFields.push({'id': results.customFields[i].label});
return cFields;
Any pointers?
I worked this out in the end. I think the problem was more because of my lack of coding knowledge. Not sure if this is the best answer but it worked.
return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = z.JSON.parse(response.content)._embedded;
let customFields = [];
for (let i = 0; i < results.customFields.length; i++) {
let customFieldsObj = {};
customFieldsObj['key'] = results.customFields[i].id;
customFieldsObj['label'] = results.customFields[i].label;
let helpText = results.customFields[i].type + ' Field';
customFieldsObj['helpText'] = helpText.toUpperCase();
return customFields;

Cannot refresh listview with observablecollection

I am trying to refresh my listview when an item is removed from it, but every time it gives me this error:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index.
Before updating the ObservableCollection, I do this:
Groups = new ObservableCollection<RequestGroups>();
And then I fill it with this:
var temp = (JArray)resultJson["data"];
JArray jarr = temp;
foreach (JObject contents in jarr.Children<JObject>())
Requests obj = new Requests();
obj.Id = (int)contents["id"];
Client c = new Client();
c.address = contents["address"].ToString();
c.phone = contents["phone"].ToString();
c.name = contents["user"].ToString();
obj.Client = c;
obj.Date = contents["date"].ToString();
obj.Duration = contents["duration"].ToString();
obj.DurationText = "Duración: "+contents["duration"].ToString()+"h";
obj.Price = "$" + contents["price"].ToString();
String[] cDate = obj.Date.Split(' ');
String cHour = cDate[1]+" "+cDate[2];
obj.Hour = cHour;
String[] date = cDate[0].Split('-');
String title = months[date[1]] + " " + date[0];
obj.Title = title;
bool flag = false;
foreach(RequestGroups rqG in Groups){
flag = true;
RequestGroups rq = new RequestGroups(title, date[1] + "-" + date[0]);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
This is where I remove the items:
private async Task UpdateRequest(int status,int idEvent)
HttpClient hTTPClient = new HttpClient();
var client = new HttpClient();
client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Utils.baseUrl);
Dictionary<string, string> dataToSend = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dataToSend.Add("session", Utils.loginKey);
dataToSend.Add("eventId", idEvent+"");
dataToSend.Add("status", status.ToString());
string jsonData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataToSend, new KeyValuePairConverter());
var contentVar = new StringContent(jsonData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("/UpdateEvent", contentVar);
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string contents = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var resultJson = JObject.Parse(result);
if ((int)resultJson["status"] == 0)
await base.DisplayAlert((string)resultJson["msg"], "", "OK");
else if ((int)resultJson["status"] == 1)
//I'm currently trying to reload the whole view, before this was calling the method above.
await this.mainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new MasterMenu.MainPage()));
await getRequests();
await base.DisplayAlert("Error procesando la solicitud, intente más tarde", "", "Ok");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error update request: {0}", ex);
await Task.Delay(1);
If I leave it like that, UI will not update. Please help me, as I've been struggling with this issue for 2 days now. It happens exclusively on iOS.
The issue was fixed after updating iOS. The problem was caused because of a buggy iOS version that had problems indexing objects. After updating, everything ran as smoothly as usual. If anyone runs into this issue (exclusively on iOS), try updating both iOS and Xamarin Forms.

Null while returning a Future in Dart

I have two classes, a user_api_manager and a base_api_manager. From user_api_manager i call the get method of base_api_manager which performs an http get request and returns a Future<String>. The getrequest is performed but i am not pass the result to my user_api_manager class. The callback result is always null.
This is my user_api_manager.dart
static Future<Map<String,dynamic>> forgotPasswordAPI(String email) async{
String url = Constants.BASE_URL + Constants.FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL + email;
await BaseApiManager.get(url: url).then((val) {
var response = JSON.decode(val);
var status = response['status'];
String message = '';
switch (response['status']) {
case Constants.SUCCESS:
message = Constants.SUCCESS_RESPONSE;
case Constants.SERVER_ERROR:
message = Constants.SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE;
case Constants.UNAUTHORISED:
message = Constants.UNAUTHORISED_MESSAGE;
return {'status':status,'message':message};
and here is my base_api_manager.dart
static Future<String> get({url : String,
parameters : Map ,
headers: Map }) async {
var client = new http.Client();
Map<String,dynamic> resultJSON;
final c = new Completer();
await client.get(url).then((response) { //response is always null
resultJSON = {
'status' : response.statusCode,
'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
return c.future;
How to solve this issue?
Move the return c.future outside of the response processing, i.e you want to return this from your get otherwise you will return null.
You can simplify the code. That should make it easier to locate the problem
static Future<String> get({url : String, parameters : Map, headers: Map }) async {
var client = new http.Client();
final response = await client.get(url);
var resultJSON = {
'status' : response.statusCode,
'body' : JSON.decode(response.body)
return resultJSON.toString()
What does that code print?

How to ensure UploadStringCompletedEventHandler event has been executed successfully?

How to ensure UploadStringCompletedEventHandler event has been executed successfully ? in following code you can see i am calling function UploadMyPOST with my lastreads parameter having some data. Now you can see i am saving a variable named response into the MyClassXYZ varialbe. in the extreme last you can see there is a event which invoked by the method UploadMyPost() is filling the server response into the response variable. Now here issue is UploadMyPost(lastreads) executes successfully but its invoked event does not executes. Even cursor do not go on that event by which i am not able to fill server response into the response variable. So Anyone know any approach by which i can wait until that event successfully execute and i could able to save server response ?
private async void MyMethod(MyClassXYZ lastreads)
await UploadMyPOST(lastreads);
MyClassXYZ serverResponse = response;
if (serverResponse.Book == null)
//Do Something.
private void UploadMyPOST(MyClassXYZ lastreads)
apiData = new MyClassXYZApi()
AccessToken = thisApp.currentUser.AccessToken,
Book = lastreads.Book,
Page = lastreads.Page,
Device = lastreads.Device
//jsondata is my global variable of MyClassXYZ class.
jsondata = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiData);
MyClassXYZ responsedData = new MyClassXYZ();
Uri lastread_url = new Uri(string.Format("{0}lastread", url_rootPath));
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
wc.UploadStringCompleted += new UploadStringCompletedEventHandler(MyUploadStringCompleted);
wc.UploadStringAsync(lastread_url, "POST", jsondata);
private void MyUploadStringCompleted(object sender, UploadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
string resutls = e.Result;
DataContractJsonSerializer json = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(MyClassXYZ));
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resutls));
response = (MyClassXYZ)json.ReadObject(ms);
string sx = e.Error.ToString();
catch(Exception exe)
//After Stephen suggession i used the HttpClient so i have written new code with the help of HttpClient. Code is building successfully but at run time cursor goes out from this method to the parent method where from its calling.
private async Task<string> UploadMyPOST(MyClassXYZ lastreads)
string value = "";
apiData = new LastReadAPI()
AccessToken = thisApp.currentUser.AccessToken,
Book = lastreads.Book,
Page = lastreads.Page,
Device = lastreads.Device
jsondata = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(apiData);
LastRead responsedData = new LastRead();
Uri lastread_url = new Uri(string.Format("{0}lastread", url_rootPath));
HttpClient hc = new HttpClient();
//After following line cursor go back to main Method.
var res = await hc.PostAsync(lastread_url, new StringContent(jsondata));
Stream content = await res.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(content));
value = "kd";
{ }
return value;
I recommend that you use HttpClient or wrap the UploadStringAsync/UploadStringCompleted pair into a Task-based method. Then you can use await like you want to in MyMethod.
Thank you Stephen Clear you leaded me in a right direction and i did POST my request successfully using HttpClient.
HttpClient hc = new HttpClient();
hc.BaseAddress = new Uri(annotation_url.ToString());
HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, myUrl);
HttpContent myContent = req.Content = new StringContent(myJsonData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = await hc.PostAsync(myUrl, myContent);
//Following line for pull out the value of content key value which has the actual resposne.
string resutlContetnt = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
DataContractJsonSerializer deserializer_Json = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(MyWrapperClass));
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resutlContetnt.ToString()));
AnnotateResponse = deserializer_Json.ReadObject(ms) as Annotation;

Future Completer.future

Could someone please explain to me what is wrong with the following code.
The line .then((result) {window.alert("Record = ${oDbRec}");}) displays the following :
Record = Instance of '_ThenFuture#0x2900bd4a'
What I want is the result from the getObject(). The code:
fHtmDisplayOneClient(String sKey) {
var oDbRec;
oDbRec = fDbSelectOneClient(sKey)
.then((result) {window.alert("Record = ${oDbRec}");})
..catchError((oError) {window.alert("Error from fDbSelectOneClient. ${oError}");
Future fDbSelectOneClient(String sKey) {
var completer = new Completer();
idb.Transaction oDbTxn = ogDb1.transaction(sgTblClient, 'readwrite');
idb.ObjectStore oDbTable = oDbTxn.objectStore(sgTblClient);
idb.Request oDbReqGet = oDbTable.getObject(sKey);
oDbReqGet.onSuccess.first.then((val) => completer.complete(oDbReqGet.result));
oDbReqGet.onError.first.then((err) => completer.completeError(err));
return completer.future; // return the future
I think you want what the future returns, which is the 'result' object passed to .then()
.then((result) => print('$result'));
