Edit form not grabbing value used - ruby-on-rails

I have a form (formtastic) that is using the Date::DAYNAMES helper to output the days of the week in a select box
days = Date::DAYNAMES
q.input :day,
collection: days,
as: :select
This works and outputs the days of the week starting from Sunday, however when it comes to editing that same form the field in question does not remember what day i have previously selected, it just returns the same dropdown (defaults to a blank field)
# Activity Date/Time Entry
f.inputs class: 'activityDayTime' do
f.has_many :activity_dates do |q|
days = Date::DAYNAMES
if q.object.new_record?
q.input :day,
collection: days,
as: :select
q.input :time_from
q.input :time_to
q.input :day,
collection: days,
as: :select
q.input :time_from
q.input :time_to
q.input :_destroy,
as: :boolean,
required: :false,
label: 'Remove Day/Time'
How can i tell the form to default to the saved day within the edit form.
Any help appreciated
After checking the DB it seems the days ist actually saving (showing as nil), so there seems to be something wrong with Date::DAYNAMES saving into a date field
I have changed the date field to a string field but the day still saves as nil

# app/helpers/collection_helper
module CollectionHelper
def days_collection
(0..6).map { |wday| [Date::DAYNAMES[wday], wday] }
# app/views/posts/_form.html.erb
. . .
= select_tag :month, options_for_select(days_collection, Time.now.day) # or collection helper
# simple_form
= f.input :month, as: :select, collection: days_collection
# formastic
= f.input :author, as: :select, collection: days_collection
. . .
A day stores as integer in rails
Post.first.created_at.wday # => 2
So we need to associate day name with its number
=> [ "Sunday", "Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" ]
This we can achieve with the code (one of implementations of it)
(0..6).map { |wday| [Date::DAYNAMES[wday], wday] }
# => [ [ "Sunday", 0],[ "Monday",1], ["Tuesday", 2], # end etc
This is format of array which is needed for collection builder for formastic and simple form also.
Wish it helps.


NoMethodError when returning an array in a form

I'm building an app for a restaurant and I have a form where I add meals to an order and a price field gets dynamically updated depending on what dishes and how many of them you pick.
To do that I built a nested form (I think that doesn't matter anyway) which looks as follows:
= f.collection_select(0, #dishes.collect{ |dish| [dish.name, :data => {:description => dish.price}]}, :name, :name, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"})
= f.select :quantity, options_for_select((1..10))
= f.text_field(:price, disabled: true)
= link_to_remove_association "X", f
The thing that bugs me is the collection_select. As you can see, I am returning an array with a name and a data-description which goes to the HTML tag. Based on the data-description, my price field gets updated.
However, I have no idea what method I should choose to extract the name of a dish. As you can see I tried 0 since name of the dish is always first in the array. I have also tried :first, :name but none of those works! The error I get is:
"NoMethodError in Orders#new
undefined method '0' for #Meal:0x007fe4eb8e26c8"
or when I use :name
undefined method `name' for ["Zupa z Krewetkami", {:data=>
Naturally, it points to:
= f.collection_select(0, #dishes.collect{ |dish| [dish.name, :data => {:description => dish.price}]}, :name, :name, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"})
I don't think the problem lies in my controller but, I'll show it just in case:
def new
#dishes = Dish.all
#order = current_user.orders.build
I tried looking for an answer here but as you can see the problem has not been solved and it was slightly different than mine.
To sum up - my question is what method I should use to extract name of the dish from my array in collection_select. Thanks!
Here is how you can use collection_select
= f.collection_select :meal_select, #dishes, :name, :price, {include_blank: true}, {class: "meal-select"}
For more details see the docs.
Use below approach
options_for_select( [['First', 1, {:'data-price' => 20}],
['Second', 2, {:'data-price' => 30}]] )
= f.select :meal_select, options_for_select(#dishes.collect{ |dish| [dish.name, dish.price,{'data-description' => dish.price}]}), :class => 'meal-select'

How can I render a numbered date field with the names not numbers?

I am creating a date picker for an events section and I cannot fathom how to have a datepicker with the names of days/months/years rendered not numbers.
I am currently using
f.inputs "Event Date" do
f.input :eventdate, :as => :date_picker, :use_month_names => true
It renders on the frontend:
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If you don't want to display the date in the deafult format, you could always write your own method like:
array = months("jan", "feb","mar", etc);
String DisplayDate= months[0] . " " . dayIs . ", " . yearIs;
Will return: jan 1, 2014
Here way to do it using rails helper:
= select_month(Date.today, field_name: 'eventdate')
Or here (see date select):
= f.input :eventdate, as: :date, order: [:month, :year]

How to stop rails from including current day and month in date helper

I'm trying to use Rails date helpers with a form. However, I only want to get the year. I got the form code below from simple_form gem https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form. The discard_day and discard_month prevent the month and day select box from showing. However, when I submit the form, I'm getting this multiparameter error
2 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
It appears Rails is just substituting the current day and month since none was entered in the form.
I'm wondering if there's a way to prevent Rails from including the current day and month, or am I supposed to deal with it in the controller. Right now, the create action looks like this
def create
#employment = current_user.employments.build(params[:employment])
if #employment.save
If I can't stop Rails from including the current day and month, then what would I do in the controller?
<%= f.input :start, as: :date, start_year: Date.today.year - 90,
end_year: Date.today.year, discard_day: true, discard_month: true %>
<%= f.input :end, as: :date, end_year: Date.today.year - 90,
end_year: Date.today.year, discard_day: true, discard_month: true %>
What is your data type for the start and end columns? If you are just storing a year, you can set them to an integer type instead of a date, and use <%= f.input :start, collection: (Date.today.year - 90)..(Date.today.year) %>.

Active Admin - refresh second drop down based on first drop down, Ruby on Rails

I am using Active Admin Gem on Ruby on Rails. I have a form in which i have selected category and sub category and then accordingly i have to fill the data. So i created two tables in sqlite added in active admin resouce.
Every thing is working fine but the drop down of sub category is not getting filtered based on the category choosen.
I am new to Ruby and RoR too. I don't know how to refresh dropdown of the subcategory after selecting category.
I know i can do it from AJAX and javascript but i dont know where to code for that?
Also, is there any specific filter avaliable in Active Admin which will make it happen without ajax or javascript.
Any ideas or help will be highly appreciated.
i don't know if there is any specific filter avaliable in Active Admin, but i solved it in this 3-steps way (assuming category - is a house, subcategory - is a flat):
1-st step: define helper containing ajax request
(of course, you have to predefine path in routes.rb)
def remote_request(type, path, params={}, target_tag_id)
{#{params.collect { |p| "#{p[0]}: #{p[1]}" }.join(", ")}},
function(data) {$('##{target_tag_id}').html(data);}
2-nd step: add this method for :onchange action
#admin/inhabitants.rb (DSL with formtastic)
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :house, :input_html => {
:onchange => remote_request(:post, :change_flats, {:house_id=>"$('#house_id').val()"}, :flat_id)
f.input :flat
3-rd step: render result of filtering
(you can render partial instead of :text, I decided leave it in one activeadmin resource file )
controller do
def change_flats
#flats = House.find_by_id(params[:house_id]).try(:flats)
render :text=>view_context.options_from_collection_for_select(#flats, :id, :flat_number)
I accomplished this as any non-rails developer working on a rails project would - quick and dirty. Here's how:
f.input :user, :input_html => {
:onchange => "
var user = $(this).val();
var $option = $(this),
isCorrectUser = ($option.attr('data-user') === user);
f.input :location, collection: Location.all.map{ |loc|
[loc.name,loc.id, {"data-user" => loc.user_id}]
No AJAX required. Note that this does not remove the unwanted options, it just disables them (sufficient for my scenario). This could easily be made modular with a helper, but I really only needed the functionality once.
For anyone else wrestling with the same problem, look at this railscast
I faced the same problem here
here's how I implemented multiple dynamic select menus in activeadmin:
config.register_javascript 'exam_registrations.js.coffee'
form do |f|
f.inputs "Exam Registration Details" do
f.input :user_id, :label => 'Teacher', :as => :select, :collection => User.where(:admin => 'false', :active => true).order(:name), :include_blank => true
f.input :student_id, :hint => 'Students grouped by teacher names', :as => :select, :collection => option_groups_from_collection_for_select(User.where(:admin => false, :active => true).order(:name), :students, :name, :id, :name)
f.input :lesson_id, :hint => 'Lessons grouped by student names', :as => :select, :collection => option_groups_from_collection_for_select(Student.where(:active => true).order(:name), :lessons, :name, :id, :name)
#first menu
jQuery ->
students = $('#exam_registration_student_id').html()
$('#exam_registration_user_id').change ->
user = $('#exam_registration_user_id :selected').text()
escaped_user = user.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/#])/g, '\\$1')
options = $(students).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_user}']").html()
if options
# second menu
lessons = $('#exam_registration_lesson_id').html()
$('#exam_registration_student_id').click ->
student = $('#exam_registration_student_id :selected').text()
escaped_student = student.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/#])/g, '\\$1')
options = $(lessons).filter("optgroup[label='#{escaped_student}']").html()
if options
restart the server and the menus work!
Now it's possible with this gem https://github.com/holyketzer/activeadmin-ajax_filter, use in you form code like this:
f.input :category_id, as: :select # ...
f.input :subcategory_id, as: :ajax_select, data: {
ajax_search_fields: [:category_id],
search_fields: [:subcategory_atrribute],
url: '/admin/subcategories/filter'
And in you subcategory resource page:
ActiveAdmin.register Subcategory do
include ActiveAdmin::AjaxFilter
# ...
don't forget to include assets
You can also use activeadmin_addons gem Nested Select
dependent-select could be also a good option

Rails date_select helper and validation

I have a date field in a model backed form in my Rails App:
<%= f.date_select :birthday,
{:start_year => Time.now.year,
:end_year => 1900,
:use_short_month => true,
:order => [:month, :day, :year],
:prompt => {:month => 'Month', :day => 'Day', :year => 'Year'}},
{:class => 'year',
:id => 'user_birthday'}
It is being validated in the model code using:
validates_presence_of :birthday, :message => 'is a required field'
Unfortunately, if the user enters a partial value such as just the year, the form still submits without an error. Instead a funky date value gets written to the db. How do I make all three fields be mandatory?
I'd like to write a custom validation for this, but I don't know how to properly access the indvidual pieces of the birthday element. How can I do this?
I think you would have to create the validation in the controller itself.
The date parts are being passed to birthday(1i), birthday(2i) and birthday(3i). The problem here is that they are assigned immediately when passing the attributes and thus before any validations occur.
You could also overwrite the attributes= method to create your own validation there, but I would not suggest you to do that.
Keep in mind that if you do validations, it might be good to validate against any incorrect date as well. (for instance 31st of February, which when passed will yield 2nd of March and not an error).
I think the main issue here is that ActiveRecord is actually replacing the empty values with 1 before creating the Date, which also means that if the visitor pass only the year, the date will be created on the 1st of January that year. I guess that is an expected behaviour to allow use of only one of year/month/day select and still create a useful date.
Related to this post, this is the best solution I've found. However I should add :day, :month, :year as attr_accessible, thing I don't understand why.. (because of validation? please let me know..)
MONTHS = ["January", 1], ["February", 2], ...
DAYS = ["01", 1], ["02", 2], ["03", 3], ...
START_YEAR = Time.now.year - 100
END_YEAR = Time.now.year
attr_accessible :day, :month, :year
attr_accessor :day, :month, :year
before_save :prepare_birthday
validate :validate_birthday
def prepare_birthday
unless year.blank? # in order to avoid Year like 0000
self.birthday = Date.new(self.year.to_i, self.month.to_i, self.day.to_i)
rescue ArgumentError
def validate_birthday
errors.add(:birthday, "Birthday is invalid") unless prepare_birthday
user registration form
<%= f.select :month, options_for_select(User::MONTHS), :include_blank => "Month" %>
<%= f.select :day, options_for_select(User::DAYS), :include_blank => "Day" %>
<%= f.select :year, options_for_select(User::YEAR_RANGE), :include_blank =>"Year" %>
You could override the validate_on_create method, like the following:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def validate_on_create
errors.add_to_base("Wrong date format")
After following Benoitr's suggestions I came up with something similar using virtual attributes. On the View side there are 3 separate select's (year,mon,day) inside of a 'fields_for'. The data is submitted to the controller's mass assignment (no modifications in controller, see asciicasts #16) and then passed to a getter/setter (i.e. virtual attribute) in the model. I'm using Rails 3.0.3, and simpleForm for the view code.
In the View:
<%= f.label "Design Date", :class=>"float_left" %>
<%= f.input :design_month, :label => false, :collection => 1..12 %>
<%= f.input :design_day, :label => false, :collection => 1..31 %>
<%= f.input :design_year, :label => false, :collection => 1900..2020 %>
In the Model:
validate :design_date_validator
def design_year
def design_month
def design_day
def design_year=(year)
if year.to_s.blank?
#design_date_errors = true
self.design_date = Date.new(year.to_i,design_date.month,design_date.day)
def design_month=(month)
if month.to_s.blank?
#design_date_errors = true
self.design_date = Date.new(design_date.year,month.to_i,design_date.day)
def design_day=(day)
if day.to_s.blank?
#design_date_errors = true
self.design_date = Date.new(design_date.year,design_date.month,day.to_i)
def design_date_validator
if #design_date_errors
errors.add(:base, "Design Date Is invalid")
'design_date_attr' is the virtual attribute which sets the value of design_date in the database. The getter passes back an hash similar to what gets submitted in the form. The setter checks for blanks and creates a new date object and sets it and also sets the error variable. The custom validator :design_date_validator checks for the error instance variable and sets the errors variable. I used ':base' because the variable name was not human readable and using base removes that value from the error string.
A few things to refactor might be the error checking instance variable, but it seems to work at least. If anyone knows a better way to update the Date objects I'd love to hear it.
