How can we extract region bound by a contour in OpenCV? - opencv

I am new to OpenCV and I was trying to extract the region bound by largest contour. It may be a simple question, but I am not able to figure it out. I tried googling too, without any luck.

I would:
Use contourArea() to find the largest closed contour.
Use boundingRect() to get the bounds of that contour.
Draw the contour using drawContours() (with thickness set to -1 to
fill the contour) and use this as a mask.
Use use the mask to set all pixels in the original image not in the
ROI to (0,0,0).
Use the bounding rectangle to extract just that area from the
original image.

Here is well explained what do you want do develop.
Basically you have to:
apply threshold to a copy of the original image;
use findContours -> output is:
that stores contours;
iterate on contours to find the largest.


How to remove lines from the sides in opencv?

I have to remove some lines from the sides of hundreds of grayscale images.
In this image lines appear in three sides.
The lines are not consistent though, i.e, they appear above, below, left and/or right side of the image. And they are of unequal length and width.
If you could assume that the borders are free of important information, you may crop the photo like this:
C++ code:
cv::Mat img;
//load your image into img;
If not, you have to find a less dumb solution like this for example:
Delete contours that are far from the borders.
Draw contours on blank image
Apply hough line with suitable thresholds.
Delete contours that intersect with lines inside the image border.
Another solution, assuming the handwritten shape is connected:
Get the contour with the biggest area.
Draw it on a blank image with -1(fill) flag in the strock argument.
bitwise_and between the original image and the one you made
Another solution, asuming that the handwritten shape could be discontinuity :
Delete any contour that its all points are very close to the border (using euclidian distance with a threshold)
Draw all remaining contours on a blank image with -1(fill) flag in the strock argument.
bitwise_and between the original image and the one you made
P.S. I did not touch HoughLine transform since I do not about the shapes. I assume that some of them may contain very straight lines.

Removing ROI from image using JavaCV

I am learning JavaCV and want to extract part of images dynamically based on color.
As identification I am outlining the region which I need to extract with a color. Is there anyway I can do extract ROI based on color outline. Any help appreciated.
Here is the Sample Image
it is quite simple. Since your figure has 4 corners hence you ought to follow the following steps.
1.identify the orientation of the image and store the points in a MatofPoint2f in a specific order.
(clock wise or anti clockwise- For this you can use Math.atan2(p1(y)-centerpoint(y),p1(x)-centerpoint(x)) and then sort the points according to the result of the equation. find the center point by finding the avg all the xcoords and y coords or any method you prefer).
2.Create a MatofPoint2f containing the corner coords of the result image size you want the cropped image in.
3.use Imgproc.getPerspectiveTransform() to perform the cropping.
4.Finally use Imgproc.warpPerspective() to obtain the output that is desired.
And for creating the border of the ROI the best way to go is to threshold the image by using some specific range so as to extract only those parts of the spectrum which is required.

Get (inner edge) contour pixel with opencv

I'm searching for a way to extract the "inner" contours of a binary image with opencv. I know that findContours extracts contours but I need the silhouette pixel which belong to the thresholded object in my binary image and not the outer contours.
Here is a fictive image which describes better what I'm searching for. I am searching for a method to extract the red contour.
I already tried a naive approach in copying the original binary image and shrinking the copy by 2 pixels each side and filling up the edges with black pixels and used findContoursbut the outcome is not satisfying.
You could just run findContours() on the negative image.
Little update:
I solved it with opencv erosion and dilatation.

How to find contours in an image with some sequence using opencv

I got the no of contours of this image using function of cvFindcontour its fine and also i got the each contour using to increment contour->h_next.
cvFindContours( src, storage, &contour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
but sequence of the contour was random,is there any way to find the contour as such given format in the image? my ultimate aim was to find the area of outer squares alone(i.e)(1,2,3,4,9,10,15,16,17,18 alone).please can you suggest some algorithm or function to find the contour with this sequence.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest :
find the center of masses of each square
find the orientation of the checkboard by a fit or a hough transform
perform rotation of the center of mass coordinates
sort squares according to new coordinates

Get position and size of an object in a binary image

Does someone have an idea to get the size and the position from an object? The Object is detected in a binary image with white pixels:
For example: Detected / Original
I know about the CvMoments- Method. But I don't know how to use it in this case.
By the way: How can I make my mask more clearly?
Simple algorithm:
Delete small areas of white pixels using morphological operations (erosion).
Use findContours to find all contours.
Use countNonZero or contourArea to find area of each contour.
Cycle throught all points of each contour and find mean of them. This will be the center of contour.
If the object is tree, you should delete small areas by using morphology as Astor written.
Alternative of finding mass, and mass center is using moments:
m00 as doc says is mass
There are also formulas for mass center.
This approach works when only your object remains on image after segmentation.
