I have an admin engine with rspec inside my host application. Here is the my application structure:
Here is the my admin engine's config:
module Admin
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace Admin
engine_name 'admin'
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: false, view_specs: false
g.fixture_replacement :fabrication
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'
g.integration_tool :rspec
g.assets false
g.helper false
When I create new controller inside the admin engine. I want to generate controller tests on host application's spec/admin/controllers/welcome_controller_spec.rb. I guess I need change admin engine's rspec's config. Any idea?
In your admin project, in config/initializers directory you can create a monkey patch to overwrite the path where the controller spec file is generated:
file /config/initializers/scaffold_generator.rb
require 'generators/rspec/scaffold/scaffold_generator'
module Rspec
module Generators
class ScaffoldGenerator
def generate_controller_spec
return unless options[:controller_specs]
template 'controller_spec.rb',
File.join('/path/to/host/project', 'spec/admin/controllers', controller_class_path, "#{controller_file_name}_controller_spec.rb")
It would be clever to replace the hard-coded path '/path/to/host/project' by something more dynamic, so it won't break when you move your workspace files in another location. I can't help you for that because it depends on your project file structure, and it should be easy to do.
To invoke:
bundle exec rails generate scaffold_controller my_controller
Will generate the controller, helper, views, rspec/helper, and rspec/views files in your admin project, and the rspec/controller file in your host project
I am creating a little API with Rails 5.0 following this tutorial http://apionrails.icalialabs.com/book/frontmatter
I am trying to run a test located in app/config/lib but RSpec won't find the test.
I have tried adding config.autoload_paths << Rails.root.join('lib') or
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) to app/config/application.rb.
This is my code:
$ /app/config/application.rb
#required files go here, deleted for clarity.
module MarketPlaceApi
class Application < Rails::Application
# don't generate RSpec tests for views and helpers
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, fixture: true
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'
g.view_specs false
g.helper_specs false
g.stylesheets = false
g.javascripts = false
g.helper = false
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
$ app/config/lib/spec/test_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe ApiConstraints do
#test goes here
How can I add the lib folder so RSpec runs the tests located in it?
Thanks in advance.
RSpec doesn't look for tests in autoload_paths. If you run rspec or rake spec without arguments, RSpec looks in the spec directory by default. If you want to run specs in a different directory, give that directory to rspec as an argument:
rspec app/config/lib/spec
However, it's the universal convention to keep your specs in the spec directory, separate from your code in app and lib, so I'd move your specs to spec/lib. RSpec will then find them without any extra effort.
When I generate a model using:
$ rails g model example
Rails generates a factory for the model. Currently it adds the factory to test/factories however I need it to add the factory to spec/factories.
I'm using RSpec and everything else is generated to spec/….
Normally, the place where these files end up, is determined by a directive in the file config/application.rb:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.generators do |g|
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, dir: 'spec/factories'
In my Rails 3.2 app's application.rb I have the following lines to disable scaffold generators I don't want:
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# rest of the config...
config.generators do |g|
g.helper false
g.stylesheets false
g.javascripts false
The app is using the Draper gem and if I run rails generate then decorator is listed as one of the available generators. I assumed that adding g.decorator false to the above list would prevent rails generate scaffold SomeModel from generating the decorator files but they're still created. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing please?
Draper is configured to have decorators built by default for every controller. You can change the default configuration with one additional line in your application.rb file...
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# rest of the config...
config.generators do |g|
g.helper false
g.stylesheets false
g.javascripts false
g.decorator false
Here's the interesting bit from Draper...
Called from the Railtie...
Note that you can still generate decorators explicitly...
$ rails generate decorator foo
Does anyone know of a rake task or RSpec call that will generate a bunch of empty files relative to the existing controllers, models, helper files and views that already exist within your application?
You can generate an empty scaffold set of rspec tests against an existing controller using something like this:
rails generate rspec:scaffold recipe
You can improve on this by passing the attributes of the model you want to generate against, like this:
rails generate rspec:scaffold recipe title: string slug: string description: text
You'll still need to do some manual editing, but this should get you most of the way there.
The best solution for this is to add hooks in place within environment.rb to create the spec.rb files within the rails application each time a model or controller is created.
Here's the code for that (using RSpec and FactoryGirl):
module RailsApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture_replacement => :factory_girl, :views => true, :helper => false
g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, :dir => 'spec/factories'
g.stylesheets false
g.javascripts false
g.helper false
This should work:
Install the rspec-rails gem by adding it to your development and test groups in your gemfile gem 'rspec-rails'
Run the rspec generator from inside your app rails generate rspec:install
Read over this doc quickly to see how it integrates with your rails app RSpec-rails doc
Is there any command available for generating all missing spec files for existing models / controllers? I have a project that has several models that have been generated with out spec files.
In rspec-rails-2 which is intended for Rails 3 all of the rspec generators have been removed.
You can solve this problem by running the rails model generator. You can add -s to skip any existing files and --migration=false to skip creating the migration file.
Like so:
rails generate model example -s --migration=false
You could just run the generator and ignore the models/migrations/fixtures.
ruby script/generate rspec_model User --skip-migration --skip-fixture --skip
I've been looking into writing something to do this but there hasn't been any interest from others.
If the number of missing specs is rather small, you could simply run the rails generate commands for each components with missing specs.
When a conflict arises, simply opt not to overwrite the original file. The generator will ignore the existing files and generate the missing ones.
require 'fileutils'
namespace :spec do
def progress name, x, y
print "\r #{name}: #{x}/#{y} %6.2f%%" % [x.to_f/y * 100]
def generate_files name
kind = name.to_s.singularize
collection = Dir.glob Rails.root.join('app',name.to_s,'**','*').to_s
root = Rails.root.join('app',name.to_s).to_s<<'/'
ext = case name
when :controllers then '_controller.rb'
when :models then '.rb'
count = collection.count
collection.each_with_index do |i,index|
`rails g #{kind} #{$1} -s` if i =~ /#{root}(.+)#{ext}/
progress name, index, count
task generate_missing: :environment do
generate_files :controllers
generate_files :models
# if you dont want certian things generated than
# configure your generators in your application.rb eg.
# config.generators do |g|
# g.orm :active_record
# g.template_engine :haml
# g.stylesheets false
# g.javascripts false
# g.test_framework :rspec,
# fixture: false,
# fixture_replacement: nil
# end