are Asset thumbnail pre-saved in iOS - ios

I am writing an app that relays an image saved on the iOS device to a larger screen. Since a fullRes image is too large and takes long to transfer (using an on-device CocoaHTTP server), I am trying to load thumbnail first.
In Windows, we have a thumbs.db, which means that if we access that, there is no image-resizing etc ... its a thumbnail version of the image pre-saved by the OS.
Does the [UIImage imageWithCGImage:asset.aspectRatioThumbnail] for the ALAsset class in iOS does the same action, or does it load the complete hi-res image and then scales it down before returning?

The documentation does not specify but from my experiments reading the thumbnail is 5 times faster than loading the image from disk (even without decoding or scaling it). I assume iOS stores the pre-made thumbnails somewhere for fast access.


Is "slicing" a video attached to iOS app assets possible?

With PNG images, one can attach img.png, img#2x.png, and img#3x.png via assets and then load the correct one at runtime based on the device screen dimensions. In addition, the iTunes upload/download process will "slice" asset resources so that a large app that contains 1x, 2x, and 3x assets can avoid having to download 1x and 3x assets when running on a 2x device. What I am wondering is this, can videos attached to an app also take advantage of slicing so that the app need not download 3 sets of video resources in those cases where videos created for specific screen sizes are included in the app? I see that assets do contain a generic "data" type, but it seems to only be able to mark data files as differing in terms of the Metal API version.
So, I looked all around the internets but was unable to find anything on how to solve this tricky issue. In the end, I rolled my own custom solution that basically wraps the m4v video file and treats the binary file as a PNG image, so that it can be included in an iOS asset catalog. This makes it possible to load #2x or #3x assets on iPhone and use iPad specific video asset dimensions on an iPad while also supporting slicing. For a working example, take a peek at my AlphaOverVideo Framework on github, the Bloom demo shows the client side logic to decode from PNG and then load the decoded .m4v video into a looping player. This demo is cool because it shows off the slicing idea, but it also contains a full screen 1 to 1 pixel aspect video of a flower blooming that shows how amazing perfectly rendered video can look. If anyone is interested in the command line encoder, I uploaded it to github at PNGRewrap.

Image optimisation using the Kingfisher library in iOS when loading an image?

I'm loading images on a list from a server. The UIImageView size is very small (40 x 40), So ideally an image with a size of 40 x 40 or a little larger should be loaded in it. However, the server guy is sending an image of a much larger size (1920 x 1200).
When I diagnosed the view controller memory I noticed that it increases as the image is loading.
So my question is
Will the Kingfisher library download a smaller size version of the image?
Will it abort the image loading if the image size is too big?
Is there any way by which can I specifically achieve the above task.
Will the Kingfisher library download a smaller size version of the
Nor Kingfisher nor any other library will download a smaller version of an image. The server has to send you a smaller version of it. (different url, or same url with a parameter)
Will it abort the image loading if the image size is too big?
I don't know how the library implements the downloading but unless you are talking about unreasonably big files (way bigger than the resolution you expect (1920x1200)) it will not be aborted. And even then, it probably won't be aborted but instead the app might be killed by the system when displaying super high resolution images (again, way bigger than 1920 x 1200)
Is there any way by which can I specifically achieve the above task.
If you want to display many many images at once and are worried about their sizes, its better to create thumbnails of them.
You can use Kingfisher to
1) first download the image
2) then resize the image
3) then show and cache it if you need
Check this page to see a ton of code snippets for that library.

AFAmazonS3Manager specify image download dimensions

I'm using AFAmazonS3Manager to upload and download images from my S3 instance. Is there any way to specify the image dimensions prior to download so that I don't need to download full-sized images if only a thumbnail is needed? Previously, I was storing images on my EC2 server, so that I was able to resize and even crop images before returning them to the iOS end, making it so I would only return the size I necessary for the given iPhone (e.g. 5 vs. 6) and context. However, I can't figure out how to do it when images are stored on S3.

Making iPad app to support retina display

I have made an iPad app and it works cool. Problem is that my client want's to have retina high resolutions also supported in the app. So lets say We are using images with normal resolution in the app are of 15mb , so again we need to add high resolution each file. So it will increase the file. Is there any way where we can just place high res files only and they should work on both retina and non-retina .
You can fetch image asset using [UIImage imageWithName] in that case, at the runtime appropriate image will be fetched for the device, i.e. if you'll use non-retina device it'll take 1x images and if you use retina device it'll use 2x images.
But, if you want you can fetch the file with [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:] you'll be able to fetch that particular file.
You can also use ImageOptim tool to optimse the image without image quality loss.

reducing my ios application size

I am developing my first app (iOS universal app), I want to reduce my app's size because it contains many images (png files) and sounds(mp3 files).
So my problem is:
How can I reduce the size of my app (images and sounds)?
Only include the basics in your app bundle (i.e. app icons, launch image, and possibly images for the first page)
Use Parse (or any other similar service) to download any additional images after the app is downloaded.
This approach will significantly decrease the size of your app but also let you pull down additional image files as needed.
What is the type of sounds files you're using? .caf files are incredibly large. Using .aifc files are just as good quality (to my untrained ear at least) and takes up significantly less space
Depends, compress png images to jpeg usually reduce app size, there are also image optimizers that compress pngs. If your images are part of the UI, tile them or stretch them really helps you in reduce app size and also memory usage. The image asset function in Xcode 5 helps in you in create resizable images.
For sounds the concept are pretty close to images, use compressed file audio as eckyzero said.
If your sounds and images aren't part of the UI but resources, you can make the app download them from the internet at first launch.
