Third party Xcode project, no matching provisioning profiles found - ios

I received a complete Xcode project from another developer. I can run the app in the simulator but I get the "No matching provisioning profiles found" error message when trying to compile it to my iOS device.
How can I get this to compile to my device? Changing the provisioning profile to my own under build settings doesn't work.

This error mean your provisioning profile is wrong. Check your provisioning profile installed and certificate are right. Check if your device is register for this provisioning profile too maybe you didnt add it to your provisioning profile


Create an IPA file with ionic

I'm trying to compile my ionic app for iOS.
It compiles well with the simulator, so I'd like to test it on some friend's iDevices (I don't have any iphone or ipad), so I'd like to send them the IPA in order to test.
To do that I saw that I have to archive my project, I tried to do so and I got an error:
Code Sign error: No provisioning profiles found: No non–expired provisioning profiles were found.
I checked my profile, XCode suggests me to fix the issue. But when I try to do so, I got this error:
Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your team. Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team.
So I thought that having an iDevice wasn't mandatory in order to compile for iOS. Am I wrong ?
You required provisioning profile to archive your project to make build. Now if you don't have create provisioning profile from your apple developer account, then you have option automatic, but to generate provisioning profile you required your device connected with your xcode,so that xcode takes udid of that device and can make automatic provisioning profile!
Now, if you don't have real device then from your developer account - Add some device first - I mean your friend's device(for that you required udid of it!) - create provisioning profile for development - download it - set it as provisioning profile from general or build settings from your xcode. Then you will able to make build!
If you have device then also you need to create provisioning profile that contains your friend's device, other wise application will not install on it!
You can refer Raywenderlich's tutorials to manage these kind of stuff that i have mentioned above!

None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices - Distribution

I read online we need a separate distribution provisioning profile if we want to distribute an app to the app store. I know there are answers already on StackOverflow for this error but I think mine pertains to my Distribution provisioning profile.
So right now I have two provision profiles, one for developer, and another for distribution. The app will build and run successfully on the same device when Code Signing Identity under "Build Settings" is set to iOS Developer. But when I switch Code Signing Identity to iOS Distribution and run on the same device, I get the error "None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices". When I try the option to let Xcode "fix the issue", it says that
"Xcode failed to resolve the issue. Check your code signing settings; ensure you have a matching signing certificate and provisioning profile installed; and try again."
The provisioning profile for distribution is active on the Apple Developer site. When I try to reset in Preferences I still get the error
You can not run on a device with the Distribution profile. That's just for doing a build/archive and then submitting that to the store. If you want to run the production build on your device, submit to iTunes Connect and use TestFlight to install that build on your device.

xcode "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"

Since upgrading to xcode 6 yesterday i have problems running an app from xcode on one of my devices and i have no idea why.
The message is:
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found
I have checked all the solutions from A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found and "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found" error when trying to run unit tests but everything is correct.
So i have the right provisioning profile set, it is installed in the list of provisioning profiles on the device (and not expired) and the build configuration is debug.
I have no further ideas now.
EDIT: another device has no problem. So it might be specific to iphone 6.
As your profile is working on one device that means issue is related to your iPhone 6 device.
You can try the following steps :
1) When you create your provision profile, check whether your device is selected for that particular device. If not then select and again download the provision profile and install it.
2) Just see in your phone whether you have any expired provision profiles. If yes then delete all expired provision profile first.
3) Delete your application from your device if it is previously installed.
4) Select proper provision profile in your project and hit run.
Try following steps:
Open Build Settings > Select Code Signing
Provisioning Profile > Automatic.
This is work for me. :)

Code Signing Identity in XCode 4.5

I get this message when I start a build to my device in Xcode;
Code Sign error: A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'vindfyrar2' could not be found
I've been through all the certificate/provisioning profile verification process.
I have valid provisionings profiles installed on my device in xcode organizer.
What I think is my problem is that I can't see any provisioning profiles in the target or project build settings -> code signing identity.
Take a look at the pictures below please!
Anyone please have some time to help me?
Whenever I encounter this problem, I find that restarting Xcode and selecting a different provisioning profile in your project (not target) build settings will cause the list to refresh. If you see no profiles anywhere, download them again from your apple developer center and drag them into the Organizer's Provisioning Profiles pane.
In the project build settings, set the Code Signing Identity to Automatic Profile Selector (iPhone Developer). Now check that Code Signing menu again, it should say "(currently matches: iPhone Developer: Jan Gifvars (xxxx) in 'iOS Team Provisioning Profile:*)". If it doesn't, you need to make sure you've got proper private key, certificate, and provisioning profiles. Follow ALL the steps in this tech note.

Error "a valid provisioning file for this executable was not found"

I cant install the provisioning profile on my Ipad, the bundle identifier of the app is correct, the device is correct in provisioning portal, but everytime i try to build the Debug in my Ipad it says me "a valid provisioning file for this executable was not found", even if i try to manually input the correct bundle identifier on info.plist, doesnt work.
i already tried to re-authorize the device, via organizer but doesnt worked too.
I recriated and reinstalled the provisioning profile several times, but always get the same error.
Make sure your code signing settings in Xcode are correct. Sounds like you are code signing with a provisioning profile that is different than the one you think. Your debug signing should be done with your Dev profile and your release signing should be done with your Distribution profile.
