Relocate Rails /tmp/pids/ file to system /tmp/pids/ - ruby-on-rails

Is there a proper way to relocate server pids from ~/[RAILS APP]/tmp/pids to the system /tmp/pids folder? The reason is to create functions to stop and restart rails server by a simple function. Or is there an alternative, preferable, approach?

Try starting the server with this:
bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -P [NOT RAILS]/tmp/pids/
Credit: Rails Update to 3.2.11 breaks running multiple servers


How to run initialization script on starting a Rails server?

I have a simple shell script ( that I am currently running by hand (. ./ every time I restart a rails server. It sets some environment variables that I need because of various APIs I'm using. However, I was wondering if there's some way of having rails run the script itself whenever I run "guard" or "rails s"
If you use foreman, you can define all processes you needed started on application start into a Procfile. (including bbundle exec rails server -p $PORT)
By calling foreman start, all the process starts up.
More information can be gotten here on this cast
Proper way of setting ENV variables is putting them in bash_proflle or bashrc depending of linux distro.
vi ~/.bash_proflle
And then add something like
export MY_RAILS_VAR=123
Then you don't need to run any ENV initialization scripts on rails start.

Ruby on Rails config change while server is running?

Hi I'm new to Ruby on Rails. I have installed the Testia Tarantula application and am trying to read up on Ruby.
My question is how do I start/stop the server.
For example: I want to change the Admin email, so I execute the following command to change the configuration of the app:
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:config:app
But is this command ok to execute while the server is running, it has 'db' in the command which is what would warn me that I shouldn't run it while the server is up. Anyone have some helpful tips for learning Ruby on Rails server app management?
Welcome to Rails!
You can run rake db:xxxxx while the server is running and it won't hurt anything. However I usually stop my server, run my rake command and then start it back up to ensure that all changes will be picked up. If running in production, I would think you may want to restart the server just to make sure. I believe that the schema is generated/updated upon server startup, just fyi.
As far as starting and stopping the server, if you are attached to it you can just use ctrl + c. If it is detached, you can search for the pid and then kill -9 .
Running rake db:anything will load rails on its own. It doesn't matter if you have a server up or not. This will happen in the background. Think of it as the same as running a sql script while the server is running. It's a separate process.

How to stop (and restart) the Rails Server?

I'm following the instructions here to get up and running with Rails on a Mac running OS X 10.8.2
At step 8 I'm asked to restart Rails server but how?
I'm assuming via a command line, but from within the already open ruby terminal window or a new one?
Now in rails 5 you can do:
rails restart
The output of rails --tasks:
Restart app by touching tmp/restart.txt
I think that is usefully if you run rails as a demon
Press Ctrl+C
When you start the server it mentions this in the startup text.
On OSX, you can take advantage of the UNIX-like command line - here's what I keep handy in my .bashrc to enable me to more easily restart a server that's running in background (-d) mode (note that you have to be in the Rails root directory when running this):
alias restart_rails='kill -9 `cat tmp/pids/`; rails server -d'
My initial response to the comment by #zane about how the PID file isn't removed was that it might be behavior dependent on the Rails version or OS type. However, it's also possible that the shell runs the second command (rails server -d) sooner than the kill can actually cause the previous running instance to stop.
So alternatively, kill -9 cat tmp/pids/ && rails server -d might be more robust; or you can specifically run the kill, wait for the tmp/pids folder to empty out, then restart your new server.
In case that doesn't work there is another way that works especially well in Windows: Kill localhost:3000 process from Windows command line
if you are not able to find the rails process to kill it might actually be not running. Delete the tmp folder and its sub-folders from where you are running the rails server and try again.
I had to restart the rails application on the production so I looked for an another answer. I have found it below:
I just reboot the server with
Ctrl + c
That worked for me

How to start Thin server automatically when System Re boots

How to start thin Server automatically when Server Reboots.
I have a Rails 3 project which uses Thin Server.I can manually control the thin Server from terminal.Is it possible to start thin server as background process when system reboots.
Thanks in advance.
You can use Scheduled Tasks. There's a specific trigger option for starting a task when the computer starts.
To start the process in background mode you can use the -d option of the rails command.
I suppose you need to do this:
sudo thin install #to create init.d entry for thin
sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f thin defaults # to setup it
sudo thin config -C /etc/thin/<appname>.yml -c /var/rails/<appdir> --servers 4 -e production # to generate congig file for it. If you already got config file, you can just copy it to /etc/thin/ instead of creating.
If you use rvm on your server - browse this: RVM and thin, root vs. local user.
You can also take a look at:

Ruby on Rails: How to start the WEBrick server automatically on Windows in background?

In order to run the my Rails application on Windows XP I open a command line, cd to application's directory, and then run rails server.
I would like to automate this, such that every time I turn on my computer, all I'll have to do is to type localhost:3000 in a browser.
How could I do this ?
The simpler way is to create a batch file with the instruction what you give in the command prompt like
cd projects\myapp
ruby script\server
and then drop a copy of the file to Windows Start -> All Programs -> start up folder.
You have few possibilities to do that.
using the registry you can use HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run or the better approach would be to create a service, you can see this KB with some instruction how to make a service of whatever executable you want.
have you thought about , AUTOEXEC.BAT or creating some batch files. you create right cmd commands that are run at start up.
The best approach is turn your application into a service. There is a solution for Mongrel (a web server similar to webrick) called mongrel_service, but is not compatible with Rails 3 (due several changes of Rails internals)
However, you can repurpose mongrel_service codebase to work with thin, another webserver that works with Rails 3.
Please look here where is the only reference to mongrel_service script. changing it to thin start could work.
Perhaps is not the answer you're looking for (as there is some work to be done) but is something :)
start rubyw script/rails server webrick
start -> start in another console
rubyw -> run ruby detached from console
