what happens on multiple purchase - Non-Renewal subscription in-app purchase - ios

I am implementing a sample which includes the in-app purchase feature. The subscription is of non-renewal type.
In case of auto-renewal subscription, if the user has made a purchase, and within the validity period if the user retries to make the purchase, the iTunes shows the alert that
You are already subscribed to the purchase
and won't proceed further. The user can restore his subscription using the app restore feature.
But in case of non-renewal subscription type, if a user has made a purchase, and within the validity period if the user retries to make the purchase, the iTunes shows a confirmation alert that
You have already purchased the subscription, to renew or extend the
subscription press buy or press cancel
and if the user presses buy it proceeds further.
So, my doubt is what exactly happens in the later case (non-renewal repeated subscription).
Is the user again charged?
What happens with the user's subscription validity?
Can it be handled and controlled inside the code by me?
In case yes, any idea to proceed with would be highly appreciated and will be very helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance.

For Apple, there is no "within the validity period" for non-renewing subscriptions. The duration of the period, fortunately or unfortunately, is left up to the developer.
Yes, when the user buys a non-renewing subscription a second (or third, etc) time, the are charged again.
Subscription validity is up to the developer.
It seems common for developers to use their own server to track the expiry period of a non-renewing subscription. For example, this helps with the "restore" feature required by Apple.

You can alter the subscription start date from the day of repurchase of the APP. This will enable extended validity.
This validity extension mechanism also serves when the user realizes his subscription is about to expire and renews it before hand rather than letting the subscription end.
From the development perspective, logging the first subscribed time along with the current sub and expire time would serve the purpose.

Yes i am altering the subscription start date obviously, and i am getting this from the transaction. According to this subscription start date i am altering the expiry date as well.
The concern here is to avoid the user from getting charged again in any case if he has already subscribed. And, for that i am using iCloud to support restore functionality in user's multiple devices.


Subscription status not called for auto renewable subscription in iOS

I am facing issues with my auto-renewing subscription for an iOS app that offers auto-renewable subscription.
The Subscription Status URL is at times, not being called when the subscription is renewed. This is making it difficult for us to track the user's subscription status. Funnily, this behaviour is completely arbitrary at times it is called and everything works smoothly, but at times it is not called at all.
Also, once the user's subscription is renewed, at times the user is not charged on his/her credit card instantly. Is this behaviour normal?
You have to follow basic rules for subscription based application.
Whenever you buy any auto renew subscription, in success verify your receipt and verify expiry date.
On every application launch very receipt and verify subscription. On depending result you can notify your server.
In sandbox environment for monthly subscription it will auto renew for every 5 mins. It will auto renew for 5 times. So you can check your test cases. After that it will be expire.
In real world case subscription will auto renew before 24 hours of renew date. So if user cancels subscription before that.
If you are using SwiftyStorekit than it will be very much easy for you to handle each and every steps. Let me know you if you want more coding approach in this case.I will share example code details if you want.
The Subscription Notifications are pretty unreliable and the descriptions of how they work aren't very clear. For example:
RENEWAL events aren’t sent when a subscription renews. ... RENEWAL
is sent when a subscription has expired, then later, the user starts
the subscription again.
CANCEL does not mean a user normally cancelled their subscription. It only is sent when a user cancels their subscription via customer
support. This is also known colloquially as a refund.
Source: RevenueCat (Disclaimer: I work there)

Handle Auto Renew Subscription iOS SDK

I am developing an app which requires auto renew subscription monthly and I want to maintain that on per user basis who logged into my app. is it possible anyhow with in app purchase. Also how can we handle cancelation of subscriptions ?
I want to maintain all this on my own server.
In the StoreKit documentation, it mentioned in Cancellation section:
A subscription is paid for in full when it’s purchased and can be
refunded only by contacting Apple customer service. For example, if
the user accidentally buys the wrong product, customer support can
cancel the subscription and issue a refund. It’s not possible for
customers to change their mind in the middle of a subscription period
and decide they don’t want to pay for the rest of the subscription.
To check whether a purchase has been canceled, look for the
Cancellation Date field in the receipt. If the field has a date in it,
regardless of the subscription’s expiration date, the purchase has
been canceled—treat a canceled receipt the same as if no purchase had
ever been made.
Depending on the type of product, you may be able to check only the
currently active subscription, or you may need to check all past
subscriptions. For example, a magazine app would need to check all
past subscriptions to determine which issues the user had access to.
Bear in mind that users can cancel the subscription anytime without opening your App. Therefore, you have to check the status of subscription every time the user logs into your App.

Non-Renewable subscription in IOS

I was using "Auto-Renewable subscription" and it was working perfect and i can verify its recipt and can check status that its active or not, but apple has rejected it and suggested to use "Non-Renewable subscription", main problem using it is that, i can not test its status when after subscription, it expire or user remove it from his apple account, "Auto-Renewable subscription" use to expire after few minute so it was easy to test.
Can any one suggest how to test this scenario
With Non-Renewable Subscriptions you need to manage it yourself, on your server. Once you verify a receipt with Apple, the ball is in your court to calculate and maintain the expiration date. As an example, there's nothing stopping you from selling 1-month subscriptions but giving every one an extra week since you're calculating your own expiration date. Also beware that now you have to sync the subscription across all their device. With ARS you could use restoreCompletedTransactions to extend a subscription to a person's new device. But with NRS, Apple requires you to implement a user account system with username and password to allow a user to log in (to your server) and extend their subscription to a new device.
With NRS you have more power but you also have a lot more responsibility.

IOS subscription end notification

I am looking to build a ios application that will use an auto-renewable subscription on a monthly biases. We will be using some VOIP features that we will be charged monthly for. My question is, how can we be notified when a user cancels a subscription in IOS, so that we can cancel the users VOIP telephone number with our provider.
You will need to verify the receipt the same way you do for regular In App Purchases, but obviously you will do this every time the subscription period expires. Check out the documentation on this, Verifying an Auto-renewable Subscription Receipt
So based on this, it appears you will need to setup your server to check for a valid subscription every month (cron job?). This will allow you to cancel the VOIP number in your system if the subscription is no longer valid. Your app would be responsible for verifying a subscription is still valid when it is opened or the user attempts to access features that require a subscription.
Updated For Comment
The sandbox is supposed to return expiration dates in the following scheme.
This is from page 164 of the iTunes Connect Developer Guide
If it is not working this way you may want to file a bug report.
Also, please not the following from Apples IAP doc:
Additionally, a sandbox subscription will only autorenew a maximum of 6 times. After the subscription has auto-renewed 6 times, it will no longer renew in the sandbox.

iOS - Inapp purchase - subscriptions

I'm having in-app purchase subscriptions in my app. I'm able to integrate and make subscriptions successfully. There are 3 different subscriptions, monthly, quarter and yearly.
So if user subscribes to monthly user can use that feature for 30 days. There's no server in my case. Only availability of some features will be activated/deactivated according to subscription.
When ever the app starts, i want to check whether user paid for subscription or not. If I'm maintaining some bool value in subscriptions, what if the user has deactivated the subscriptions from settings? How can I detect whether the subscriptions are valid or not?
You can add counter and add that counter value in a database that must be inside your app. Whenever user tries to access subscriptions you can verify from the database.
You have to post the receipt back to apple server and from the response we receive, we can identify the expiry date. Then I'll know whether the subscription is expired or renewed etc.
Visit Apple documentation
