select2 default value for single field - jquery-select2

I'm using Jquery Select2 for my project. I want to keep a default value in a single input field when the page is loaded. I tried this by setting initSelection while I'm initiating the select2 component like this.
$(document).ready(function() {
allowClear: true,
ajax: { // instead of writing the function to execute the request we use Select2's convenient helper
dataType: 'json',
url: "public/data.php",
data: function (term, page) {
return {
q: term, // search term
component: "map",
all_selected: $("#map-all").hasClass("active"),
parent_value: $("#city").val(),
child_value: ""
results: function (data, page) { // parse the results into the format expected by Select2.
// since we are using custom formatting functions we do not need to alter remote JSON data
return {results: data};
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
return $.getJSON("public/data.php?q="+element.val()+"&component=map&all_selected=false&parent_value=&child_value=", null, function(data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
return callback(data);
formatSelection: format,
formatResult: format,
However this does not work as it is should be.
But, when I make multiple: true, as a select2 option, this works perfectly. How do I do this for single hidden field?
Thanks & Regards!

Okay, I solved this by changing the callback from return callback(data); to return callback(data[0]);. I think the reason behind this is since the field is not a multiple field, it only accepts a single object to the callback function.


Choosing Option In Ajax-based Select2 From JS

I am using select2 4.0.0 for this project. A lot of the other comments and thoughts on this issue seem be for previous versions of select2, so I decided to post a new question.
I have a select2 on a page that can both create entries in the database and edit entries in the database. The select2 is populated dynamically by ajax after the user types a few letters and they can select a value. This works fine for creating entries when they need to select one.
On the same page, they can click existing entries to display further information and edit the entry in the same form. This also needs to update the select2 element with the correct selection text and update the select element that is backing the select2. Since this is normally done through ajax, the markup doesn't exist normally.
I've tried reading the documentation for select2, but I find it a bit disorganized. Does select2 provide any feature for accomplishing this? Do I need to create and update all the markup manually? I had looked at a dataAdapter, but I'm not sure if that is what I need or not.
<select class="form-control" name="entry" id="select_field" data-url="/entry/search"></select>
Code for the select2 element:
placeholder: "Search",
minimumInputLength: 2,
allowClear: true,
ajax: {
cache: true,
delay: 250,
method: 'POST',
url: $("#select_field").data('url'),
processResults: function (data, page) {
return {
results: data,
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },
templateSelection: function (record) {
if (! { return record.text; }
return record.title;
templateResult: function (record) {
if (record.loading) { return record.text; }
var markup = $("<div>").text(record.title);
return markup.html();

Select2 should not send ajax if the search text is just empty spaces. How to achieve that?

I have a scenario where I shouldn't show any results when the user searches with empty spaces. How to achieve it. Is there any way to validate and search in select2 ?
You can use query to accomplish that:
query: function(options) {
if(options.term.replace(/ /g, "").length > 0) {
url: 'tags',
data: { q : options.term },
dataType: 'json',
type: 'get',
success: function(data) {
options.callback({results: data.result});
Note that
In order for this function to work Select2 should be attached to a input type='hidden' tag instead of a select.
This might have some quirks, but that really depends on how you are using Select2.

jquery Select2 Ajax - How set value (initSelection)

How set in the drop-down list item selected by the user?
1. User not enter all required values in form
2. Click sent.
3. Page is refresh and value in dropdown list is not selected. How select the value?
I have working script which retrieve data for the list.
placeholder : " --- select ---",
minimumInputLength: 2,
ajax: {
url: "index.php?modul=getusers",
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
q: term,
page_limit: 10
results: function (data, page) {
return { results: data };
allowClear: true,
formatSelection: function(data) {
return data.text;
Standard data in ajax call:
{"text":"sample text", "id":"1"}
<input type="text" value="<? echo $_POST['userid']; ?>" class="input" id="userid" name="userid">
I tried to add the following code, but it doesn't work
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
var id=$(element).val();
if (id!=="") {
$.ajax("index.php?modul=getusersfriend&q="+id, {
dataType: "json"
}).done(function(data) { callback(data); });
Make sure that you have a properly formatted JSON Object being returned in your call back in initSelection. The discussion for that has been addressed here already.
But so far looks good. You may want to bind the change event of the select or the submit event of the form to serialize its value before the form is submitted.
You can store its value on your server (yucky) or just serialize the form object and get the value to pass to initSelection when the select2 is loaded.
Which is what would happen here:
var id=$(element).val();
Here is a simple example of serializing your form.
PS: Don't really see what bootstrap has to do with anything.

Why ajax success is called once?

Why, if i write html method in javascript, it's called only once, but if i have only alert, it's calles every time, i change wy value in input (blur).
$(".quantity").blur(function() {
url: "/line_items/update_quantity/"+$(this).attr("id"),
type: "GET",
data: {quantity: $(this).val()},
success: function(text)
error: function(){
alert('Ошибка javascript');
dataType : "html"
I need reload html partial after every blur...
Try doing this..
$(document).on('blur', '.quantity', function() {
// place your code here
I suspect you're replacing the dom element that the original blur binding is applied against. If you do that you remove the event handler. On() will keep it alive.
If .quantity is dynamic element (I think so) then try
$(document).delegate('.quantity', 'blur', function() {
// code
read here about delegate()

Set the value and display property for jquery's autocomplete source

I've got a remote source which does not return id and value or label. How can I use it as a source for jquery's autocomplete plugin?
You should pass source a function that makes the AJAX request manually, and then performs some post-processing on the returned data:
source: function(request, response) {
url: url,
data: request,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
var processedData = $.map(data, function(item) {
return {
value: item._your_property, // Property you want to use for "value"
label: item._another_property // Property you want to use for "label"
error: function() {
Basically, use $.map to turn the array you get back into an array of objects that the autocomplete widget supports.
For a working example, check out the JSONP example on jQueryUI's demo page.
