Worklight - FWLST1040E: ipad build failed: Cannot overwrite template file - ios

I'm using worklight for my mobile app project using eclipse. My problem is I cant build ipad native. I got this error during build.
FWLST1040E: ipad build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Problem reading info.plist file
I already use this technique but the problem still occur. Why?

Try the following:
Delete the native folder
Close Eclipse
Open and write: open $TMPDIR
Delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse
Build the application

I had deleted my iPad environment, but after I created a new one, I followed this, and it worked.
Try the following:
Delete the native folder
Close Eclipse
Open and write: open $TMPDIR
Delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse
Build the application


unity - xcode build failed with file not found message, possibly because folder is not in project folder

building an XCode project with an .xcodeproj file generated by unity 2021.3.3f1 fails with the message "Build input file cannot be found: 'users/---/ --project name--/Libraries/' "
When I look in Finder, I notice that the does not exist under the Libraries folder.
Some background. I recently moved to trash many Xcode files to free up disk space. I also did a new remove and Install of XCode, in case I deleted anything important accidentally. Non unity files work fine in XCode.
This might be the first project I used 2021.3.3f1 for. I previously used 2019.4.14f1 without encountering this problem.
Is there something I should set in the IOS Player settings of Unity BuildSettings to avoid this problem? (or something that would force the folder to be generated in the output project)?
I am very inexperienced in Mac and infrastructure so I apologize in advance if I am missing something very basic.
Thank you
You should clean your build folders and build anew, should work.
In Xcode you can do this by going to Product > Clean Build Folder, in Unity you just manually delete the whole Build output folder (I hope you created a seperate folder specifically for the Build output and didn't just export to the project directory in that case don't delete your project directory just set a new Build output folder ;).

Xcode file permission issue

I updated my MacOS to Catalina, after that I am getting error reading issue in one project only. Check below image
When I try to open the file in my xcode, I got below error.
If I opened the same file from finder, then it opens the same file in xcode successfully. And issue is shifted to other file. I tried 7-8 times and it continuously coming from one file to another.
Already tried
Open backup project and still getting same issue.
Tried with changing the folder directory, like copied project to desktop, but still getting issue
Cleaned and build the project,
Restart my mac.
Note: I am getting issue in one project and rest of my projects are working file.
Is there any one time solution for this issue?
This error message can occur (somewhat misleadingly) if Xcode does not have permissions to access your Documents folder, and your project references a file that is not located within the same folder path as the project file.
The error message is misleading because the issue is not "you" (a user) lacking permission to view the file. The issue is that Xcode doesn't have permission to access the location of the file.
To resolve, go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy, Files and Folders, and enable Xcode to access the Documents folder. (Current as of MacOS 10.15.4 and Xcode 11.4.1)
You can change the permission from the Finder, right click on that file, goto info and then on bottom under sharing and permission change the privilege to read and write against your username. This might solve your issue.
Try changing the permission if not already done.
Enter the following in your terminal:
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/macmini1/Desktop/Classes
It will ask for your password and then you will good to go.

How to export and run iOS project from Kony Visualizer to Xcode?

I am not used to work with kony platform and I have created simple app but I want to export it and run it as native iOS .xcocdeproj.
Kony Visualizer gives you different ways of building and viewing your app, depending on your needs. In Kony Visualizer Enterprise, you can build your app either from the Product menu, or from a command line. And you can view your built app either by previewing it on a mobile device, or by using device emulators and simulators that you configure. Please refer to this docs link to build for iOS using Kony Visualizer.
Please do this below steps.
once Kar file was build. go to your visualizer installation folder and go to plugins and then you can find com.kony.ios_8.2.28.v201811051627.jar file if you are using 8.2.28 version just for example.
Copy above file and rename it as zip file and unzip it.
once unzip was done inside you can find another zip file please unzip. ( ex:
you can see folder called VMAppWithKonylib.
now go open command-line tool and go to VMAppWithKonylib location.
now go to gen folder location inside your commandline. gen folder will inside VMAppWithKonylib. run this command - perl konyappiphone.KAR
once extract done now go to VMAppWithKonylib and open project in xcode.
let me know if you are facing any more issues.

An error occured during export, Codesign failed , XCode 8.2.1

AnyOne has an idea how to solve this ?
PS : My project Settings are all verified.
Open finder--> press option Go - > Go to Folder
type your project path in that like :
Now new window opens with list of Files, There you see file.
Open Terminal and type just cd then just drag (from finder window) to terminal, now you will get the path for the app, now press enter.
Now type command below:
xattr -rc .
Don't forget "."(Dot) at last.
Press enter button.
Now, Go to your Xcode project and clean and run again.
it is all about path miss match and cached path that you used before. so while doing above steps you are clearing build path for the project, that will make xcode project to run as new without taking cache.
making copy of the project and running same project with xcode make issue or keeping project in icloud and running from that location also makes issue.
May this help.
i just changed codeSign -> Release to iOS distribution then i put it back to iOS developer then i did a simple clean.
And that solved my problem (find it quite strange !!!).

XCode clang error no such file or directory with Push Plugin (Cordova project)

I am developing a cordova project. A project which is intended to run cross platform: Android, Windows phone, iOS.
I using this pushplugin to implement push notifications: the push plugin is intended to communicate between the device and the relevant push notification system (Android: GCM, Windows: WNS, Apple: APNS):
On a windows pc, in the visual studio, I have managed to implement push notifications in a todo app. The app runs well in the cross platform solution which runs on visual studio.
Now as you may know, in a Cordova app, when building for a specific platform, folders for each platform are created as sub folders to a folder called platforms found in the project directory.
When I tried building for ios and put the project folder on a ios computer, I am opening the project in Xcode and trying to run it, but I am getting these kind of errors referring to the same push plugin:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Jurgen/Documents/Xcode/backbonetodo/BackboneToDo/platforms/ios/BackboneToDoPluginsphonegap-plugin-pushGCMLibrarieslibGGLCloudMessaging.a'
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Jurgen/Documents/Xcode/backbonetodo/BackboneToDo/platforms/ios/BackboneToDoPluginsphonegap-plugin-pushGCMLibrarieslibGGLCore.a'
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Jurgen/Documents/Xcode/backbonetodo/BackboneToDo/platforms/ios/BackboneToDoPluginsphonegap-plugin-pushGCMLibrarieslibGGLInstanceIDLib.a'
I just copied the first 3 errors (but there are over 20).
The push plugin works fine on visual studio and normally by copying the project folder on a mac computer and running the .xcodeproject file from inside the iOS platform folder, I manage to run with no problems.
Any idea, what could be wrong? I am also notificing that after BackboneToDo there is no / and also after Plugins. It seems like the way it is creating the directory is not right. I also tried to change the location to absolute but this didnt solve the problem.
Any help?
Thanks in advance
While coping the files of deferent platforms make sure you don't copy the following files / folders.
cordova_plugins.js, cordova-js-src, cordova.js, plugins.
It seems like you have copied the push plugin for android in iOS project.
