Graphite installation in a docker container - volume query - monitoring

I am installing graphite via a docker container.
I have seen that whisper files should not be saved in the container.
So I will be using a data volume from docker to save these on the host machine.
My question is is there anything else I should be saving on the host (I know this is subjective so I guess Im looking for recommendations on whats important)?
Don't believe I need configuration e.g. carbon conf as this will come from my installation
So I'm thinking are there any other files from graphite I need (e.g log files etc)?

What is your reason for keeping log files? Though you do need the directory structure in place. Logging defaults to /opt/graphite/storage/logs. In here you have carbon-cache/ and webapp/ directories. The log directory for the webapp is set in the config-, whereas carbon uses carbon.conf. The configs are well documented so you can look into them for specific information.
Apart from configs that are generated during installation the only other 'file' crucial for the webapp to work is graphite.db in the /opt/graphtie/storage. It is used internally by the django webapp for housekeeping information such as user-auth etc. It gets generated by python --syncdb so i believe you can generate it again at the target system.


Copy many large files from the host to a docker container and back

I am a beginner with Docker and I have been searching for 2 days now and I do not understand which would be a better solution.
I have a docker container on a Ubuntu server. I need to copy many large video files to the Ubuntu host via FTP. Docker via cron will process the videos using ffmpeg and save the result to the Ubuntu host somehow so the files are accessible via FTP.
What is the best solution:
create a bind drive - I understand the host may change files in the bind drive
create a volume but I do not understand how may I add files to the volume
create a folder on the Ubuntu and have a cron that will copy using "docker cp" command and after a video has been processed to copy it to the host?
Thank you in advance.
Bind-mounting a host directory for this is probably the best approach, for exactly the reasons you lay out: both the host and container can directly read and write to it, but the host can't easily write to a named volume. docker cp is tricky, you note the problem of knowing when the process is completed, and anyone who can run any docker command at all can pretty trivially root the host; you don't want to give this permission to something network-facing.
If you're designing a larger-scale system, you also might consider an approach where no files are actually shared at all. The upload server sends the files (maybe via HTTP POST) to an internal storage service, then posts a message to a message queue (maybe RabbitMQ). That then retrieves the files from the storage service, does its work, uploads the result, and posts a response message. The big advantages of this approach are being able to run it on multiple systems, easily being able to scale the individual components of it, and not needing to worry about filesystem permissions. But, it's a much more involved design.

How to migrate Nextcloud Docker to a new machine

I have a Nextcloud installation on a server that was installed using docker-compose. This installation utilizes a Nextcloud docker image and a separate MySQL (8.0) docker image for database access. The data and configuration files are placed in external volumes specified in the docker-compose.yml file.
I have recently put together a new machine that has more memory, a faster CPU, and (most importantly) much more disk space. I would like to migrate my current installation to the new machine.
The actual installation is simple enough: I can simply copy my docker-compose.yml file to the new machine and run it. The problem is with the data and the (somewhat unique) configuration that I have. I would like to get those onto the new machine.
The issue of migrating a dockerized Nextcloud installation has different issues from those associated with migrating a bare-metal or VM installation. For one thing, there is no clear way to place the installation into maintenance mode, you are working with two containers (effectively, this is like coordinating two different machines) and many of the steps described for migrating a bare-metal installation will not work reliably for a containerized installation (yes, one can go into the container to run some of the commands. required, but my attempts to do this resulted in screwed-up migrations).
Doing Google searches, I am seeing plenty of articles and instructions on how to migrate bare-metal Nextcloud installations from one machine to another, and how to migrate bare-metal (and virtual machine) installations to Docker. The procedures are pretty complex and involve placing the installation into maintenance mode and performing various backups and restores. Unfortunately, while I have seen a few people asking about how to migrate dockerized Nextcloud installations, there are no clear instructions on how to do this (at least, none that actually work!). Even the Nextcloud site does not discuss this!
Has anyone successfully migrated a dockerized Nextcloud installation from one machine to another? If so, how exactly was this done?
Was just able to do this myself, although I'm migrating my nextcloud install off my primary home server to a slower NAS-ish box I salvaged together after a move.
The main issues I ran into were file/dir ownership moving from one machine to another. Secondary was ensuring trusted domains were set correctly in config.php
I'm sure it'd be better to use rsync to copy/move files from machine to machine and ensure you keep ownership intact, but I used scp and changed ownership manually. Your nextcloud_data container needs the www-data user to have ownership of the dir you have mapped to /var/www/html and the nextcloud_db (I use mariadb here, YMMV) container needs the systemd-coredump user to have ownership of the dir you have mapped to /var/lib/mysql (or whatever your db backend equivalent is)
Then just make sure you switch over your trusted_domains and trusted_proxies, either using docker-compose env vars, or by editing /var/www/html/config/config.phpdirectly.
Based on Raphael PICCOLO's comments, I created a tarball of everything in the Volumes I was using for my original installation, created a new installation on my target machine, then extracted the tarball on the new machine. There is, however, one other step that must be taken if you do it this way: you must change the ownership of all the files in the tarball so that they are owned by the userID used by the new Nextcloud installation. Otherwise, the new Nextcloud applications will be unable to access any of the resources and attempts to even log in will get 500 Failures on a browser.
There is also a unique ID utilized by the MySQL container, so all the database- related data files must also undergo an ownership change.
Getting the correct userIDs is simple enough: when you first install the new Nextcloud and MySQL database, use the same volumes you had set up in the original docker-compose.yml file. Then, before untaring the data look at the userIDs of the files in the database folder and the Nextcloud folders. TThen when you put the contents of your tarball on the new installation, use chown -R to make the owership changes.
Note that I was transferring my installation from a Centos 7 machine running Docker with the traditional root user to a Centos 8 machoine running Docker in a "non- root user" mode. I do not know how permissions would be affected on other machines or modes.
Still, once the permissions were properly set up, everything works.

Editing application settings of a containerized application after deployment

There might be something I fundamentally misunderstand about Docker and containers, but... my scenario is as follows:
I have created an core application and a docker image for it.
The application requires some settings being added / removed at runtime
Also some dll plugins could be added and loaded by the application
These settings would normally be stored in appsettings.json and a few other settings files located in predefined relative path (e.g. ./PluginsConfig)
I don't know how many plugins will there be and how will they be configured
I didn't want to create any kind of UI in the web application for managing settings and uploading plugins - this was to be done on the backend (I need the solution simple and cheap)
I intend to deploy this application on a single server and the admin user would be able and responsible for setting the settings, uploading plugins etc. It's an internal productivity tool - there might be many instances of this application, but they would not be related at all.
The reason I want it in docker is to have it as self-contained as possible, with all the dependencies being there.
But how would I then allow accessing, adding and editing of the plugins and config files?
I'm sure there's a pattern that would allow this scenario.
What you are looking for are volumes and bind mounts. You can bind files or directories from a host machine to a container. Thus, host and container can share files.
Sample command (bind mount - (there are also other ways))
docker container run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container image
Detailed information for volumes and bind mounts

Is it wise to delete the default webapps from a Tomcat-based docker image?

I am containerizing an older Java web application with Docker. My Dockerfile pulls an official Tomcat image from Docker Hub (specifically, tomcat:8.5.49-jdk8-openjdk), copies my .WAR file into the webapps/ directory, and copies in some idiosyncratic configuration files and dependencies. It works.
Now I know that Tomcat comes out-of-the-box with a few directories under webapps/, including the "manager" app, and some others: ROOT, docs, examples, host-manager. I'm thinking I ought to delete these, lest one of my users access them, which might be a security risk and is unprofessional at the least.
Is it a best practice to delete those installed-by-default web apps from an official Tomcat image? Is there any downside to doing so? It seems logical to me, but a web search didn't turn up any expert opinion either way.
Every folder under webapps represents discrete Web Application contained within Tomcat Servlet Container after the server startup and deployment.
None of those web applications have any implicit or explicit correlation with either Catalina, Jasper or any other system component of Tomcat.
You should be quite OK to remove all those folders (apps) unless you need to have a Manager tool/application to manage your deployments and server. Even that can be installed again later on.

Keep configuration inside Dockerfile? And is this image production safe?

I've been browsing Docker Hub and I'm trying to determine the quality of builds.
I've got 2 questions:
Question 1
I came accross this image:
It uses a lot of configuration rewriting inside the image, wouldn't it be better to just copy external configuration files to the container? Like described here: Separate specific configuration in Dockerfile.
Question 2
One of the most-starred images for lemp is this one:
It has a warning not to use it for production (because of the empty root password for MySQL) but I'm wondering: are there other reasons why this image is not production safe ?
wouldn't it be better to just copy external configuration files to the container?
If you copied from the disk the same php.ini already modified, that file might overwrite some of the evolution introduced by another version of php in php.ini.
So the current process (rewrites) allows for php.ini to evolve (when installing a new version of php), while keeping the rewrite visible in the Dockerfile.
are there other reasons why this image is not production safe ?
Another reason might be that, by default, those services are accessible in http, not https.
