How to Invoke and Kill Executable in TFS Build Definition? - tfs

I am developing a Web API solution. This EXE listens and responds to localhost:8080/abc/.
I have developed a Test solution for this executable.These tests simply verify responses from localhost:8080/abc/.
I have already successfully created a build definition that:
Gets and compiles the solution.
Gets and compiles the tests.
Runs the tests.
My problem here is, the tests are failing, because the EXE isn't up and running. How do I bring up the EXE for the tests, and kill it after the tests are done? Could this be done solely in the build definition itself? Say via MSBuild Arguments in the "Build process parameters"? Hopefully there is a simple solution to this...
Thanks in advance!

I can't manage to solve this in the build definition alone.
I found the solution in modifying the build template (via Edit Build Definition... -> Process), by adding InvokeProcess controls in the build flow. Have these controls call BAT files that instead run / kill the EXE.


TFS Build: accessing custom MSBuild file within sequence control flow

I am having hard times attempting to perform the simplest operation: run the custom MSBuild script (placed within dedicated "BuildScripts" folder) from the Lab test running build definition. What it is supposed to do prior to test execution is to trigger the child build, get the built sources and perform the modification of the config file by the means of MSBuild script. And that is what I struggle with. Supposing I have specified the build scripts folder among source settings (mapped to $(SourceDir)) and I use the MSBuild activity for running the script, what do I specify in the path for project file location?
Would appreciate any hints you might share.
Thank you.
If I understand your requirement correctly, you can select the MSBuild script file in Build Process as soon as you have uploaded the file into Version Control.
Clicking the button below:
You will get a dialog to select the solution or project you want to build:
And then click "Add..." button, you will be able to select the file from Version Control.
Never heard the "MSBuild script". If you mean to run powershell script during the build. So where do you want to specify the path for project file ? In the script or the configuration of the build template ? Suggest you to provide a screenshot.
Moreover, you can use "invokeprocess" workflow activity to invoke powershell script during the build.

Wallaby on a build server (CI)

we are currently using Wallaby.js for javascript unit testing. Works fine and is great. But within our development pipeline we of course want to run the same tests on the build server - in our case a tfs.
Is it possible to use wallaby on a tfs build server? Anf if yes how?
If not, what is the way to go to run the wallaby configured unit tests on the build server?
As we used the karma test runner earlier, I tried to execute the new test configuration with it but then I get
Can't find variable: wallaby
as in our main/ starting test file it is written
baseUrl: 'app',
(Originally from a karma/ requirejs configuration)
How to get around this?
Has anyone experience in this scenario?
Wallaby.js main idea is to integrate with editors, run tests for the code that you change and display the results in the editor. You can't use Wallaby.js in a CI build.
You may consider invoking other test runners, or use grunt/gulp task instead for javascript unit testing.
In TFS 2012 and later (might work in 2010 but not sure) you can extend the testing capabilities of the build system.
Check out these posts -

Play framework services integration testing in Jenkins CI

I want to use Jenkins CI for integration testing with Play framework. My scenario is as following:
I have 2 projects, Project A and B.
Project A depends on Project B. The dependency is as such that to run tests on Project A, I need to start Project B first.
I already have unit tests in Project A but I need to test the integration of Project A and B.
I am using SBT plugin to execute the SBT and the Project A and Project B are working fine separately.
I could not figure out a proper way to do it. The issue I am facing is that I need to run Project B as a pre-build step but the Project B must be kept in running state but Project B is ended as soon as the build step executes run action of sbt and finishes the build which I don't want.
The command I execute to run Project B is clean compile run which executes as an action to SBT launcher.
I tried SBT stage and then run the jar but that is also causing the issue that the jar halts the control of the build and Project A doesn't get a chance to start.
I also checked Spawning a process in Jenkins but I couldn't make it work too. I am using Ubuntu and I tried using nohup instead of daemonize as described in the link by adding it as Execute shell script build step and it starts the Project B server process and kills it after some time. I also don't think that it might be the only way to do what I want to do.
May be I am using Jenkins wrong or may be I need to look in another direction so any help on this is much appreciated.
I ran into a similar problem where I needed to free the console for running other stuff. I did something similar (i.e. creating a script with the sbt commands), then running the script with a nohup like so:
nohup ./ &
and the Play! app runs just fine in the background.
Remember to use different ports in your case, since you're running two Play! apps.

How to run another exe inside jenkins

I want to run another exe after the unit test execution is also passed in jenkins. I have no idea on how to do this. Please advice me.
It sounds like you want to add a build step, probably a Windows Batch File build step.

How do I automate testing using nUnit as part of a build process using compiled dll's in .Net?

I'm using psake, msbuild and nUnit to automate my build and testing of an MVC web app, which will be carried out (kindly), by Jenkins, once I have it working.
My build steps work fine, creating two DLL's in the build\bin dir:
I'm using nunit-console.exe to run the automated tests as part of the psake build script, pointing it at the newly built MyWebApplication.Test.dll. However, the tests fail due to is saying it could not load file or assembly MyWebApplication.dll, despite it being in the same directory as the test dll file.
How do I go about executing tests using nunit in this scenario?
It's most likely looking for the application .dll in the workspace root, which is the current directory by default in Jenkins. Try changing the current directory to %WORKSPACE%\build\bin before launching the test.
I found the answer to my own question.
I had to compile a debug version of my projects as part of the build script, then run the Nunit console exe against my csproj file for the test project. With this, it executes the tests properly.
