Add the "Inter-App Audio" entitlement to your entitlements file - ios

I am trying to add inter-app audio support to my app. I've enabled it in my App-ID in the iOS Portal, then in XCode 5 -> Capabilities, I've toggled the Inter-App Audio switch to on. There are 3 things it tries to do. See photo:
I've searched high and low for this topic but can't find anything of value.
I have the code signing and provisioning profile setup correctly and even did a test submit to iTunesConnect. I can't get this enabled.
I've seen how to make entitlement files, but have not idea what to put in it for this.
Any help/hints appreciated. Thanks.
Update: I found and apple sample project for this. They had an entitlements file so I copied it (renamed appropriately). See photos:
However this doesn't remove the error.

Refreshing your provisioning profiles may fix the issue.
Here are the steps:
Xcode Preferences
Accounts tab
Select your Apple ID
Hit the View Details button in the Apple ID detail panel
Hit the Refresh button in the lower left corner


Trouble Running App on Device

I'm trying to run my app on a new device through Xcode 7 but everytime I click to run I received this error: "No matching provisioning profiles found: None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified capabilities: Features: push and inApp purchase". I don't know what this means. I've never seen a message like this before when running apps on another device with Xcode 7. Does anyone how I can fix this issue so I can run my app?
If you haven't added your apple developer id to Xcode, I'd suggest doing this now. once you've done this and in the project navigator, if you highlight the project, then on the middle-most pane, go to the Capabilities Tab and make sure In App Purchase is enabled. If not, enable it. It should pop up asking which developer ID to use, or ask you to add one.
Choose the ID in question, then it'll add the entitlements to the app.
Whats going on here is that the provisioning profile which your app is using, hasn't been enabled in terms of IAP's.
There's more to read about that here:

Apple Store submit fails with Error ITMS-90046, but Associated Domains is not among entitlements

When I first built my app & Watchkit app, I had the "Associated Domains" capability enabled. I've disabled it in the "Capabilities" panel of both the watchkit extension and the companion app, and confirmed that the key is gone from each info.plist.
I have gone to Apples' "Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles" page, selected the App ID for each the Watchkit App, The Extension, and the App, unticked "Associated Domains", regenerated the provisioning profiles for each, downloaded and installed them.
I've done a Ctrl-Shift-Command-K complete clean, reboot, and rebuild. On sumbission to the appstore I get the error message below.
I have done a project search within xcode and cannot find a key. I've searched the build directory, nada. I don't believe this key actually exists in my code, and yet iTunesConnect seems to think its there and set to '*'.
To fix this issue:
log into Apple Deveveloper Center
Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
Go to Identifiers/App IDs.
Select your App ID and Edit
Uncheck Associated Domains
You will have to regenerate any provisioning files associated with the App ID. For some reason the "Associated Domains" got checked for my app.
Deselecting it made the AppStore submission work.
I think this is a bug.
I managed a workaround by simply inserting a new Array item in the Entitlements.plist of both the companion app and the Watchkit extension: "" and a valid domain for the webcredentials: string. While this will have no practical effect as neither my provisioning files nor the Capabilities tab of the app or extension are enabled for associated domains, it stopped whatever code scanner at itunesconnect was tripping over an invalid value of "*" for the non-existent key.
If you want to use associated-domains, make sure each entry in Entitlements.plist > uses the following format:
<service>:<fully qualified domain>[:port number]
Keep in mind [:port number] is optional, but <service> and <fully qualified domain> are required!
From the App submission failed errors what I understand is possibly your provisioning profile still have the "associated-domains" enabled and its missing in your application "entitlements" file.
So obviously there will be two scenarios.
Scenario 1: Do you want to support "associated-domains". This should be enabled for features like "Universal Links".
Please refer the following link:
In this case please don't manually edit your "entitlement" file. Instead follow the steps.
1. Select your project file in Xcode.
2. Select appropriate Target under "Targets"
3. Select "Capabilities" which is next to "General"
4. You can see an option for "Associated Domains" as given below.
5. Enable "Associated Domains". If you enable "Associated Domains" Xcode will ask you to login to the Developer account and it will be in sync with your AppId and Provisioning profile.
As mentioned in the above screenshot it will do two things while enabling "Associated Domains"
Add the Associated Domain entitlement to your entitlements file.
Add the associated Domain feature into your App ID.
If there is any issue in syncing your settings from Xcode and Developer account , please check the following checkbox is enabled.
Also make sure that your , In House and App Distributions provisioning profiles are properly updated and in sync.
Most the work will do by Xcode itself, we just needs to listen and understand.
Scenario 2: Your App don't need the "Associated-Domain" capability.
In this case , Please follow the Answer given by #Ciprian Rarau. Its well explained.
As other stated in ERROR ITMS-90164/90046: Invalid Code Signing Entitlements I was able to solve the issue by performing Clean build.
For the record, I was getting error code ITMS-90164.
Was getting: "The executable was signed with invalid entitlements"
Searching with Google gave some useful hints, but the ^ message did
not stop
Went to: Xcode > Window > Devices
Then: At the lower left-hand corner of the Devices Window I selected
the "Show the device console" button
Starting from the button of the log I scanned the information and
found the problem and fixed it in a short amount of time
In my case it involved
entitlements, and I needed to keep associated-domains
I will use the device console in the future whenever there are device error messages, what a time saver
Solved the problem in a short amount of time
BTW, THANK YOU all for your help

HealthKit iTunes Connect entitlement error

I had enabled health kit capability in Xcode and HealthKit service in Developer center at some point for my app. But then I disabled it right away as I decided to not include it. My app doesn't have any HealthKit related stuff in it, I have disabled the capability and also disabled it in developer center. However, when I try to submit my app in iTunes connect, it gives me error:
Apps that use the entitlements [] must have a privacy policy URL for [English]. If your app doesn’t use these entitlements, remove them from your app and upload a new binary.
When validating the app in Xcode, it still shows me health kit entitlement:
Any idea how I can completely get rid of this entitlement from my app? I have been struggling for over a day now :(
NOTE: this is a new app, it's not available in the app store yet.
I faced exactly the same problem, and I finally fixed it. Be sure that you remove any reference to HealthKit not only in your app but also in your developer profile for this app.
Go To the developer portal
Click the App IDs link on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles developer page
Select the App ID you are using in your app
Click the Edit button
If HealthKit is enabled, disable it and click the Done button
Regenerate all provisioning profiles using that App ID
Open Xcode
Turn Healtkit to off in your project (it looks like you already did it, I write it for the other)
Check you have no trace of Healtkit in your entitlement file, plist file and HealthKit is not in your Frameworks.
select Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. Select your team and click View Details
Click the refresh button in the bottom left corner to refresh your provisioning profiles
Restart Xcode and rebuild your project
Submit your app. During the submit process, you should not see the Healtkit Entitlement anymore.
NB : If you still face the problem, I suggest you to delete all your provisioning profile at step 5 and try again. Don't forgot to restart XCode.
There is option of Privacy Policy URL inside the APP, just fill that URL with the URL of your company and save and submit the application.

An "invalid value" being provided for the parameter 'appIdName'?

I've been working on this app for several weeks, and everything's been great. I've been building and archiving and having a ball. All certificates and profiles and IDs have (seemingly) been in order and working well.
Then a few days ago, seemingly without any change that I can discern, Xcode said I didn't have any "provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity", and when I told it to "fix issue" I would get this error every time:
An invalid value 'Xcode: Wildcard AppID' was provided for the parameter 'appIdName'.
I've found a few questions that seem similar, but I can't find anything at all about this error specifically. Google, SO, nothing. I do have an AppID in the Developer Portal called "Xcode: Wildcard AppID" with an ID of *, and I've tried making another (as suggested in those other questions) but it hasn't helped.
Can anyone explain what this error means, and how I might go about fixing it? And for bonus points, what caused it so I can avoid this in the future?
I was able to get it working. I tried what Cirec Beback suggested, but here are more specific instructions:
Go to the Apple Developer Member Center, and sign in
Go to your "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles"
Under "iOS Apps", select "Provisioning Profiles"
Near the top, in the "iOS Provisioning Profiles" header, hit the + button
Select "iOS App Development" and hit Continue
From the dropdown, select your "Xcode: Wildcard AppID" option and hit Continue
Select your user, or everybody, and hit Continue
Select whatever devices you want, I did all of them, and hit Continue
Give the Provisioning Profile a name, and hit Continue
The next screen will have instructions, but basically it will have a download link, so download the provisioning profile, and open it. Then you should be all good!
This may happen if you do not have an updated provisioning profile.
To fix..
Go to Xcode preferences.
From the top tab select Accounts.
Click View Details button(Bottom right).
A screen will open showing all the provisioning profiles. Click the
refresh button (Bottom left) and wait the refresh to finish.
Check your bundle identifier(General tab) and your provisioning
profile(Build Settings).
Clean build.
Another explanation for this error message is that your app bundle id contains an unsupported character such as an underscore.
I just had this today (which is why I'm here). In my case, it was just because the build settings had the wrong Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile. It had nothing to do with the XCode wildcard.
The issue for me was that I had an existing app, with an existing appID, that did not have App Groups enabled. This was warned not just in capabilities, but also when I selected my main app target and viewed the Identity section.
I went to > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Identifiers
In Identifiers > App IDs: Selected my App ID
Clicked Edit, and enabled App Group under application services
Then went back to XCode and refreshed the Target General. Then back to Capabilities and let it "fix" it.
Wanted to let you know I had the same issue today. Might be an Apple issue. Anyway, I was able to go out to and create the provisioning profile the old fashion way. xCode picked it up and was able to use it without any further issue.
I was having about the same issue on an Ionic project:
An invalid value '' was provided for the parameter 'appIdentifierString'.
An invalid value 'XC -widget-id--com myapp main--version--0 1 19--xmlns--http---www w3 org-ns-widgets--xmlns-android--http---schemas android com-apk-res-android--xmlns-cdv--http---cordova apache org-ns-1 0---com myapp main' was provided for the parameter 'appIdName'.
After looking for awhile, I figured out that my platform/ios/MyApp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj has it PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER filled with
I have no idea on how it happened but putting com.myapp.main fixed it!

Xcode-5 Validation error. Invalid code Signing Entitlements

I am trying to upload the application on AppStore but due to invalid code signing entitlements I cant upload the application and after alot of search and solutions I am posting this issue here. For more details I have attached a screen shot herewith in which issue is precisely described.
It looks like you have the web browser to app handoff entitlement in your app, but it needs to be an explicit domain, not *.
Open your Capabilities tab for your project, in Xcode and look for this:
If you don't want to use Handoff, you can likely disable that or removed it.
Edit: I've added two screenshots. One is the Capabilities tab of your target, make sure Associated Domains is turned off. The second is the Entitlements file, find your MyProject.Entitlements file in the project and delete the key for associated-domains.
Edit 2: Added a screenshot of the developer account App ID.
