How to find and modify required assets in a rails project? - ruby-on-rails

I have //= require jquery.ui.selectable in application.js. Works great, well sort of. I need to customize this method because the fieldset selector is conflicting in my app.
// This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.js,
which will include all the files listed below.
Where is the file actually stored so that I can modify it?

Assuming you didn't include that file yourself, you probably have something like gem 'jquery-ui-rails' in your Gemfile. To directly answer your question, the jquery UI assets (and indeed any assets belonging to a gem) will all be stored in their respective gem directories, which will be dictated by your $GEM_HOME environment variable.
For example, in my case, on my Mac using RVM, the location of my jquery UI directory is:
with $GEM_HOME being /Users/paul/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#some_application.
Having said that, I would strongly not recommend manually altering the selectors in the javascript files of a gem. The easiest and cleanest approach would be to alter your DOM structure, at least changing the class, id, or other selectable attributes, in such a way as to avoid the conflict you mentioned. If you update your post with more details regarding the conflicting selector, I'm sure we can help you in a much better way.

if jquery.ui.selectable is not included via gem, it will be located in the following places
if it is in gem , you can just copy jquery.ui.selectable.js file from gem repo and customise it and put it in assets folder.
NOTE: i assumed js, it can also be coffee.js


Ruby on Rails: where to put the 'require' files?

I'm trying to use this gem barometer and in the document it says that it can be used right out of the box with using require 'barometer'
I've always used gems and put them in the gemfile, but I think this is different...
Do I just download this entire repo, and copy all the files in the lib folder into my vendor folder? or maybe public folder?
Where would you typically put these files? And where would you include the require? Should this be in the application controller? Or maybe in the helper? Sorry for this really noob question.
I know in my local environment, I can just type in gem install barometer in my console, and not have to put in a require, but I don't think this will work in heroku, or production environment.
I've always used gems and put them in the gemfile, but I think this is different...
No, this is no different. Barometer is a Rubygem and putting it in your Gemfile is exactly the way to use it.
As with every library, your require should go in whichever file uses the code, for example the same file that the call is. You don't always need the require line depending on your Ruby environment, but it's always a good idea to get used to it

How to tell Rails to not clean some assets in the public folder

The issue here is that I have Bootstrap on production looking for the fonts at:
When in development mode, it looks for these assets in:
So what I did was I added the fonts folder into public and it all worked. I did the same for production. You can guess that I'm now dealing with a rails assets:clean issue that must be running and removing the files, hence not allowing them to appear.
Is there a way to tell Rails to not clean the files in assets/spree/fonts?
I'm assuming you installed the bootstrap files manually?
If you instead use a gem such as the following, then you won't have to worry about these issues:
gem "bootstrap-sass"
Alternatively, you should be installing everything into your vendor directory. As you've found you'll then have issues with any linked assets within these files. The correct fix for this would be to edit the bootstrap source to use the correct asset_path helpers.
Obviously that's quite a bit of maintenance overhead when you get round to doing the next bootstrap update.
I'd take a look at the bootstrap-sass gem, even if you decide not to use it.

Where can i find the chosen.jquery.js file in my rails app?

I'm guessing this is a silly question, but i'm a bit of a newb...
I've added the chosen gem to my rails app by adding it to my Gemfile and requiring chosen-jquery in my application.js file.
My question is: where can i find the actual javascript file for chosen? Is it downloading it automatically?
Simply include the JS and CSS files like described in the documentation on the main page of the Github project and it will be included when precompiling your assets. The files are not within your project directory but rather within the gem and will be resolved by the pipeline when the gem is included.
If you need to get to the file directly (for modifications), you need to put the JS in there manually. You can then still include it in the main application.js for the pipeline and have better control of the version in use. To me, this is the preferred method.
However, may I suggest switching to Select2 which is originally based on Chosen but under much more active development and better documentation:
There's also a gem for it if you like:
It's in a gem itself. If you look at vendor/assets/javascripts in gem root, you'll see all javascripts that come with chosen gem. They are added by assets pipeline, with
//= require chosen-jquery
line in your application.js.
Look up your assets load path. Like this:
in terminal cd to your app root
then open rails console
then run Rails.application.config.assets.paths
Your chosen-jquery is in one of those folders.

How to add wrapbootstrap (made with twitter bootstrap) themes to rails application

The website has themes which were made using Twitter Bootstrap. Each of these themes include different versions of Twitter Bootstrap along with other various libraries and versions (jquery, fontawesome, etc...)
How do I add these themes to my existing Rails app? What are the steps?
I'm especially curious about the conflicts that may arrise if I'm already using a different version of jquery, twitter bootstrap, fontawesome, and others (as declared in the Gemfile).
Thank you
You can add the css from the theme you purchased from wrapbootstrap to your assets > application.css.scss file. And use the html tags that came with the theme in your rails app views so that the css styling is applied.
Also, I would recommend using gem 'sass-rails' to import the standard bootstrap styling.
Here's a tutorial to get you started with adding bootstrap to a rails app. Adding the theme css and html tags is up to you.
I did this for few of the projects, I agree with majorly what Mike has answered above. Here are some of the gotchas I saw.
We started as a standard project on Rails all our views dynamic(Ember)/static were based on Bootstrap CSS. When major internal pages were up and functionality demonstrated we focused on landing pages. By this time we had the gems for bootstrap, fontawesome added to our Gemfile.
So one of the thing is to remove these gems "bootstrap", "fontawesome" from Gemfile. Include these as part of your wrapbootstrap dump.
Also as you progress with integration you may realize that a lot of common code is being repeated, its in your best interest to split the page components: headers, footers other things as partial Rails views. It severely saves the editing effort.
Another thing I found extremely useful to keep every thing up while you are still in integration stage, is to split your CSS/JS includes for pages imported from wrap bootstrap and pages you already have. So if you intend to migrate all existing pages into new theme scraping your CSS, then it can be merged in stages, otherwise you can let them co-exist.
You have to add new entries in routes.rb, controller calls to support the pages if you don't have them already. Likes of about, contactus, team etc. etc.
And if you use something like Ember/Backbone then you have to manage the co-existence of single pager app in some pages which may or may not be linked to the Wrapbootstrap pages.
This was all the things I had to take care off when I integrated the wrapbootstrap theme on top of Rails-EmberJS app.
Interesting timing as I just had to do this myself. I'm still fairly new to Rails so this might not be the best solution, but here's how I got it working ...
Note: every theme is different so this may not be a one size fits all approach.
1) My theme was built with Middleman and it was expecting to run stand alone or on a Sinatra instance.
2) In order to get the theme up on Rails, I had to add the compass gem, the sass gem, the sass-rails gem, and the compass-rails gem to work properly. I'm assuming you can install these (if required for your theme).
3) Assuming you have a Rails app ready to roll, go into your assets directory and backup your .js, .css, and all fonts and images. Place your theme asset files in the appropriate place.
4) Now do the same with your view layer. You may have a partials and/or pages folder which you can place in the views directory. You'll want to put application.erb.html and any navigation files in the layouts folder under the views directory. Again, make sure you back up your original files first.
5) If your theme was designed for Sinatra, you may have a Config.rb file. I moved the logic from this file into my config/environment.rb file. I was the least confident with this step. Other Rails devs can chime in if there is a better location.
6) Start your server up. You may encounter some exceptions but this is to be expected.
7) Take a look at your old app/assets/javascripts/application.js file and compare it to the new file. Ensure that the new file has the jquery ujs library included //= require jquery_ujs . Without this bit of magic your PUT and DELETE HTTP verbs won't work properly.
8) Path adjustments. My theme had the Font Awesome library included. In order to get it to work, I had to adjust the reference paths at the top of the font-awesome.scss file.
9) Finally, you'll need to debug the newly added code in the environment.rb file. The Sinatra developer was doing a lot of Route magic to adjust the navigation display. This wasn't porting over well to my environment. I removed many of these calls from my navigation template files. Once complete, my newly skinned app was up and running! Good luck.
make sure that while installing twitter bootstrap you should add following gem into your Gemfile under "group :assets"
gem 'therubyracer'
gem 'less-rails'
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'
then run bundle command.
Now, the theme "file_name.css" (file_name could be any) that u have downloaded just add it into "stylesheets" folder under app->assests->stylesheets
then open your application.css file in same folder there you will see
*= require_tree.
replace this line with
*= require "file_name.css"
NOTE: Don't forget to re-compile your assets or simply delete the content of your tmp/cache folder.
save it and reboot your server. it will apply youe new theme.
Watch this training course which guide you to do so in detail and from scratch.

Is there a "Rails Way" to fold a Twitter Bootstrap theme into a Rails 3 application?

I purchased a nice-looking Twitter Bootstrap them online that is going to spice up my Rails 3.2.8 application. The package contains the following directories:
Of course these files will have relative links to each other in them. Is there a standard way of integrating this type of stuff into the asset pipeline, or is it still a standard practice to put it under public?
You'll want to use the asset pipeline. Everything is moving that direction and it's really not any harder (except when it is). Your files will go in the /app/assets/ directory.
For the css, you should be able to drop it right into app/assets/stylesheets/, just be sure that bootstrap is included first. There are several gems that make it easy to include bootstrap's files. I use bootstrap-sass, but you might also try twitter-bootstrap-rails (depends on if you want sass support or not). With either one, look at the readmes that I linked to as they include some useful details you'll want to know for each gem.
For the javascript, it should be about the same thing. In your application.js file, be sure that bootstrap is include before //= require_tree . in case the theme adds any custom javascript. Both of the gems I listed before also include the javascript files for bootstrap. You can read their documentation to see the details (it's almost exactly the same as normal for both gems).
As far as images are concerned, put them in the app/assets/images/ directory and you'll have to change the stylesheets a bit for it to work. When an image is declared in the stylesheet, like background: url('./images/bg.jpg');, you'll need to use the image_path helper instead, so it would look like background: url(image_path('bg.jpg'));. Notice I just included the name of the image. The asset pipeline will automatically parse this to the correct path for you.
If the theme includes any custom fonts, you'll do the same as images except using the asset_path helper like so in your #font-face declaration:
url(asset-path('museo700.ttf', font));
There are also type-specific helpers you can use, such as font-path, image-path, etc. Either asset-path with a type declared or the type-specific helper will work, just be consistent with which one you use so as not to produce confusion.
You can place custom fonts in a directory something like app/assets/fonts/. The asset pipeline will automatically find them, since they're in the assets directory.
