Keep File on iOS Device after App Update - ios

Is there any way to create a file, which will not be erased after iOS has updated the app?
Scenario: My app saves a text file to the device, and after updating the app, some users are reporting that the text file is not there. Is there any way to preserve the files?

If you store the file in document directory then I should be there unless in the new version you create another file with same name and replace the previous one.


How to check previous version app already installed in iOS Device?

it assumes very simple question but its typical problem for me .
I have a live paid iOS app in App Store . I want to update it in my phone with new Sqlite .
I want test some scenario for that I want installed update from my Xcode in free.
How can i update app installed from App store by Xcode as i have new code of that app.
in my live app there in no USERDEFAULTS to store current version.i can code in new app.
How to delete previously used sqlite and installed new app free if already buy that app.
Thanx for reading.
guide me if any understand it and any idea about it.
Thank in advacnce this was i want
SQLite database file is just a normal file, you do not need any special steps to update it.
Get the file path or URL to the SQLite file , and use
NSFileManager's method removeItemAtPath:error: or removeItemAtURL:error:
Then create the new database the same way you created the old one.
Also check this link if get any problem.
You can delete your old SQlite database file if it's copied in document directory. You CAN NOT delete files from bundle.

iOS Documents/Inbox folder new coming data

I'm writing an ios app and I managed to add it to "open with.." feature for any other types.My question is after I opened the file with my app how can handle it? I know it will be saved in Documents/Inbox folder in the app however my app will be dynamic and will extend in time.I need to access initially opened file's variables (like name, path etc).
My second question is, after I get the file I want to show ViewController1 rather than when the app normally started ViewController. Should I need to store the count of Documents/Inbox files or are there any other ways?

How to access external db file in Xcode

I am having a .sqlite file which already generated from some other application. Now I want to include that .sqlite file into Xcode and want to use that data for my(another) IOS Application. In android We can do that specifying the db file path. How can I achieve that in IOS?
In iOS you can't use other apps data. Actually your app run in a snadbox and you can't access anything outside that sandbox.

IOS: save a csv o txt file when I delete an app

I'm creating an app and when a person use this app, lot informations are recorded in a txt file;
If I want to make changes at this app, I must delete app from device. Then, how can I save the txt file before I delete the application?
Is there a way to do this?
Instead of deleting the app to make changes, install an updated app with the old app in place to preverve the content of the Documents folder (NSDocumentDirectory).
You could also save the data in the cloud whenever the app exits.

How to save data from version to version in iphone app development?

I'm having a problem for my app, a Chinese-English dictionary. I'm now adding a wordbook for it, and try to save the contents of it to a plist every time users exit the app. But now I find that as my app updates, all these data will get lost because the path of the app is changed.
I'm now working for a company so the app will keep releasing new versions, and how can I save the data from version to version?
all these data will get lost because the path of the app is changed.
That would indicate you're writing to your application's directory structure. Don't do that.
The iPhone has a documents directory.
Document Directory discussion
