what are the advantages of using javacv than opencv? - opencv

I'am developing an eye gaze estimation desktop application for my final year project. I wanted to know what are the main advantages of using javaCV instead of OpenCV ?

OpenCV is a very good Computer visio library. It has C, C++ and Python API. JavaCV is Wrapper of OpenCV using java.
Based on your application you can use native C API using Android NDK. If you are focus on Java then you can use JavaCV.
Also you can have a look at this and some tutorial.

JavaCV is just a non-official Java version of OpenCV.
That said, use JavaCV if you are going to develop in Java, and use OpenCV otherwise.

There is no tutorial for javacv. Sometimes you can't find the curresponding java implementation for Opencv's class(c++ code).Don't get frustrated.Just try to implement it in your own way and open source it.So, others can use it.Be a leader.All the best.


How do I use opencv with autohotkey?

I couldn't find anything about using OpenCV with AutoHotkey on the internet.
Is there any way to use OpenCV in the ahk?
Disclaimer, I am no expert in AutoHotKey, but I found some resources that describe how to use AHK scripts within Java. This is interesting because you can most definitely use openCV with Java.
I suspect that you can use Java to bridge the connection between openCV and AutoHotKey scripts, creating a final solution that uses openCV and AutoHotKey.
Hope that helps.

What is the deference between OpenCV2.4.10 and JavaCV 0.10

I want to know if I download the OpenCV2.4.10, is there the need of JavaCV 0.10 or not, because in the extracted folder of OpenCV2.4.10 inside \OpenCV\build\java there is a Jar file named opencv-2410.jar. I am using Java Language to use OpenCV library. But I also saw JavaCV which can be found at http://bytedeco.org website, when I downloaded all Jars, here I also found named opencv.jar file. Now I don't know what is the deference between them, in Java Language which one is better to use. If use OpenCV2.4.10 is need to JavaCV 0.10? and if use JavaCV 0.10 is need to OpenCV2.4.10? or both of them can be independent used? the If anyone know about this please tell me, Thanks in advance!!
OpenCV library is written in C/C++. Java wrappers are written so that, C/C++ code could be invoked with JNI. JavaCV( unofficial ) and OpenCV( official ) are completely independent java wrappers to use OpenCV from Java.
I suggest you use OpenCV downloaded from offical opencv.org website or from OpenCV github repo(1). Here java wrappers are auto generated during build and so all C/C++ OpenCV functions will have corresponding Java wrappers. This way, every new release or even development versions of OpenCV could be used from Java. This also helps with reading documentation as function parameters matches nearly.
JavaCV is a popular Java wrapper for OpenCV maintained by independent developer(s). It also add helper classes for easier usage. But here, wrappers are not auto generated and so you will need to wait for developers to update to newer versions.

how can I use opencv to run the java code

I have opencv10.05 installed in my laptop and I was working on tracking with c++. Now I have one project that I have to run the code in java with opencv. Is it possible to use same opencv10.05 or do I need to install the whole steup?
opencv comes with its own java bindings. you will need cmake, ant, and the opencv src code to build it.
javacv is a 3rd party wrapper, unfortunately mostly based on opencv's deprecated 1.0 c-api, so you will have to program java, like it was in c years ago. mixed blessing..

OpenCV codes in Code Composer (CCStudio)

I'm using CCStudio v5 to implement a vision system and want to use OpenCV functions in my code, but I don't know it is possible to use OpenCV code in CCStudio or not!
How I can import OpenCV library into my CCStudio project? Is this depends on my hardware?
There is no official release of OpenCV for system without OS. OpenCV library is available for Windows, linux, mac, Android and Ios operating system.
you can find a link which explain the challenges of having OpenCV running on microcontrollers

Converting depth_image from Kinect to OpenCV classic format(IplImage) for displaying

I am working with OpenCV2.4.5 and OpenNI2.0 (with SDK Kinect 1.6) on visual studio 2012. I try to develop an application of gaze tracking, for that i use "Kinect sensor" to get image_data and i want to process this ilage on OpenCV (Features extraction and machine learning).
If any one has an example or or a good tuto, it will be very helpful for me.
Best regards.
why not start with an opencv sample here ?
