I installed the JIRA plugin in Sonar for a project.
I can successfully link between issues in Sonar and issues in JIRA using Sonar's web interface and the "Link to Jira Issue" button.
The project is mainly a Java project and I use gradle to build and gradle's sonar-runner plugin to do a sonar analysis.
Is it possible to have the JIRA issues created ( or solved ) automatically whenever I'm running an analysis , so I don't have to click on "Link to Jira Issue" for every issue ( there's approx 100 issues ).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Cheers !
No, it's not possible to automatically create issues in JIRA. What is your use case / process because I don't think that is worth opening a JIRA ticket for each issue (code formatting for instance)? From my point of view, you should only link important SonarQube's issues to JIRA to make them appear in your release notes for example.
Note also that there's a review workflow available in SonarQube: http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Reviewing+Issues
I'm trying to integrate JIRA issue tracker with Gitlab and following instructions from official docs.
My `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb' configuration file looks like
gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira'] = true
gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_title'] = "Atlassian Jira"
gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_project_url'] =
gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_issues_url'] =
gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_new_issue_url'] =
JIRA web app installed and running at localhost:7777
Modifying gitlab.rb file as showed above enabled JIRA in Setting tab as expected but services tab doesn't contain JIRA. Of course, I choose Atlassian Jira in Features, specified jira project name (same as gitlab project name) saved changes and in Project services tab saw Assembla, Atlassian Bamboo and others but didn't see JIRA. What I'm doing wrong?
As VonC pointed out, CE doesn't support JIRA fully. But, according to CE and EE comparison, CE still supports JIRA partially, in particular, mention JIRA ticket from Gitlab. As I understand, I still able to point issues to my JIRA instance and add issues in JIRA but I have to manually create project in JIRA and gitlab project name must be the same with the JIRA project name, am I right? I think so, because when I do it everything works the ony problem is log-in-problem described below.
Also, linking to JIRA doesn't work until I'm not logged in to JIRA. Is there any way to provide JIRA credentials to Gitlab CE?
We are using gitlab-ce 8.2.2-ce.0 and JIRA 6.4.11. I didn't have to configure anything in gitlab.rb.
First, configure the template so you don't have to do everything for each new project:
Open "JIRA" and exactly set this (including the ##-stuff - don't replace it):
Project url: http://localhost:7777/browse/#project-name#
Issues url: http://localhost:7777/browse/:id
New issue url: http://localhost:7777/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa?selectedProjectId=#project-id#
Then for each project, go to "Project > Settings > Services", activate JIRA and adapt the settings to use the correct project name and ID.
gitlab project name must be the same with the JIRA project name, am I right?
No, this is not necessary.
We want to create a defect/task in Jira automatically for a failed build in Bamboo. And need to assign this defect to the person who broke the build.
How to do these two things?
There is an open JIRA issue regarding this -- BAM-2537 -- watch it, vote for it - maybe they'll add it to the product.
The comments from Top 5 Reasons Creating JIRA Issues from Bamboo Makes Your Team Awesome-r also discuss what you're after.
Have a look at Atlassian CLI. There's already a good answer on StackOverflow.
Can Bamboo change status of tickets in JIRA
This is not "out of the box" solution, of course, and requires some additional work.
After installing the Sonar JIRA plugin and restarting the Sonar server, I have run an analysis with the following properties configured in the Sonar Ant task:
sonar.jira.url (no HTTPS used)
sonar.jira.url.param (a JIRA filter)
sonar.jira.project.key (the project key that is also used as prefix in JIRA issue keys)
The JIRA widget shows results for the configured JIRA filter, but the item "Link to JIRA" is missing from the "More actions" pop-up menu. I have tried this with Sonar 3.0, 3.4.1 and 3.5.
What could be wrong?
If you want to be able to link issues to JIRA, then you must specify all your properties in Sonar Web UI, not in your Ant build script.
Indeed, properties set on project files (may they be POM / sonar-project.properties / build.xml files) are not stored in the DB, so the UI can't retrieve this information and therefore won't display the link.
On the dashboards, click into a project, on the right up corner, there is a Configuration dropdown menu, on the setting opiton, you can find the JIRA setting. there you will be able to see the JIRA project key input box.
Hi im using jenkins but i need to ask if it is a code ispector ?
Or does it has more functions that I can use because I cant find them and its important ?
Jenkins itself is not a code inspector. It is more of a Continuous Integration server that provides a plugin API so that it can be expanded to do different things. There are alot of plugins available, so it really depends on your language and what you want your inspector to do ( static analysis, code coverage, etc )
A quick search provided this page Jenkins Plugins
I have Jenkins installed ( I do not have network access to it at the moment ) and it has a plugins page you can go to to see the available plugins. That would probably be the most up to date list.
We currently use Jenkins with a number of plugins to do builds and analysis on every commit. If you want to just run an analysis, you may want a standalone analysis tool.
I have installed Jira and the subversion plugin (with success from what i can tell from the administration panel - subv. plugin installed).
I then add a repository that I have created on the file system, BUT i cannot see an option which will link/connect a new or existing project to a SVN repository. What i want to do is link a project with a repository so I can track commits made to the project (link commits with issues). After some searching i found that this is possible but I cannot figure a way to do it.
Do I need another plugin for that? I have tried googling for the last hours but I cannot find anything related.
The way SVN-Jira linking works by default is to simply put the issue identifier of the Jira issue in the comment when committing to the SVN repository.
It can be helpful to enable comment editing in the repository, if you have past commits or users who forget to add comments when committing.
Example commit comment:
Fixed problem with login. See issue MYJIRAPROJECT-26 in issue tracker.
There's a service in Jira which scans the SVN repository at regular intervals, and builds a cache of any SVN revisions where an issue identifier appears. Depending on the polling interval, it make take a few minutes for the commit to show up in Jira.
The polling time is controlled by the JIRA Service for the SVN plugin. See Admin, Services.
you can enforce that future subversion commits require a jira issue reference for more reliable--than relying on your programmer's word ;)--jira-subversion integration
the jira commit acceptance plugin can be configured to block commits that don't include a valid (defined by subversion-jira project mapping and/or regular expression as appropriate to your situation) jira issue reference in the commit comment
reliable jira-subversion linkage availability allows handy stuff like:
Integration with issue trackers