Multi-role check using rolify - ruby-on-rails

Is it possible to do a multi-role check - user.has_role?(:admin, :moderator) ...which hopefully does one query to the DB vs doing user.has_role?(:admin) && user.has_role?(:moderator) which obviously involves going to DB twice.

No, right now you can't pass such options.
user.has_role?(:admin, :moderator)
If you want to save yourself from performing multiple queries, you can do something like
(user.roles & [:admin, :moderator]).present?

rolify has has_any_role? and has_all_roles? methods that do this quite readably. has_any_role? only hits the DB once, but has_all_roles? looks like it iterates over the arguments calling has_role? so that wouldn't entirely address your concern about hitting the DB multiple times (it does stop when it hits the first negative result, which is better than nothing).
It looks to me like you could check if a user had both roles in one query with:
user.roles.where("name IN (?, ?)", "admin", "moderator").size > 1
That doesn't work if the user could have the same role on different resources, but you get the idea. The other problem is that it hard codes the number of roles you check. You could get around that by constructing the arguments list and using send but it would be kind of ugly. Alternatively, if you knew that the values you were checking for were safe, you could put them in an array and do:
roles_to_check = ["admin", "moderator"]
user.roles.where(name: roles_to_check).size >= roles_to_check.size


Independent ActiveRecord query inside ActiveRecord::Relation context

There is some ruby on rails code
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.all_users_count
returns, for example, 100
Now it return 5 because of ActiveRecord::Relation context, in despite of i wroute name of class User.all instead simple all
(.to_sql show that query always contains limit or where id or other things in other cases)
So, how can i make context-independent AR queries inside model methods? like User.all and others?
Thank you!
Ps. Or maybe my code has an error or something like this, and in fact User.all inside any methods and context always must returns correct rows count of this model table
This is very weird and unexpected (unfortunately I can't confirm that, because my computer crashed, and have no rails projects at hand).
I would expect
to create a new scope (or as you call it - context)
Try working around this with
I tried it out on my project and on clean rails repo, and the results are consistent.
And after thinking a bit - this is maybe not even an issue - I think your approach could be faulty.
In what scenario would you chain User.limit(2).all_users_count ?? I can't think of any. Because either you need all users count, and you call User.all_usert_count (or just User.count)
... or you need something else and you call User.limit(2).where(...) - there's no point in calling all_users_count in that chain, is it?
And, when you think of it, it makes sense. Imagine you had some different method like count_retired, what would you expect from such call:
User.limit(2).count_retired ?
The number of retired users not bigger than 2, or the number of all retired users in the system? I would expect the former.
So I think one of two possibilities here:
either you implemented it wrong and should do it in a different way (as described above in the edit section)
or you have some more complex issue, but you boiled your examples down to a point where they don't make much sense anymore (please follow up with another question if you please, and please, ping me in the comment with a link if you do, because it sounds interesting)

How to add attribute/property to each record/object in an array? Rails

I'm not sure if this is just a lacking of the Rails language, or if I am searching all the wrong things here on Stack Overflow, but I cannot find out how to add an attribute to each record in an array.
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
#news_stories.each do |individual_news_story|
#user_for_record = User.where(:id => individual_news_story[:user_id]).pluck('name', 'profile_image_url');
individual_news_story.attributes(:author_name) = #user_for_record[0][0]
individual_news_story.attributes(:author_avatar) = #user_for_record[0][1]
Any ideas?
If the NewsStory model (or whatever its name is) has a belongs_to relationship to User, then you don't have to do any of this. You can access the attributes of the associated User directly:
#news_stories.each do |news_story| # gives you the name of the associated user
news_story.user.profile_image_url # same for the avatar
To avoid an N+1 query, you can preload the associated user record for every news story at once by using includes in the NewsStory query:
NewsStory.includes(:user)... # rest of the query
If you do this, you won't need the #user_for_record query — Rails will do the heavy lifting for you, and you could even see a performance improvement, thanks to not issuing a separate pluck query for every single news story in the collection.
If you need to have those extra attributes there regardless:
You can select them as extra attributes in your NewsStory query:
where(...) # rest of the query
It looks like you're trying to cache the name and avatar of the user on the NewsStory model, in which case, what you want is this:
#news_stories.each do |individual_news_story|
user_for_record = User.find(individual_news_story.user_id)
individual_news_story.author_name =
individual_news_story.author_avatar = user_for_record.profile_image_url
A couple of notes.
I've used find instead of where. find returns a single record identified by it's primary key (id); where returns an array of records. There are definitely more efficient ways to do this -- eager-loading, for one -- but since you're just starting out, I think it's more important to learn the basics before you dig into the advanced stuff to make things more performant.
I've gotten rid of the pluck call, because here again, you're just learning and pluck is a performance optimization useful when you're working with large amounts of data, and if that's what you're doing then activerecord has a batch api you should look into.
I've changed #user_for_record to user_for_record. The # denote instance variables in ruby. Instance variables are shared and accessible from any instance method in an instance of a class. In this case, all you need is a local variable.

Rails: Getting column value from query

Seems like it should be able to look at a simple tutorial or find an aswer with a quick google, but I can't...
codes = PartnerCode.find_by_sql "SELECT * from partner_codes where product = 'SPANMEX' and isused = 'false' limit 1"
I want the column named code, I want just the value. Tried everything what that seems logical. Driving me nuts because everything I find shows an example without referencing the actual values returned
So what is the object returned? Array, hash, ActiveRecord? Thanks in advance.
For Rails 4+ (and a bit earlier I think), use pluck:
Partner.where(conditions).pluck :code
> ["code1", "code2", "code3"]
map is inefficient as it will select all columns first and also won't be able to optimise the query.
You need this one
Partner.where( conditions ).map(&:code)
is shorthand for
Partner.where( conditions ).map{|p| p.code}
if you are often run into such case you will like this gem valium by ernie
it gives you pretty way to get values without instantiating activerecord object like
Partner.where( conditions ).value_of :code
if you need access some attribute and after that update record
save instance first in some variable:
instance=Partner.where( conditions ).first
then you may access attributes like instance.code and update some attribute
instance.update_attribute || instance.update_attributes
check documentation at for details

validates_uniqueness_of failing on heroku?

In my User model, I have:
validates_uniqueness_of :fb_uid (I'm using facebook connect).
However, at times, I'm getting duplicate rows upon user sign up. This is Very Bad.
The creation time of the two records is within 100ms. I haven't been able to determine if it happens in two separate requests or not (heroku logging sucks and only goes back so far and it's only happened twice).
Two things:
Sometimes the request takes some time, because I query FB API for name info, friends, and picture.
I'm using bigint to store fb_uid (backend is postgres).
I haven't been able to replicate in dev.
Any ideas would be extremely appreciated.
The signin function
def self.create_from_cookie(fb_cookie, remote_ip = nil)
return nil unless fb_cookie
return nil unless fb_hash = authenticate_cookie(fb_cookie)
uid = fb_hash["uid"].join.to_i
#Make user and set data
fb_user =
fb_user.fb_uid = uid
fb_user.fb_authorized = true
fb_user.email_confirmed = true
fb_user.creation_ip = remote_ip
fb_name_data, fb_friends_data, fb_photo_data, fb_photo_ext = fb_user.query_data(fb_hash)
return nil unless fb_name_data
fb_user.set_photo(fb_photo_data, fb_photo_ext)
#Save user and friends to the db
return nil unless
return fb_user
I'm not terribly familiar with facebook connect, but is it possible to get two of the same uuid if two separate users from two separate accounts post a request in very quick succession before either request has completed? (Otherwise known as a race condition) validates_uniqueness_of can still suffer from this sort of race condition, details can be found here:
Because this check is performed
outside the database there is still a
chance that duplicate values will be
inserted in two parallel transactions.
To guarantee against this you should
create a unique index on the field.
See add_index for more information.
You can really make sure this will never happen by adding a database constraint. Add this to a database migration and then run it:
add_index :user, :fb_uid, :unique => true
Now a user would get an error instead of being able to complete the request, which is usually preferable to generating illegal data in your database which you have to debug and clean out manually.
From Ruby on Rails v3.0.5 Module ActiveRecord::Validations::ClassMethods
Concurrency and integrity
Using this [validates_uniqueness_of]
validation method in conjunction with
ActiveRecord::Base#save does not
guarantee the absence of duplicate
record insertions, because uniqueness
checks on the application level are
inherently prone to race conditions.
For example, suppose that two users
try to post a Comment at the same
time, and a Comment’s title must be
unique. At the database-level, the
actions performed by these users could
be interleaved in the following
manner: ...
It seems like there is some sort of a race condition inside your code. To check this, i would first change the code so that facebook values are first extracted and only then i would create a new facebook object.
Then i would highly suggest that you write a test to check whether your function gets executed once. It seems that it's executed two times.
And upon this, there seems to be a race condition upon waiting to get the facebook results.

Allow the user to pick a named scope via GET params

In my posts model, I have a named scope:
named_scope :random, :order => "Random()"
I'd like to give users the ability to get posts in a random order by sending a GET request with params[:scope] = 'random'.
Short of eval("Post.#{params[:scope]}"), how can I do this?
I would suggest my very awesome acts_as_filter plugin designed for user-driven filtering of results via named_scopes.
Eval is fine to use - but make sure you validate against accepted/expected values (I often just plug some values into an array and test accepted_values.include?(parameter))
eval is a pretty bad idea. However, #send is perfect for this - it's inherently safer, and faster than eval (as I understand it).
That should do it :)
I came across it in a search. searchlogic is perfect for this.
I would stay away from eval since you're dealing with data that comes from the user. Maybe just use a simple case statement? This way you'll be able to validate what the data they're giving you.
For the example you give, I'd be explicit, and chain scopes together to build the query you want:
scope = Post
scope = scope.random if params[:scope] == 'random'
#posts = scope.find(:all, ...) # or paginate or whatever you need to do
If params[:scope] isn't 'random', this is the same as calling Post.find(), otherwise it's doing Post.random.find()
From one of the other answers, it looks like find_by_filter would do pretty much the same thing for you.
Using this pattern, you can also combine multiple scopes into the query if you needed to support things that weren't mutually exclusive
scope = scope.only_monsters if params[:just_monsters] == 1
scope = scope.limit(params[:limit].to_i) unless params[:limit]
So GETting /posts?scope=random&just_monsters=1&limit=5 will give you:
Post.random.just_monsters.limit(5).find(:all, ...)
