How to use compiled rtmp-dump for building iOS app - ios

How can I use the compiled version of rtmpdump to make an iOS app ?
The compiled library i.e librtmp.a is available but the sample xcode project is quite old and not very useful. Can someone provide good sample project or tutorial ?


How to compile FileMQ in iOS?

I want to implement FileMQ for file transfer from iOS to android in my iOS app.
I tried the steps given here but it causes errors at many steps. Also I need to know how should I use the downloaded library.
How should I compile FileMQ for iOS and use it?
Any information in this regard is appreciated!
I downloaded a C version of the library from the link mentioned in the question and compiled it on linux machine. I made some changes in the headers to make it iOS compatible as the headers were generated for linux. Now I am using the same copy in my iOS project.

How does iOS7 understands Swift Code? Is there any Swift support by OS?

Here is my short assumption on that currently looking more on it.
Application with Swift code bundles Swift specific standard libs with Swift, Apple has changed how standard libraries are shipped. With Objective-C, all of the standard libraries, system frameworks, and the runtime itself, were shipped with the OS. But With Swift, Apple trying to ship a specific version of the standard library with your app.
Please share your thought on that.
Found Interesting - Compatibility Blog
According to that - In fact, you can target back to OS X Mavericks or iOS 7 with that same app. This is possible because Xcode embeds a small Swift runtime library within your app’s bundle. Because the library is embedded, your app uses a consistent version of Swift that runs on past, present, and future OS releases.
Any other discussion warm welcome!

How to integrate a source compiled LLVM with Xcode?

As part of a research project at school, I'm exploring mobile specific energy optimizations and am building infrastructure to test these optimizations on a popular mobile platform. Given my background in LLVM, I have decided to setup the testing infrastructure around the iOS platform. I thought that since Xcode already uses LLVM under the hood, it should be easy to integrate a copy of LLVM compiled from source into the Xcode toolchain, but I haven't been able to find an option to accomplish it in Xcode yet. (I'm new to OSX and haven't worked with Xcode before)
Am I overlooking anything, or is such an integration not supported out of the box in Xcode?
It's for obfuscater-llvm, but it should work for a "normal" llvm:

Qt for iOS: Error unknown module(s) in Qt: webkitwidgets

I have downloaded .dmg file for Qt on Android and iOS. I have installed it and tried to run examples. I am able to run examples under folder "widgets" for iOS but when I try to run example for "webkitwidgets" and run qmake on (let say for example of "browser") .pro (in this case for example then it gives me error : "Error unknown module(s) in Qt: webkitwidgets". Then I checked "ios" folder in installed qt directory. I found in "Include" folder there is no folder called "QtWebkitWidgets" while there is folder "QtWidgets". Let me know solution asap because I am doing some poc on Qt for iOS and need to have conclusion soon. Did I miss some steps while installation or do I have to do some extra steps to execute examples for QtWebkitWidgets. Let me know whether QtWebkitWidgets module is supported for in Qt for iOS or not. Note that I am using Qt 5.2 with XCode 5. If more detail is required then let me know.
Apple explicitly forbids that any programming language be compiled/interpreted on the iOS device itself, except by their own WebKit. So Qt’s WebKit is disallowed.
It is worthy to note thet part of the QtWebKit team has started the project QtWebEngine to explore the option of providing a Chromium/Blink based web engine instead of QtWebKit, and in addition to that, the iOS port of Qt will need their own webview API since Apple does not allow additional web engines on their iOS devices.

Can I get the Unity3D engine version in Xcode and how to do a conditional compile based on the version?

I'm working on a plugin in Unity3D for iOS. For some reason, I need to specify some code in the native code (.mm in Xcode) to be compiled under before Unity3D 4.1 and other be compiled after Unity3D 4.1(including). Maybe something like this:
//Some code be compiled before Unity4.1
//Some code for new version
I know there is a Platform Dependent Compilation in the Unity3D Editor, but how can I get the engine's version in Xcode and do a "Unity Engine version based condition compilation"? Any suggestion will be appreciated!
Edit: Maybe I can write two .mm files for different version and delete one of them in [PostProcessAttribute]. But I don't think it is a good idea...
It isn't exactly clear on what you are trying to do. Are you building your native code by injecting into the XCode project that Unity creates? Or are you building your native code to a library that is included by Unity during the build?
AFAIK there is no way for XCode to know ahead of time which version of Unity you are using without examing the install of Unity and figuring out a way to determine that.
If you doing the latter, i.e. building a native code library that is included into Unity's build. You would need two separate libraries in that case, and instruct the user to include whichever one is relevant.
If you are doing the former, i.e. injecting new native code into the XCode project that Unity created then Unity does export the #defines so you could then determine which version of Unity your native code needs to compile against.
