Getting only few search results from youtube api - youtube

Using below URL for loading youtube videos to my web app but I get less results in api when compared to result. How to get same result as in api result?
var url = "";
url= url + '&paid-content=false';
url = url + '&duration=long';
url = url + '&safeSearch=strict';
url = url + '&orderby=viewCount';
url = url + '&max-results=50';

It seem to my code issue and now working fine with below url:


How to get a media messages URL using the twilio rest api?

I am trying to gather the URL of a media message sent in by a user in a python function. In theory (and according to this tutorial) my python code below should work for this:
last_message = client.messages.list(limit = 1)
last_message_instance = last_message[0]
media = last_message_instance
media_url = '' + media.uri[:-5]
However, for some reason the media.uri parameter does not return all three sid (AccountSid, MessageSid, Sid) strings needed for the url. The url should be composed of:{AccountSid}/Messages/{MessageSid}/Media/{Sid}.json
The .uri returns only my AccountSid and the sent message's MessageSid (interestingly, labelled as Sid in the json message as shown below)
"sid": "MMbde22b567bf7e3c77fcd4fe01d286446",
Does anyone have any tips on how to find the Media/{Sid} term I need (this typically begins with MEXxXxXxX) Thanks!
I think the issue here is that you are only making the request to the API to get a message, which is why you do not have the detail about the media.
You can request the media for the message by calling The result of that will be a list of media objects from which you can get the media URL.
last_message = client.messages.list(limit = 1)
last_message_instance = last_message[0]
for media in
media_url = '' + media.uri[:-5]

UrlFetchApp.fetch with very long URLs

New to Google Apps Script, trying to retrieve data from a URL with UrlFetchApp.fetch but the URL length is limited to 2kB per call (
Thus, with a long URL I get the error Limit Exceeded: URLFetch URL Length..
var url = ''
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
Is there any way I can get around this limit, maybe by using another library to make the GET request?
Jack Brown's solution works well if I run the function from the script editor. In order to make the functionality accessible as a google-spreadsheets function, I used the following:
Using the UrlShortener API in a custom Spreadsheet function
You can use Url Shortener API to create a short URL and pass it to URLFetchApp like so:
function shortenUrl() {
var Lurl = ''
var url = UrlShortener.Url.insert({
longUrl: Lurl
Logger.log('Shortened URL is "%s".',;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(;
Make sure you have selected URL shortener API under Resources>Advanced Google Services> URL shortener API v1 (set to on) and also enabled the same in developers console. For more details refer here
Google shortener seems to have some issues with a certain type of URL. This is a more generalized solution. You can select different providers by modifying provider key in the payload below. More details can be found here
function shortenUrl(Lurl) {
if(Lurl == undefined){
var Lurl = ''
var payload = {
'apikey': 'your API Key', //Create a new Key here
'provider' : 'tinyurl_com',
'format' : "text",
'url' : Lurl}
var options = {
var url = ""
var response =UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options)
var turl = response.getContentText()
response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(turl)
Hope that helps!
On March 30, 2018, Google deprecated the URL Shortener service that was used in the accepted answer.
I wrote a script to use the Firebase Dynamic Links Short Links API service.
The docs are here if you want to cook your own.

Google Youtube API v3 Playlist title

I am trying to port a application developed using version 2 API of google youtube to version 3.
How can I get title of a playlist using version 3 API? We could get the title of playlist using version 2. However, title I get when I query playlist's snippet is different from what it is shown on the youtube website.
Is there any difference in Version 3?
I am using .NET API library from Google. if this helps.
Can anyone please help?
EDITED: 20-MAY-2014
Sorry for the delay in response. I tried using Version 3 API from Google and when I am trying to get playlists using
var channelsListRequest = youtubeService.Channels.List("snippet,contentDetails");
after setting channelsListRequest.ForUserName, i call var channelsListResponse = await channelsListRequest.ExecuteAsync();
From the response, I would then get the playlist list sent using:
foreach (var channel in channelsListResponse.Items)
var uploadsListId = channel.ContentDetails.RelatedPlaylists.Uploads;
var nextPageToken = "";
while (nextPageToken != null)
var playlistRequest = youtubeService.Playlists.List("id,snippet,contentDetails,status,player");
playlistRequest.Id = uploadsListId;
playlistRequest.MaxResults = 50;
playlistRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
var playlistListResponse = await playlistRequest.ExecuteAsync();
if (playlistListResponse.Items.Count > 0)
The messagebox displays the comment that was added when creating playlist. However, when I view in youtube using a browser, the playlist title is displayed properly.
Please try the following link, and change the play" + playlistId + "&fields=items(localizations%2Csnippet%2Flocalized%2Ftitle)&key=" + KEY;
Implementation and Migration Guide:
I am new to the YouTube API implementation, so please use the Implementation and Migration Guide above for more information, but from what I have discovered myself using the API Explorer: Is that you need to use youtube.playlists.list(snippet,[id]). Replace [id] with the ID of your playlist.

Which is the right Youtube Api URL to rate a video with an authenticated user?

I'm doing a Android App and I've done that an user can authenticate with OAuth 2.0 in a Youtube account. But when I try to rate a video which is the right URL to rate it.
I send a POST request with this string:
It return this response: "Response contains no content type"
I use this link to check it:
I can do this action sending this POST URL: ""
Adding this headers
httppost.setHeader("POST", "/feeds/api/videos/sxbHyiwYDiw/ratings");
httppost.setHeader("GData-Version", "2");
httppost.setHeader("X-GData-Key", "key=*********");
httppost.setHeader("Authorization", "AuthSub token=" + getAccessToken());
httppost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml");
...and adding a xml body
You can check it in the first link: Youtube Demo.

How do I mask Facebook graph api URLs for pictures?

I'm trying to display Facebook profile pictures on my site, but don't want to leak the facebook id's of the people in the source.
For example, this URL: will redirect to: when you load it in a browser. I'd like to get the 2nd url (CDN url) and use it as my img src since it doesn't show the facebook id in the url.
I'm doing this in Ruby on Rails at the moment and am curious if there's a better way that what I have done below:
def picture_square(facebook_id, secure=false)
raw_url = "" facebook_id + "/picture?type=square"
if secure
binary_img = ''
open(raw_url) do |f|
binary_img =
encoded_img = Base64.encode64(binary_img)
return 'data:image/jpg;base64,' + encoded_img.to_s
return raw_url
You could call this with the following HTML (using the above example):
<img src="<%= picture_square(4, true) %>"
This definitely works and uses the inline image properties to actually render the image, but it's a bit slow if you have a bunch of images that you're trying to load.
Is there a way in Ruby that I can get the redirected URL and just return that instead of trying to get the actual raw binary data and encode it to base64?
Make a call to the graph API with this url:
This will return the image you are looking for inside the json response. The other option would be to make an http request to the first url you posted and then inspect the HTTP headers to read the location header..
