Separate Users class [Parse] - ios

I'm building an app that users have to register before they can view the content, I am using Parse for my database needs.
What I need is have a class of Users (Parse.User) for regular users and a class of Users (Parse.User) for admins. The regular users would only be able to access the app, the admins would only be able to access an admin website where they will add the content (products) that will show up in the app.
Is it possible to create 2 different classes of Users with Parse? Or should I create the admin user class manually (not using Parse.User)?
Thanks for the help! I'm pretty new at this databases and user thing haha

What you really want is to create a Role for Administrators. You can assign ACL permissions to this Role and it will be respected throughout Parse. As you add/remove Users from this Role they automatically have the permissions of their current Role(s).
You can read more about Roles in the documentation, there's a whole chapter about it.

I'm fairly certain that you can't create 2 different User classes. (Though I may be wrong.)
But regardless, the easiest way to do this would probably be to keep all the users in the same class and just add an admin boolean key to indicate whether or not the user is an administrator; then log the user in (to access the current user's keys) but only proceed with the actions following a successful app login if the admin value is set to false and, likewise, only proceed with the actions following a successful website login if the admin value is set to true. If the admin value indicates that the user shouldn't be logged in on that platform, don't proceed with the login and instead log the user out.

In my App, a user can take on more than one role. My solution to this is to have a User class and then a pointer for each type of user (could be a regular object pointer, but I use something similar). So there would be an "adminLink" pointing to the Admin role-specific object and a userLink pointing to the user role-specific object. The pointer designates the object containing the attributes relevant to that role (user or admin). Attributes common to all roles are stored in the User object.
"Roles" (capital R) are needed to control access to objects. So for each User, you may need to create a user Role and an Admin Role if the person performs both roles (small r). You have to have a reference for each Role. These can be stored either with the User object in separate attributes or in the role-specific user objects.


How to remember the organization a user is logged in for? Switching between organizations

User and Organization have a many-to-many relationship through Relationship. So a user can be part of multiple organizations.
But a user can only be logged in for 1 organization.
Therefore the user has a screen where he can switch between the organizations he belongs to.
Also, user has a default organization, which is the organization the user initially logs in for. This is implemented using a has-one through relationship.
How to know/remember which organization a user is currently logged in for?
Now I'm a bit in a pickle how to implement how the app should know/remember which organization a user is currently logged in for. I see three options and am hoping for advice which should work best:
An additional column in the User db that stores the id of the organization (or relationship?) for which the user currently is logged in. A helper method logged_in_for could then find the organization based on the value in that column and return the organization the user is logged in for. Implementation using a db column also enables validation so that a user can't set the organization it is logged in for to an organization it is not even part of.
Use a cookie: session[:logged_in_for] that defines/sets the organization the user is currently logged in for. However, 1) I have doubts whether this is secure (not sure why), 2) I think the first option facilitates validation better, 3) I also don't think this would work in combination with the log in "remember me" option?
Implement an additional has-one through relationship that defines the organization a user is logged in for. This is basically an extension of the first option that adds a relationship. Since I already have so many relationships I don't prefer this option. Or is there no way around this addition for the first option?
Is the first option indeed an effective way to know/remember which organization a user is currently logged in for?
It really depends on which experience you're looking to create for the end user. In your cases:
This will allow remembering of organization between logins, which in your application, can be useful or complete non-sense. If indeed it's useful to remember an organization (i.e, the logistics of user choosing an organization after login is non-frequent), then this could create a better user experience.
session is secure, and you can use it like a hash and it would not collide with other features in your app (unless you use the same key). This case is suited for your application when user should always choose an organization after login, and thus it should be session based.
Like you mentioned, this is non-ideal, as you already know.
You can store the information in sessions hash, but not use cookie store, instead use Active Record store

Assign Parse Role iOS

I have developed an app using Parse as my backend.
I'm able to create users (PFUser) ,login, and create custom objects just fine. I now would like to implement Roles and the role I have in mind will be called "admin".
The goal of creating this role is to know when a user is an admin so they have more access to things in the app. I read through the documentation but I did not understand it as much as I would have liked and I know roles are something you don't want to mess up.
So, these are my questions:
How can I create a user role called "admin" from the Parse Dashboard? When I click on the "Role" tab, it asks me to create a new row and then I'm not sure what to do from there.
How can I assign an already created user the role admin? Can I simply go into the dashboard and change the ACL there?
How can I check if the role assigned to the current user is "admin" from iOS (Objective-C)?
Thank you so much for your help!

How can I Retrieve a UserRole with Valence query

Is there some way that I can retrieve the roleId of the current user context regardless of that user's role permissions within the LMS?
For example, I would like to programatically determine if a user is a 'student', 'teacher', etc. I know this can be done if the authenticated user has access to user roles but obviously a 'student' role would not possess such credentials.
Any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated!
With many organizations the assigned role of a user's enrolment is considered sensitive information by the organization (for example, imagine the case where the organization wants to set up multiple roles for particular pay grades of instructors), and does not want the roles to be visible outside a small group of administrative users. Accordingly, there may not be a reliable way for a users to determine their own roleIds assigned to them within an organization unit (course, department, faculty, and so forth), let alone the roles assigned to other users.
Our typical recommendation is that client applications focus first on attempting actions that a user should be able to accomplish based on their access in the webUI: in some cases, this could involve a user characterizing their own general role in a context ("Are you a student in this course? An instructor? A Teaching Assistant?") or it could involve simply attempting actions and gracefully taking action based on results ("I'm sorry, you don't have permission to do/see that").
The various API calls that return an Enrollment.OrgUnitUser structure will contain role information for enrollments; notably the MyEnrollments API call does not return such a structure (it's intention was to be a "safe" call that any user could make to fetch back the list of their own enrollments with potentially privileged information redacted).

Group permissions for a website using spring security - design query

I am creating a Grails website where users will have access to the resources they create. Till here everything is clear to me. I define ROLE_USER and lock down my controllers and actions using the Config.groovy file.
The issue I am facing is that I have requirement to support group of users such that some resources created by a user can be edited/updated/deleted by other users of the same group. How do I associate a user with a "group" in spring security, what is the design/library I should use here?
What you will need to do is to have your users' roles (the authorizations) come from the database. Once that is the case, you can then easily adjust the roles a user (or set of users) has and create/remove them on the fly. The docs have some pretty good info on how to get the roles to come from the database, so I won't go any more into that here.
Once the dynamic roles are in place, however, you still need to be able to connect roles to the objects that are created. There are essentially two ways you can go about doing this:
Access Control Lists
Custom logic
Depending on the granularity you need and the flexibility you want, one option may be more appealing than another.
Access Control Lists essentially allow you to have a permission mapping between each user and each entity instance. As you can imagine, it's a fair bit of overhead and can perform poorly if you have a large number of entities and users.
Putting together your own logic, on the other hand, is much more flexible because you can set up your own scheme to connect entity instances or entity classes to users and their roles.
I dont think that spring-security provides such functionality out of the box so you will have to do that manually.
For each domain class that you this kind of functionality, store the user name of current logged in user
def authenticateService
def user = authenticateService.principal()
Then in the update/delete method of the contoller you should check if the role of the current logged in user matches
the role of the user that created the entity. If you have a match you should proceed with the update/delete otherwise throw an exception
/redirect the user to an error page
As role you can use the spring security roles or you can create a property on the user object you have created

rails 3 - devise block user to login

i have something in mind, i have some user types, Building owner, building manager.
I want to create user as building manager, but i dont want they have access to login system. this user are only for some selectbox in my website, but i need to show them in my user index page.
what i think i can do is create normal user and with a before_save i create a new data in another table.
In a request i need to be able to setup in my building form more than one building manager. maybe the best are with nested form.. I think i will need to add building id to my user table. maybe they can be assigned more than one building.
for now, my db structure are like this :
table users with user data (username, password, email, first and last name, phone)
table usertype have userid, typename and accesslvl
But this problem give me some managing problem. They will not be associated with user data.
How can i resolve this? Does Device can block some user? I searched in the Devise docs, but nothing found.
Thanks for your help.
There is an approach where admin users can approve other user accounts for login. You could use a similar approach but programmatically approve the accounts you actually want to allow logins for. Details are here:
