Indy server TIdTCPServer.OnExecute called continuously after client disconnect - delphi

I have situation when I know how much bytes I expect to get from client (in this code it is 100). If client does't gives me 100 I don't need this packet at all, because it is corrupted.
I have situation when client gives less than 100 bytes and disconnects. In this case I'm catching exception and everything would be fine except that after this exception my ServerTCPExecute is called for many times uncontinuously. There are no any other clients connected. Why it is so? If I do TIdYarnOfThread(AContext.Yarn).Thread.Terminate; everything goes fine. But I'm not sure it is good solution.
procedure Form1.ServerTCPExecute(AContext: TIdContext);
AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadBytes(b, 100, False);

Solution: do not use try ... except to catch and ignore all exceptions within OnExecute.
This will swallow the Indy exception which happens when the client disconnects, the server will execute the next iteration of OnExecute if the IOHandler.InputBuffer still has data in it, and ReadBytes raises another exception because the peer disconnected.
If any exception is raised and leaves the method, the Indy TCP server will close and clean up the connection.
Indy uses exceptions for error handling and notifications in OnExecute, so do not suppress them with an "empty" exception handler. If you need to catch exceptions, re-raise any EIdException-derived exceptions you catch and let the server handle them.
p.s.: the posted code seems to use a non-local variable b. Because TIdTCPServer is a multi-threaded component, non-local variables must always be accessed in a thread-safe way, for example using a critical section, or putting the variable inside of the TIdContext object.


Is there an efficient way to bullet-proof a program without try...except?

I've got a Delphi 6 client-server application where the server is essentially:
on e: exception do writeln(e.message);
until false;
During development, bugs (such as a pointer exception) were rare but the server would be able to keep running. Now that it's in production the server seems debugged and it's tempting to remove the try...except because it adds substantial execution overhead to the server, but then if an exception were to occur it would stop the server.
One solution would be to have a parent process simply restart the entire server, and bypassing initialization on restart would effectively reproduce what try...except accomplished, but there wouldn't be any record of what caused the exception, and restarting with or without initialization actually creates a lot of unwanted "state" issues, especially with client connections.
Is there some way to override or amend exception handling so that when the exception happens it's recorded somewhere (such as in the system event log or %errorlevel%) before the programs quits and is restarted or (better:) recovers, but without the overhead of an all-encompassing try...except?
The ideal solution would record the exception but resume execution at the level of the repeat...until. Perhaps by doing something like saving the address of the repeat in some accessible global, then make any exception unwind the call stack and resume at that saved address? (Which I guess is what try..except essentially does, but is there a way to avoid the overhead it imposes when there aren't exceptions?)
Expanding on Serg's suggestion:
until false;
on e: exception do writeln(e.message);
until false;
Has the same behaviour but moves the try .. except outside the innermost loop.
However, I'd be amazed if this had any discernible impact on performance.
Expanding on David and Sergs suggestions...
If the complexity of your loop is as low as your posted code suggests (or could be reduced to such a level of simplicity) then it may be practical to provide both behaviours, subject to a command line switch to either enable or disable runtime errors via exception handling.
Parse the command line at startup to determine the mode of operation and set an indicator variable accordingly. e.g using an enum:
TServerMode = (smHighThroughput, smDiagnostic);
ServerMode: TServerMode;
if FindCmdLineSwitch('d') then
ServerMode := smDiagnostic
ServerMode := smHighThroughput;
You could of course use a setting in a configuration file or database table if a command line parameter is not desirable or practical for whatever reason.
However you go about it, you provide the ability to run the server in "high throughput" mode or "recoverable diagnostic" mode with a minimum of duplicated syntax:
case ServerMode of
smDiagnostic : repeat
on e: Exception do .... // etc
until FALSE;
smHighThroughput : repeat
until FALSE;
on e: Exception do .... // etc
Note that even in HighThroughput mode the above example captures information about any exception that causes server termination. The Diagnostic mode logs all exceptions but attempts to keep the server running.
You can then default to HighThroughput mode with the option of enabling Diagnostic mode in the event that you need to diagnose a server that seems unusually unstable.
Having said all that, I would try to definitively quantify the impact of the try..except on the loop before going to great lengths to engineer around that impact.
Drop an ApplicationEvents on a central place in your application.
Implement the OnException Event.
Delete the local try...except to remove overhead.
In the exception event you can do anything including log the exception.
If you want to add something special to the exception it is possible to still have a local try..except and modify the E.Message and then call raise. Then the global exception handler will be called with the modified message.

What happens when ShowMessage is called?

I am working on the project where I communicate with another device over COM port.
For incoming data I am using VaComm1RXchar event, there I store the message into the array and increment msgIndex which represents number of messages.
Then I call the function where I work with this message.
Inside this function is this timeout cycle where I wait for this message:
while MsgIndex < 1 do
stop := GetTickCount;
if (stop - start)> timeout then
MessageBox(0, 'Timeout komunikace !', 'Komunikace', MB_OK);
The strange thing for me is that, when have it like this above then it always end with timeout. But when I put on there before this while cycle a ShowMessage('Waiting') then It works correcly.
Does anyone know what can caused this and how can I solve it? Thanks in advance!
We can deduce that the VaComm1RXchar event is a synchronous event and that by blocking your program in a loop you are preventing the normal message processing that would allow that event to execute.
Showing a modal dialog box, on the other hand, passes message handling to that dialog so the message queue is properly serviced and your Rx events and handled normally.
You can be certain this is the case if this also works (please never write code like this - it's just to prove the point):
while MsgIndex < 1 do begin
stop := GetTickCount;
if (stop - start)> timeout then begin
MessageBox(0, 'Timeout komunikace !', 'Komunikace', MB_OK);
Application.ProcessMessages; // service the message queue so that
sleep(10); // your Rx event can be handled
If there is a lesson here it is that RS-232 communication really needs to be done on a background thread. Most all implementations of "some chars have been received" events lead to dreadful code for the very reason you are discovering. Your main thread needs to be free to process the message that characters have been received but, at the same time, you must have some parallel process that is waiting for those received characters to complete a cogent instruction. There does not exist a sensible solution in an event-driven program to both manage the user interface and the communication port at the same time on one thread.
A set of components like AsyncPro**, for example, wrap this functionality into data packets where synchronous events are used but where the components manage start and end string (or bytes) detection for you on a worker thread. This removes one level of polling from the main thread (ie: you always get an event when a complete data packet has arrived, not a partial one). Alternatively, you can move the communication work to a custom thread and manage this yourself.
In either case, this is only partly a solution, of course, since you still cannot stick to writing long procedural methods in synchronous event handlers that require waiting for com traffic. The second level of polling, which is managing a sequence of complete instructions, will still have you needing to pump the message queue if your single procedure needs to react to a sequence of more than one comport instruction. What you also need to think about is breaking up your long methods into shorter pieces, each in response to specific device messages.
Alternatively, for heavily procedural process automation, it is also often a good idea to move that work to a background thread as well. This way your worker threads can block on synchronization objects (or poll in busy loops for status updates) while they wait for events from hardware. One thread can manage low level comport traffic, parsing and relaying those commands or data packets, while a second thread can manage the higher level process which is handling the sequence of complete comport instructions that make up your larger process. The main thread should primarily only be responsible for marshalling these messages between the workers, not doing any of the waiting itself.
See also : I do not understand what Application.ProcessMessages in Delphi is doing
** VAComm may also support something like this, I don't know. The API and documentation are not publicly available from TMS for ASync32 so you'll need to consult your local documentation.
What happens is that a modal message loop executes when the dialog is showing. That this message loop changes behaviour for you indicates that your communications with the device require the presence of a message loop.
So the solution for you is to service the message queue. A call to Application.ProcessMessages in your loop will do that, but also creates other problems. Like making your UI become re-entrant.
Without knowing more about your program, I cannot offer more detailed advice as to how you should solve this problem.

Read all data on Indy Server buffer

I have in TCP/IP a client that send a list of strings with writeln (all at the same time).
How can the TCPserver know that it has read all the data?
In Onexecute event, I have used:
If (not AThread.Terminated)and(athread.Connection.Connected) then
But the problem, is that some last lines are not read.
You should send each string with its own WriteLn(), then you can either:
Send the number of strings before sending the actual strings. The server can then read the number first, then call ReadLn() however many times the number says.
Send a unique terminating line after the strings. The server can then keep calling ReadLn() until the terminator is read. If you need to send a string that could be ambiquious with the terminator, escape the string before sending it, and then have the server unescape it after reading it.
Indy has reading/writing methods for handling both scenarios, such as WriteStrings(), ReadStrings(), WriteRFCStrings(), Capture(), etc.
On an unrelated note, you should not be checking the AThread.Terminated and AThread.Connection.Connected properties. Let Indy raise an exception if you try to read from or write to a disconnected socket, and let the server handle the exception. Also, TIdTCPServer is multi-threaded, and accessing UI controls in the OnExecute event (or OnConnect, OnDisconnect, or OnException) is not thread-safe. You MUST synchronize with the main UI thread to access them safely.

Indy and REST - Can I prevent exceptions?

Is there a way to prevent Indy from raising exceptions on any/all HTTP statuses?
My understanding of the IgnoreReplies array is that it'll prevent those statuses from ever coming back, but that's not what I want. I want ALL statuses coming back, and none of them to raise an exception. There are plenty of REST services that return 404 for example, and that's considered a perfectly "valid" response.
I really don't want 1/2 of my code in exception handlers, so is there way to get the current Indy to just return everything?
Sorry, but you have to use the IgnoreReplies parameter to tell TIdHTTP which specific HTTP reply codes to not raise an exception for. There is currently no way to tell TIdHTTP to not raise an exception for all possible replies generically. If you want to receive a non-success reply, like 404, without raising an exception then you have to tell TIdHTTP that, eg:
IdHTTP.Get('http://host/path', [404]);
Note that this syntax is only available for GET requests, not other requests, like POST (unless you call the protected TIdHTTP.DoRequest() method directly).
Indy is specifically designed around exception handling. You have to embrace exceptions, not avoid them, if you want to use Indy effectively. What is so troublesome about wrapping TIdHTTP.Get() or TIdHTTP.Post() in a small try/except block? If you don't want to handle all possible exceptions, then you can have the except block handle EIdHTTPProtocolException by itself.
on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do
if E.ErrorCode <> 404 then Raise;
Update: thinking about it more, it might be worth adding a new flag to the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property to disable the exception for all status codes. I'm considering it.
Update: a new hoNoProtocolErrorException flag has now been added to the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property:
IdHTTP.HTTPOptions := IdHTTP.HTTPOptions + [hoNoProtocolErrorException];
// use IdHTTP.ResponseCode as needed...
Update: in addition, there is also a hoWantProtocolErrorContent flag as well. When hoNoProtocolErrorException is enabled and an HTTP error occurs, if hoWantProtocolErrorContent is enabled then the error content will be returned to the caller (either in a String return value or in an AResponseContent output stream, depending on which version of Get()/Post() is being called), otherwise the content will be discarded.

Indy TIdTCPClient component occasionally not timing out and receiving no data

I am using the Internet Direct TIdTCPClient component to communicate with a remote service to retrieve a message that is normally about 5k is size. During a typical operation I will send about 400 requests to the service, each one taking about 1 second to complete. Most of the time everything works perfectly. However, about one percent of the time the request takes 189 seconds and I receive no data at all. For ease of discussion, I'll call this a failure.
I am particularly interested in understanding exactly what is happening when the failure occurs so that I can take my evidence to the publisher of the service. First of all, the failure is not reproducible. If I re-send a failed request there is a very high probability (maybe 99 percent) that it will work.
I also capture the request that I send when a failure occurs, so I am able to confirm that the request is well formed.
I am assuming that during a failure that I am getting some data, just not all of it. Here is why. My IdTCPClient has a 30 second timeout (I've even set it to 5 seconds, but that didn't make a difference). When the failure occurs, it always fails after 189 seconds (plus about 500 milliseconds).
As a result, I am thinking that during a failure my component is receiving a trickle of data, which is why my client is not timing out. And, I am assuming that the disconnection is happening at the service since none of my timeout values are ever set to 189 seconds. On the other hand, reading IOHandler.AllData does not raise an exception (not even an EIdConnClosedGracefully exception). Am I interpreting this evidence correctly?
What I want to do is to confirm that I am getting some data, just not all of it, before the service terminates the connection. Furthermore, I want to know what that partial data looks like as I believe it can help identify the source of the failure.
Currently, my request is similar to the following:
//ExceptionName is a temporary global variable
//that I am using while trying to solve this issue
ExceptionName = 'no exception';
s := GetRequest(id);
IdTcpClient1.Host := Host;
IdTcpClient1.Port := StrToInt(Port);
IdTcpClient1.ReadTimeout := ReadTimeout;
on e: exception do
ExceptionName := e.ClassName;
raise EConnectionFailure.Create('Connection refused: ' + e.Message)
Result := IdTcpClient1.IOHandler.AllData;
on E: EIdConnClosedGracefully do
ExceptionName := e.ClassName;
//eat this exception
on e: Exception do
ExceptionName := e.ClassName;
if IdTcpClient1.Connected then
Using IOHandler.AllData to read the data is very convenient, but I cannot retrieve any data following a failure (AllData returns an empty string). I've tested IOHandler.InputBufferIsEmpty after a failure, and it returns True.
I've also tried other methods to read the data, such as IOHandler.ReadStream (this produced the same result as reading AllData). I also used IOHandler.ReadBytes and IOHandler.ReadByte (in conjunction with IOHandler.CheckForDataOnSource). Nothing has worked.
Am I wrong about partial data transmission? If so, why would I see a consistent 189.nnnn seconds delay before the failure.
If partial data transmission is a possibility, what approach should I take to capture every byte of data received before the failure.
I am using Delphi 2009 for this project and Indy 10, but I don't think the version has anything to do with it. I don't think this is an Indy issue.
Edit: I have inspected the communication between my Indy client and the server using WireShark. When one of these failures occur, after sending my request the server sent two [ACK] packets followed by silence for just over 189 seconds. After that delay, the response included [FIN, PSH, ACK] but no application data.
When the communication worked normally, the two ACK packets returned by the server in response to my request was followed by an application data packet.
Edit: Have reported the issue to the publisher of the Web service, and am waiting for a reply.
Edit: Ok, the publisher of the Web service has responded. They acknowledged problems on their end and have addressed some of those. We are no longer getting timeouts. Most responses are received in about 2 seconds, with a few taking slightly longer. The publisher is working to fix the remaining issues.
Thank you everyone for your input.
You need to run Fiddler2 and watch the traffic. It inserts itself as a proxy and sniffs evertying that uses the WinInet stack.
Then you know whether you've gotten any data or not, and exactly what you're sending and receiving.
