Chromium browser - Native Messaging Example issue - chrome-native-messaging

I am trying the same example given in the link below
using Chromium browser 25 on Fedora 17
As explained I am loading the app on Chromium browser and getting the same error as above.
When I see Chrome://Version it does not show me Enable-Native-Messaging option.
also Chrome://Flags does not have the option to enable the Native Messaging.
I am getting this error
Uncaught Type Error: Object # has no method "ConnectNative"
Is the error is because of the Chromium browser version 25 which I am using on Fedora 17 ?
If yes then where can I get the Chromium browser version on Fedora which supports Native-Messaging-API , If not what could be the issue and the relevant steps to resolve it?


How Do I Set The ChromeDriver Version I Want To Use On Jenkins

I am running RobotFramework tests on Jenkins which has been fine until recently. There is now a mismatch in ChromeDriver and Chromium Versions. Initially the error was ChromeDriver would only work with Chrome 83, so I upgraded it the latest 86. Now I'm getting a new error as follows.
SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only
supports Chrome version 86
Current browser version is 85.0.4183.83 with binary path /usr/bin/chromium-browser
So I have gone too far with my ChromeDriver Version now it seems. Does anyone know how to upgrade chromium-browser to 86 or downgrade ChromeDriver to 85 in JENKINS. I will take either. I am not using Docker just incase you think it might an image issue.
All help greatly appreciated.

"No such file or directory:" Issue with ADALiOS versions 2.2.5 and 2.2.6

I am using Windows Azure Active Directory (ADAL library 2.2.4) authentication mechanism in my iOS applications. Recently I have received one email from Microsoft team sys that
"All ADAL .iOS versions 2.2.4 and lower prevent interactive login on
iOS10, that means users will be locked out of their account when their
current sign-in expires between 14 – 90 days. If a user is already
signed in to your application it will continue to work temporarily,
but the next time they need to sign in again they will experience this
Then I tried to update with latest ADAL versions 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 from the link but these versions are not compiling successfully. Always facing error (null): No such file or directory: '/Users/xxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appName-aeiapfbshlzesxhfptwxpoahxjss/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libADALiOS.a'
The "libADALiOS.a" library file dose not copy into above location.
Please help me on it.
The issue has been fixed recently. But release with such a fix will be coming later.
A possible mitigation is to link to libADAL-core.a instead of libADALiOS.a.
Check this:

How to make Dartium stop at a breakpoint?

dI am trying to get back into Dart programming after a year of break. When I last used Dart I use the DartEditor, which has since been deprecated. Now, I am trying to use WebStorm, and Dartium to run the standard dart project templates.
When I build the Uber Simple Web Application, I can get Webstorm to start the Dartium browser and display the page, but I cannot get it to stop at a breakpoint. When I build the Polymer Web Application, WebStorm starts the Dartium browser, but never displays the page - the request is made but nothing happens!
I can open the projects with a standard browser without an issue.
I have installed the JetBrains IDE Support plugin.
Dartium version: 45.0.2454.104
Webstorm version: 2016.1.1 bld 145.597
Dart version: 1.16.0
There is currently an issue in WebStorm that breaks showing applications in Dartium related to caching. The pub serve window in WebStorm should show on which port your application is served. if you open the URL in Dartium using this port
then it should work.
An update containing a fix for this issue was announced for this week.
WebStorm 2016.1.2 and IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.2 official releases are published now, all known problems regarding SDK 1.16 are fixed there.

web_components in dartium

I had some trouble to display my project in FF cause of shadow_dom. I read that the shadow_dom package is deprecated so I followed the steps in and added web_components to my project.
Now I can build and run my project in FF. However when I include packages/web_components/platform.js and run my project in dartium it displays without css whereever I use shadow_dom. I also get the following error :
ShadowDOMPolyfill polyfill was loaded in Dartium. This will not work.
This indicates that Dartium's Chrome version is not compatible with
this version of web_components.
How to solve this ?

Initial mono for android installation quits after first screen with no error message

I downloaded the trial version for Mono for android and tried to install on Windows 7. After the first confirmation page the installer quits with no error message.
I've searched for the net and found nothing. I tried to unblock the file and move it to the desktop and click the box to run with administrator priviledges. I've also tried to download and run and dowload and save.
I'm in China, don't know if the great firewall could effect this???
With no error message I'm lost on how to proceed.
Sometimes this can be caused by network connectivity issues or proxies. You can try to install the components manually:
JDK 1.6:
Please choose the jdk-6u31-windows-i586.exe installer from the list above.
Android SDK:
After the main installer is done, please open the SDK Manager and install the following platform APIs: 7,8,10,12,14
Mono for Android SDK:
You can skip steps 3 and 4 if you don't need/want to use MonoDevelop and use VisualStudio (2010 Professional or better) instead. In that case you must have VS installed before proceeding with step 5.
