What is a simple splash screen code for corona? - coronasdk

Needing help on creating a simple splash screen using lua for Corona
Already tried a simple code and im lost like applesauce

What do you mean by splash screen using lua? Do you want to add the iOS application splash screens (launch images) to your project? Then just add the proper .png files inside your project folder where main.lua resides:
These images should adhere to the standard names and sizes listed below, and you do not need to specify them in the plist table or in the android table:
Note: For iOS, you must specify launch image file names in the UILaunchImages table.
settings =
iphone =
plist =
--icon image files table (see section above)
CFBundleIconFiles = {
--launch image files table
UILaunchImages = {
{ -- iPhone 4 Portrait
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}"
{ -- iPhone 4 LandscapeLeft
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}"
{ -- iPhone 4 LandscapeRight
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}"
{ -- iPhone 5 Portrait
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}"
{ -- iPhone 5 LandscapeLeft
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}"
{ -- iPhone 5 LandscapeRight
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}"
{ -- iPad Portrait
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Portrait",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}"
{ -- iPad LandscapeLeft
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}"
{ -- iPad LandscapeRight
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}"
{ -- iPhone 6 Portrait
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}"
{ -- iPhone 6 LandscapeLeft
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}"
{ -- iPhone 6 LandscapeRight
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}"
{ -- iPhone 6 Plus Portrait
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-736h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}"
{ -- iPhone 6 Plus LandscapeLeft
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape-736h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}"
{ -- iPhone 6 Plus LandscapeRight
["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0",
["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape-736h",
["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight",
["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}"
For more information, visit the Launch Images section from the following api: Corona Project Build Settings
Keep Coding.................. :)

If you are trying to create your own splash screen that displays for a limited time, you can use a simple timer, and do something like this.
local background = display.newImage( "splash_background.png" )
timer.performWithDelay(1500, leaveScreen)
The leave screen function would contain whatever code you require to load the next scene. Here's my example if you are using the old director class.
local function leaveScreen()

Splash screen would be image or rectangle as per your choice.
local background = display.newImage( "img.png" )/display.newRect(0,0,height,width)
background.x = centerX
background.y = centerY
group name:insert(background)

I'm working right now on a project with lua and this is the code I'm using for my splash screen; it is a simple fade in - fade out splash. This is my "initiating" method(first one in the program)
whiteBag is the background image, a white png.
logo is well, the logo.
just before it ends, it calls an iniSetup method which throws the main menu in. It is mostly transitions.
function splashScreen()
whiteBag = display.newImage("images/backgrounds/white.png")
whiteBag.alpha = 0
whiteBag.x = display.contentCenterX
whiteBag.y = display.contentCenterY
logo = display.newImage("images/backgrounds/Logo-01.png")
logo.alpha = 0
logo.x = display.contentCenterX
logo.y = display.contentCenterY
transition.to(whiteBag, {transition = easing.inSine, time = 250, delay = 50, alpha = 1})
transition.to(whiteBag, {transition = easing.outSine, time = 250, delay = 900, alpha = 0})
transition.to(logo, {transition = easing.inSine, time = 500, delay = 50, alpha = 1})
transition.to(logo, {transition = easing.outSine, time = 500, delay = 900, alpha = 0, onComplete = mainMenuIn})
startIt = iniSetup()


corona coverting radio button to numeric textbox (lua)

I am trying to create a mobile application about healthcare. I have to create a survey like application to screen the patients. Right now i have completed a part of the survey using radio button, the other part also look something like this(see picture below) but i want the radio button change to numeric textbox. My application look something like this:
Right now I want to convert the radio button to a numeric textbox.
The question is: how can i make minimum code changes and replace all the radio button to numeric textbox?
Here is my code for the radio buttons:
local radioGroup = display.newGroup()
if(ebasRating_Arr[i] == 0) then
radioButton_0 = widget.newSwitch {
left = 565,
style = "radio",
initialSwitchState = true,
id = tostring(i),
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating0
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_0 )
radioButton_1 = widget.newSwitch {
style = "radio",
id = tostring(i),
initialSwitchState = false,
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating1
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_1 )
elseif (ebasRating_Arr[i] == 1) then
radioButton_0 = widget.newSwitch {
left = 565,
style = "radio",
initialSwitchState = false,
id = tostring(i),
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating0
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_0 )
radioButton_1 = widget.newSwitch {
style = "radio",
id = tostring(i),
initialSwitchState = true,
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating1
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_1 )
radioButton_0 = widget.newSwitch {
left = 565,
style = "radio",
initialSwitchState = false,
id = tostring(i),
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating0
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_0 )
radioButton_1 = widget.newSwitch {
style = "radio",
id = tostring(i),
initialSwitchState = false,
width = 60,
height = 60,
onPress = setEBASRating1
radioGroup:insert( radioButton_1 )
radioButton_0.y = 150 + (i * 450)
radioButton_1.x = 18 + radioButton_0.x+radioButton_0.width
radioButton_1.y = 150 + (i * 450)
scrollView:insert( radioGroup )

LUA : Scene not being created. What is wrong?

I'm building a game where I have a start screen and clicking the start button it should take me to the FIRST level. Some stuff happens and then I will be taken to the SECOND level.
However I'm running into problems and can't seem to find a solution.
When I click the start button it seems to get stuck in the create function because i prints out something. I was told you don't have to place anything in the create function and just put everything in the SHOW FUNCTION. Was i mislead?
local composer = require("composer")
local widget = require("widget")
local options = {effect = "fade", time = 800}
local startBtn;
local function start(event)
-- load first scene
composer.gotoScene( "level1", options);
print("Start Game")
startBtn = widget.newButton(
left = 75,
top = 100,
id = "startBtn",
label = "Start",
onEvent = start
When I click the START button it should take me to the FIRST LEVEL which is here
and is where i'm running into problems.
local composer = require( "composer" );
local scene = composer.newScene();
local widget = require ("widget");
function scene:create( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view;
function scene:show( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
local phase = event.phase
local params = event.params;
if (phase == "will") then
elseif (phase == "did") then
local bg = display.newImage ("bg.png",
display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY);
------- ALEX KIDD ---------------------------------
local options =
frames = {
{ x = 1, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 1
{ x = 18, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 2
{ x = 35, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 3
{ x = 52, y = 2, width = 16, height = 25}, --frame 4
{ x = 1, y = 54, width = 16, height = 24}, --ready1
{ x = 19, y = 54, width = 16, height = 24}, --ready2
{ x = 37, y = 54, width = 29, height = 24}, -- rock
{ x = 67, y = 54, width = 33, height = 24}, -- scissor
{ x = 101, y = 54, width = 33, height = 24}, -- paper
local sheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "kidd.png", options );
-- Create animation sequence for animation
local seqData = {
{name = "normal", start=1 , count = 4, time = 800},
{name = "faster", frames={1,2,3,4}, time = 400},
{name = "shake", frames={5,6}, time = 500},
{name = "rock", frames={7}},
{name = "paper", frames={9}},
{name = "scissor", frames={8}},
local alex = display.newSprite (sheet, seqData);
alex.x = display.contentCenterX-100;
alex.y = display.contentCenterY+83;
alex.anchorX = 1;
alex.anchorY = 1;
---------- JANKEN ---------------------------------
local jankenOpt =
frames = {
{x= 154, y= 13, width= 39, height= 48 }, -- shake1
{x= 195, y= 13, width= 39, height= 48 }, -- shake2
{x= 236, y= 13, width= 32, height= 48 }, -- set
{x= 270, y= 13, width= 16, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
{x= 287, y= 13, width= 16, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
{x= 305, y= 13, width= 15, height= 48 }, --r/p/s
{x= 69, y= 13, width= 41, height= 48 }, --flap1
{x= 110, y= 13, width= 40, height= 48 }, --flap2
local jankenSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "chars.png", jankenOpt );
-- Create animation sequence janken
local seqDataJanken = {
{name = "flap", frames={7,8}, time = 500},
{name = "shake", frames={1,2}, time = 500},
{name = "set", frames={3}, time = 10, loopCount=1},
local janken = display.newSprite (jankenSheet, seqDataJanken);
janken.x = display.contentCenterX+100;
janken.y = display.contentCenterY+83;
janken.anchorX = 1;
janken.anchorY = 1;
-------------- button setup
local btnOpt =
frames = {
{ x = 3, y = 2, width=70, height = 22}, --frame 1
{ x = 78, y = 2, width=70, height = 22}, --frame 2
local buttonSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "button.png", btnOpt );
local function foo (wow)
local function bar (wow)
--alex:setFrame(2); --keep it at this frame
-- NEXT: generate more buttons
-- Function to handle button event
local function go( event )
-- event.target is the button widget
print (event.phase, event.target.id)
transition.to(alex, {time=2000, x=170, onStart = foo, onComplete = bar})
local btnGo = widget.newButton(
x = 200,
y = 20,
id = "btnGo",
label = "Go!",
labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },
sheet = buttonSheet,
defaultFrame = 1,
overFrame = 2,
onPress = go,
-------------- play buttons
local function shoot (buttonID)
local randomHand = math.random(4,6);
-- position Janken and draw his hands
hand = display.newImage (jankenSheet, randomHand, display.contentCenterX+61, display.contentCenterY+60);
if (buttonID == "btnRock") then
alex:setSequence("rock"); -- just show rock for now
elseif (buttonID == "btnScissor") then
alex:setSequence("scissor"); -- just show rock for now
alex:setSequence("paper"); -- just show rock for now
local function play (event)
if (event.phase == "ended") then
alex:setSequence ("shake");
local t = timer.performWithDelay (1500, function() shoot(event.target.id) end, 1);
print (event.target.id); -- which button was it?
local btnRock = widget.newButton(
x = 80,
y = 20,
id = "btnRock",
label = "Rock",
labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },
sheet = buttonSheet,
defaultFrame = 1,
overFrame = 2,
onEvent = play,
local btnPaper = widget.newButton(
x = 80,
y = 50,
id = "btnPaper",
label = "Paper",
labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },
sheet = buttonSheet,
defaultFrame = 1,
overFrame = 2,
onEvent = play,
local btnScissor = widget.newButton(
x = 80,
y = 80,
id = "btnScissor",
label = "Scissor",
labelColor = { default={ 0, 0, 0 }, over={ 0, 0, 0 } },
sheet = buttonSheet,
defaultFrame = 1,
overFrame = 2,
onEvent = play,
local scoreAlex = display.newText ( {text="Alex: 0", x=230, y=60, fontSize=20});
scoreAlex:setFillColor (0,0,0);
scoreAlex.anchorX = 1;
function scene:hide( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
local phase = event.phase
if ( phase == "will" ) then
elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
scene:addEventListener( "create", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "enter", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene )
return scene
Well, you are adding a listener scene:addEventListener( "enter", scene ) which should be scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) (Change enter to show)
Your listener is not even being fired, because it was not added with the correct name.
Composer uses the following events: create, destroy, show, hide.

How do I simplify to load some files in the corona?

I am new to corona, all the work is from a scratch of others. Let see, I have 3 images that entitled shop1price shop2price shop3price. Now I want it to be simplified as the code below
local options =
{ defaultFile = 'images/shop1price.png' },
{ defaultFile = 'images/shop2price.png' },
{ defaultFile = 'images/shop3price.png' },
local priceTag = {}
for i = 1,3 do
priceTag[i] = widget.newButton{
overColor = {128,128,128,255},
width = 73,
height = 38,
left = (centerX-155) + (i-1)*118,
top = centerY * 0.88,
id = i,
onEvent = function (e)
if e.phase == 'ended' then
return true
-- priceTag[i] : setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
priceTag[i] : scale( 0.8 , 0.8 )
buttonGroup : insert( priceTag[i] )
But the button does not appear, I think the wrong is in options[i]. But the problem always is I don't know how the right. I know I can make the code themselves one by one, but it is certainly very tiring. What if I have for example of 100 buttons.
Any help would be appreciated.
local options = {}
[#options+1] = 'images/shop1price.png'
[#options+1] = 'images/shop2price.png'
[#options+1] = 'images/shop3price.png'
local priceTag = {}
for i = 1,#options do
priceTag[i] = widget.newButton{
defaultFile = options[i],
overColor = {128,128,128,255},
width = 73,
height = 38,
left = (centerX-155) + (i-1)*118,
top = centerY*0.88,
id = i,
onEvent = function (e)
if e.phase == 'ended' then
return true
-- priceTag[i] : setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
priceTag[i] : scale( 0.8 , 0.8 )
buttonGroup : insert( priceTag[i] )
Try this , should work fine.

Corona app's purple background in xCodeSimulator

I have a corona app, with two storyboard scenes (scene1.lua, addDesire.lua).
I show addDesire.lua as an overlay:
function onAddPurchase( event )
if event.phase == "ended" then
local options = {
effect = "fromBottom",
time = 500,
isModal = true,
storyboard.showOverlay( "addDesire", options )
In Corona Simulator everything works, but in xCode simulator a pink background appears in several cases.
1) When addDesire.lua appears after onAddPurchase it looks like:
When it should look like:
2) When I close addDesire.lua (tapping on Cancel button) this appears:
There is something even stranger going on under the hood:
addDesire.lua has 2 textFields and 1 textBox which is created in function scene:createScene( event ). If I comment out the code that creates these objects everything works perfectly.
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local centerX = display.contentCenterX
local centerY = display.contentCenterY
local _W = display.contentWidth
local _H = display.contentHeight
local bg = display.newImageRect( "assets/dollar.png", 360, 570 )
bg.x, bg.y = _W/2, _H/2
bg:addEventListener( "tap", function() native.setKeyboardFocus(nil); end)
-- Rounded Rect Alpha
roundedRect = display.newRoundedRect( 5, 5, _W*0.9, _H*0.8, 10 )
roundedRect.x, roundedRect.y = centerX, centerY
roundedRect:setFillColor( 0/255, 0/255, 0/255, 170/255 )
-- Label Title
titleLabel = display.newText( "Purchase", 0, 0, "AmericanTypewriter-Bold", 20 )
titleLabel.x, titleLabel.y = centerX, _H*0.15
-- Label Fam
nameLabel = display.newText( "Name", 0, 0, "AmericanTypewriter", 18 )
nameLabel.x, nameLabel.y = centerX, _H*0.20
-- Edit Fam
nameText = native.newTextField(_W/2, _H*0.26, 240, 30)
nameText.font = native.newFont(native.systemFont, 18)
nameText:addEventListener( "userInput", inputListener )
-- Label Name
descriptionLabel = display.newText( "Description", 0, 0, "AmericanTypewriter", 16 )
descriptionLabel.x, descriptionLabel.y = centerX, _H*0.31
-- Edit Name
descriptionText = native.newTextBox(_W/2, _H*0.44, 240, 100)
descriptionText.font = native.newFont(native.systemFont, 14)
descriptionText.isEditable = true
descriptionText:addEventListener( "userInput", inputListener )
-- Label Deposit
costLabel = display.newText( "Cost", 0, 0, "AmericanTypewriter", 16 )
costLabel.x, costLabel.y = centerX, _H*0.57
-- Edit Deposit
costText = native.newTextField(_W/2, _H*0.64, 240, 30)
costText.font = native.newFont(native.systemFont, 18)
costText.inputType = "number"
costText.align = "center"
costText:addEventListener( "userInput", inputListener )
-- Button Save & Start game
btnSave = widget.newButton {
width = _W*0.4,
height = 50,
--defaultFile = "buttonDefault.png",
--overFile = "buttonOver.png",
label = "Buy",
onEvent = onSaveData
btnSave.x, btnSave.y = _W/2, costLabel.y+150
-- Button Cancel
btnCancel = widget.newButton {
width = _W*0.8,
height = 50,
--defaultFile = "buttonDefault.png",
--overFile = "buttonOver.png",
label = "Cancel",
onEvent = onExit,
btnCancel.x, btnCancel.y = _W/2, btnSave.y+50
What is going on?
The answer is here guys: native.textField

Connecting my tab buttons to pages

I'm creating a basic quiz game in corona for a class and am having troubles getting my tab bar buttons to connect to the other pages that have been created for them. I was just wondering if anyone out there could help me out.
local background = display.newImage ("basketball_court.jpg")
print("PE Sports Quiz")
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
local textObj = display.newText("PE Sports Quiz",
100, 50, m11, 24)
local widget = require ( "widget" )
local storyboard = require("storyboard")
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local localGroup = display.newGroup()
local tabButtons =
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = "tab.png",
overFile = "tab2.png",
label = "Play",
onPress = function() storyboard.gotoScene( "basketball1" ); end,
selected = true
width = 32, height = 32,
defaultFile = "tab.png",
overFile = "tab2.png",
label = "Credits",
onPress = function() storyboard.gotoScene( "credits" ); end,
local demoTabs = widget.newTabBar
top = display.contentHeight - 50,
width = display.contentWidth,
backgroundFile = "back.png",
tabSelectedLeftFile = "tab.png",
tabSelectedMiddleFile = "tab.png",
tabSelectedRightFile = "tab.png",
tabSelectedFrameWidth = 20,
tabSelectedFrameHeight = 52,
buttons = tabButtons
local tabBar = widget.newTabBar
top = display.contentHeight - 50,
width = display.contentWidth,
buttons = tabButtons
The only thing I see is that you should rename your credits.lua to gamecredits.lua and change the gotoScene() call for it. There is an internal module called "credits" that can cause issues.
