neo4j cypher nested collect - neo4j

Imagine a photo album schema w/ Users, Albums, and Photos:
User -[owns]-> Album -[contains]-> Photo
Can I do a nested collect to get Photos nested in Albums, and Albums nested in User? I'd like results similar to:
{ "users": [
{ "name": "roger dodger",
"albums": [
{ "album": "album1",
"photos": [
{"url": "photo1.jpg"},
{"url": "photo2.jpg"}
This seems close but I could not modify it to suit my needs: Nested has_many relationships in cypher
(Could the problem be that neo4j 2.0 web console doesn't support the json syntax in that example?)

Try this query:
MATCH (a:USER)-[:owns]->(b:ALBUM)-[:CONTAINS]->(c:PHOTO)
WITH a,b,{url:} as c_photos
WITH a,{album: , photos: collect(c_photos)} as b_albums
WITH {name:, albums: collect(b_albums)} as a_users
RETURN {users: collect(a_users)}
To get all properties of a node you can use string representation of the node and then parse it separately using java etc
MATCH (a:User)
WITH {user: str(a)} as users
RETURN {users: collect(users)}


Elasticsearch match field=value (not contains)

I have problem while searching through elasticsearch.
I have index product with fields title and gender
When I make query with default_field: title I need to get results only with gender=male (not female or others)
query: dress AND gender:male
Results contain both genders: male and female and male,female
It seems to me that gender:* search all which contains male, but not full match of value. How to do the query right?
I use it through Ruby on Rails{
query: {
query_string: {
query: query,
default_field: "title"
size: per_page,
sort: [ _score: { order: relevance } ]
Is gender a keyword data type? I suspect that you left/set the default mapping to the gender field (i.e., text + keyword subfield). In this case, try the following query: dress AND gender.keyword:male
According with this I just need to put value in double quotes..
query = '(dress) AND (gender:"male")'
do not forget to escape them if needed "gender:\"male\""

Multiple Search terms using Ruby Searchkick

I have set everything up using ElasticSearch and SearchKick, however, I cannot get it to work quite like I want to. I need to have multiple searches.
My model, Car, has two attributes such as "Make" and "Year". I can do this: query: { match: {make: { query: "toyota" } }} )
How do I also find matches that belong to Toyoto but also belonging to a specific year, say 2012.
Thank you
Assuming that year is either an attribute of your Car model or defined explicitly in your search_data config this should work: "toyota", where: { year: 2012 }
This will returns cars in which make is "toyota" AND year is 2012 "*", where: { make: 'toyota', year: 2012 }
For make is "toyota" OR year is 2012 "*", where: { or: [[{make: 'toyota'},{year: 2012}]] }

Is it possible to upsert documents in mondodb by an array of ids, so that each new created document's _id is the one from the array?

In my Rails project with mongodb, I retrieve user ids from twitter which I want to store in my User model. The plan is to upsert the collection of Users with the retrieved user ids I have in an array, and set every new created document _id to the corresponding user id from the array.
So when I do something like this:
Tweep.collection.find( _id: 1234567 ).modify( { "$set" => {a: true}, "$unset" => {c: ""} }, {upsert: true})enter code here
The result is like expected: <Tweep _id: 1234567, a(active): true, c(candidate_value): nil>
Now I want to do the same, but only passing an array of ids to upsert my collection on Users:
Tweep.collection.find(_id: {"$in" =>[123124,223553,6343643,23423]}, c: { "$exists" => true }).modify( { "$set" => {p: true}, "$inc" => {c: 1} }, {upsert: true})
The result is some newly created documents, but without the desired values as _id e.g. _id: 123124:
<Tweep _id: 5244501325fed0cfd2c1a615, a(active): nil, c(candidate_value): 1>
instead of:
<Tweep _id: 123124, a(active): nil, c(candidate_value): 1>
How can I make mongodb use the user id in my array to be the id for the field _id?
Any help is highly appreciated.
That is not possible. From the documentation:
If upsert is set to true and if no document matches the query
criteria, update() inserts a single document.
Then again, you write:
The result is some newly created documents
I hope that it's really only one document. With a query that contains only _id : {$in : [...]}, it wouldn't even insert a single document on my machine (MongoDB 2.5.0). It only inserts if I add more criteria. Could you check that again?
It's hard to come up with a meaningful definition of how this should behave. Combining $in can be tricky. Let's say you have two documents:
{ _id : 1, name : "John" }
{ _id : 2, name : "Jane" }
and you call
db.update({"_id" : {$in : [1,2]}, "name" : "Max"}, { ... }, { upsert: true});
What is supposed to happen? There is no document that has _id 1 or 2 and name equals "Max", so the upsert would have to insert... well, what? Maybe two documents with the name Max? If the array were larger, we'd create a ton of 'Max's which probably wasn't our intention (the semantics would be: "update one or insert a thousand", which is odd). So let's say we only insert one. But now, which _id to choose? And, of course, there is the problem that _id is a unique key, so in the example, both would fail.

Complex Active Record Association

first_name: "Johnny"
age: 15
name: "Mazda"
name: "BMW"
I would like results that look like
[ {"first_name": "Johnny", "age": 15, cars: [ { "name": "Mazda" }, { "name" : "BMW" } ] } ]
Is it possible to do this in Rails? So far I can get the Users car by typing but I'd like the data structure to also hold the values of the parent.
I was toying with the idea of using named_scopes and transient attributes but no luck so far any ideas/help is greatly appreciated.
You Could actually retrieve all the records from the other table using :includes statement
includes is magically syntax where in you can eager load all the assocaited records of a record.
Example In your case
User has_many cars
so If you do
#users = User.includes(:cars)
Now this would load all the user records and will eagerload all the cars records for each user objects
so if you loop through a user object and do
<% #users.each do |user| %>
<%= %>
<%end%> wont fire a seperate query to fetch the all cars for the users instead it will fetch those record eager loaded using the includes clause
This technique is widely used to avoid N+1 query problem
Google for N+1 to know more on it
Hope this Help

Query with filtred fields for nested objected

lets say I've got a document
book: {name: "book",
"chapters":[{title: "Chapter I",
}, {...}
I what to get book object with embedded object chapters but each chapter should not contain nested "sections" (but should contain other attributes, like title):
book: {name: "Book",
"chapters":[{title: "Chapter I"
}, {...}
How should I make a query using Mongo driver and Mongoid (or Mongomapper)?
I tried it with mongoid:
books.all[0].chapters.only(:title)[0].sections # it still works, though I expect sections to be nil
your query
picks the books with all its chapter embedded documents on books.all, so there is no meaning to use 'only' after chapters. Your query can work if the chapters as a separate documents and got a has_many relationship instead embeds_many
So you have to use 'only' like this on books document
