UITableView add Button design decision - ios

I'm writing a Musicplayer and want to be able to use playlists. Since this is a view I segue to, I'm wandering, where best to put the Add Button.
Since I need 3 Buttons (Back -in the pictures Playlists-, Add and Start) in total, I was thinking about adding an extra Row at the end of the table to add but couldn't find if anyone ever used it this way.
The normal way would be to add a '+' in the top right of the navigation bar. But then I don't know where to place the Play Button.
The iPhone Music App places an extra row at the top for extra Buttons.
But since I only need 1 more Button I'm looking for an alternative.
Are the any reasons not to place the add button as a row in the tableview? Or where is the best place to do this?
Thanks a lot!
//EDIT: added images


iOS: Switching between button overlays on top of Google Maps

this is my first time working with XCode, and so I am having a lot of issues trying to figure out how to do certain things, mainly UI related.
Currently I am having three issues:
I have two buttons, and I want them both to be half the width of the screen, but I just can't get it to work (I want to show a picture, but I am also new to stackoverflow, and I don't have enough reputation).
I want the buttons to be on top of a Google Map, and as of now, the buttons aren't visible when I run the application (I'm thinking the map is on top of them, maybe).
When I click one of the buttons, I want a different set of buttons to replace the former ones. e.g. Click a button to "Start Game", and then a new set of buttons "Easy", "Normal", and "Hard" show up.
I hope you can understand what I mean. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
for first question answer is use UIsegmented Control. check out this link
Uisegemnted control tutorial
2) put your mapview below the segmented control and adjust the size of it.
3) for third answer there are many option. you can use alert view or make a custom view and put three buttons on it and then hide the view. on the click of start game just unhidden the view.

Alt Button On Custom Keyboard in xCode

It's the first time I'm creating a keyboard for iOS. I've created the first page with all the buttons but I don't understand how to add the second page.
For example: first page QWERTY, second page 123.
Is here anyone that can explain all the passages and functions/classes that I have to add on my codes and where precisely?
Thanks a lot
Well I haven't built a custom keyboard personally but I would make seperate views for the "pages" of keyboards and just hide away and unhide the view of the keyboard you want to show when the user presses the "alt" button. You could have as many keyboards as you like with this method and have it pre-built in the backround so that it would function very quickly to swap between them. Or animate them as you like really as views are easy to slide around. Actually sounds like a lot of fun as I have often thought about building a keyboard that has alpha-numeric values all in one, which would make filling in details on a login screen much quicker/more convenient.

iOS: Need to add an Add button to a search bar

I need a search control that allows a user to search for something, then if they don't find it they push an add button to add it. I need the add button to display while the user is typing the text to search for, I'm thinking to the right of the text. If I put the button in the navigation bar, it doesn't display while the user is searching.
I want to use a Search Bar and Search Display Controller as I need the functionality of displaying results as the user types. The first answer here -- Adding button to left of UISearchBar -- doesn't seem to work with the Search Display Controller. When the user activates the search field, it disappears.
I have been down several rabbit trails on this:
In the second answer here -- Adding button to left of UISearchBar -- I see it recommended to override the Bookmarks button. That is very clever and works, but I can't figure out how to get the "official" Add button image to override with. The simulator doesn't seem to have the images anymore (?), and I don't like the idea of hardcoding something in my code anyway. I'd rather (re)use Apple's Add button icon, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I played around with creating a subclass of UISearchBar that is loaded from a nib that has the search bar and the button, but I'm realizing if I go down that path I think I have to reimplement the interface for UISearchBar and forward all of the method calls to the "real" UISearchBar that I am managing. That seems gross.
I tried just creating a view that subclasses UISearchBar and just dynamically adds the button at initialization time. But on that path I am very bogged down in the constraints. The constraints for the text field in the search bar are up a couple of levels in the view hierarchy, and I'm pretty sure there is at least one constraint up there that I will need to remove, agreed? (because the text field is currently constrained to extend to the end of the search bar).
I also tried the same subclass and trying to just set the positions of the controls in layoutSubviews, but when I do that I find myself having to position all the child controls in the search bar (including the Cancel button, etc.), and that seems wrong.
I'm still in learning mode, and I'm not on a tight schedule. I would like to do this the "right" way. Meaning I'd like to reuse existing code and functionality and just add an add button. What is the "right" way to approach this?

iOS: UI Ideas for moving items between multi-level tableViews

I am building an iOS app that allows the user to browse a tableView, click a cell, then navigate deeper into another tableView using a navigationController.
I have a requirement to be able to move any of those items/cells to another place in the navigation stack. Right now my idea is, once the user selects the cells to move, to display a modal tableView that will allow the user to navigate through the same structure as before, but this time choose the location (by pressing and holding) to place those cells.
Are there any other UI ideas or clever programatic ideas that anyone might have that could be a better solution to this problem?
Perhaps take a look at how Apple's iOS Mail moves email messages between different mailboxes?
This also basically displays a modal view controller, but it flattens the hierarchy, by indenting nested items below their parent objects. You than just select the item that is the destination.
This of course only works if your hierarchy is not too deep, otherwise it's probably best to do it like you outlined it. The only thing I would perhaps recommend doing in addition, is to also have some sort of visual method (button?) to select the destination. A long press by itself might not be intuitive enough.

UIPickerView alternative for iphone something like combo box?

Are there any alternative controls instead of UIPickerView in XCode. If yes, how do they work? Can anyone suggest an alternative for UIPickerView?
You can see one in action if you download the free One Stop Plus app (women's clothes), drill down on the products until you get a view with Color, Size, etc. Tapping those buttons animates a table out of the button, with choices. Selecting one causes the table to animate back into the button. If you like that post a comment to this answer and I can tell you how to do it.
With iPhone interface, it is not feasible to enable a Combo box like a website. (I believe even Apple Guidelines would say not to do it). What you need to do is the use the UITableView to enable users to pick one option.
One thing you can do is decide whether you want to have the choice in a view shared with other controls. OR if your list if too long you can chose to push in a new view with only the choices on them and when a user selects one, the view will pop back one level.
Here is a screen shot of what i mean (maybe not the best example out there):
