ios : How to get photo url which is deleted in - ios

I am having issue in my app, the app is photo related,
In my app I have required photo url which is deleted via, is there any way to find in our app that which photo is deleted in
Thanks in advance.

No practical way, I suppose you could iterate over the photo library before the deletion and then iterate over the photo library after the deletion to see what the changes were.

I do a similar thing in my "Chanda" app. The photos are stored in iPhone Photo Library and a link is stored in the database. I believe that if you delete the photo from the Photos app then you will get nil or something when trying to fetch the photo.
Link a picture taken on my app


Objective c - How to check if the photo metadata has been changed

I am developing in-House iOS app with objective-c for capturing images and I'm depending on photos metadata to get the correct locations and dates, but the new iOS versions allow the user to adjusting and changing the whole photo information, and our field staff able to changing the photo metadata with fake details.
The only ways that can protect the informations:
1- How to check the photo if metadata has changed or not, and refuse the modified photo.?
2- It possible to create configuration file to make all photos with read-only?
The photo library, accessible through the Photos app, belongs to the user — not to you. So if you don't want the user to have normal powers over these photos, then don't store them in the user's photo library.
With other objects on iOS (I'm thinking of contacts in particular) you can store metadata of your own in Apple's database. I don't think that's the case with photos, sorry.
You could perhaps require your users take the photo in your app and store the location in a database of your own. You might be able to store the photo in the photos database if that's something you want.

ALAsset defaultRepresentation issue with iCloud pictures

Using ALAsset, I get a nil answer for a lot of pictures fetched from iCloud in my app when calling the method : defaultRepresentation.
However, when I call "thumbnail" I get the associated small picture.
It mostly happens when the picture has just been added on iCloud from another device. My assumption was that the picture was not fully synchronised yet.
I've read that in this case, I need to subscribe to the ALAsset notifications, thus I could know when the picture is downloaded and update my UI. But some of them are never correctly downloaded, even if I relaunch my app, still nothing.
The strange "workaround" that I found is going in iPhoto and open the pictures in full screen on the device. The issue disappear only for the pictures I opened but remains for the others.
Finally, someone here wrote that it's possible to "force" the download by calling "requestDefaultRepresentation" but this method is not in the Apple documentation so an app using it could be rejected.
My question is : Is there an authorised method to fetch those pictures without asking the user to go in iPhoto ?

How to create a photo album on flickR iOS?

I am new to iOS. I am working on an application where I want to upload photo on flickr. I am using Objective flickr Library. I have authenticated the user as well as succeeded in uploading images on flickr. But I am facing a lot of problem on creating a photo set within flickr. I have tried it for many days. I tried photo submitter code a also flickrkit but I am not able to do it. I also went through the flickr api but I am unable to get enough help. Can anyone please help me with this part.
Thanks for the reply.

How can I load images received from iMessage? [iOS7]

I am trying to load the images received from a contact in iMessage, but I have not found in iOS SDK to do this.
Load the contents of incoming iMessages.
Load the images received by iMessage.
Someone who knows how to help me?
This can not be done with on iOS with the iOS SDK. Due to privacy concerns Apple does not allow access to any messages received via the
If you're looking to pull images directly from the Messages app, then no you can't do that. If however, you're okay with only viewing the images that the user has chosen to save to the camera roll, then yes you have a few options.
You can use the UIImagePickerController class to allow the user to select photos from their camera roll, or the AssetsLibrary Framework to get references to these images without the user selecting them. Both solutions do require the user granting you access to the camera roll though.

accessing ios photos and uploading to a webserver

I am trying to build an iOS application that will display all of the iOS device's photos in a view. The user should then be able to click each photo to select (multiple selections allowed) then after selecting, upload the photos to a webserver.
Is it possible to access the photos that are controlled by the Photos application? Does anyone know of any efficient way to get access to the photos (third party framework) and/or a tutorial?
Apple's developer site lists the Assets Library Framework as a way "to access the pictures and videos managed by the Photos application." The documentation there is fairly extensive, and looking around the dev site more should yield several tutorials and example apps.
AFAIK you can't grab all images from camera roll and use them in your app but you can have a UIImagePickerController that lets the user choose the image from their camera roll and a delegate is fired when they select one (or take a picture depending on how you set it up) then you can use that image in your app.
