Delphi 7 report builder, DBRichtext, how to change style - delphi

I (still) use Delphi 7, with Report Builder (Digital Metaphors). I have a DbRichText, I would like to write just the first word in bold. It would be better to use onCalc on the run-time editor instead of coding in Delphi, but I'll acept any kind of solutions and suggestion. Thanks

I found this solution:
1) I create a memo field in database where I put an rtf text.
Example: '{\rtf1\ansi \b first\b0 word \par second line}'
2) OnCalc function of report builder of a RichView object, I do:
obj.RichView := TableName['rftField'];


Delphi xe8 error reading textfile created from Delphi 7 version and vice versa

I try to convert a code from Delphi 7 to delphi xe8 and I cannot find a solution to the following case.
Our old application creates a txt file which first row is like that
Char(―) is chr(175).
We tried to read the already created file from our new application with Delphi xe8 like that:
StrData := TStringList.Create;
StrData.Text returns the desired text but chr(175) is replaced with chr(8213).
In order to go on I did the followings:
StrData.Text := StringReplace(StrData.Text,Chr(8213),Chr(175),[rfReplaceAll]);
What I cannot solve is the opposite case.
I have to create that file from Delphi xe8 so as it would be exactly the same with the one produced from the old delphi 7 application.
At the beginning I used the same code we had:
StrData.SavetoFile(sFile); //returns text but chr(175) is replaced with (?)
Also i tried all encodings with no results.
StrData.SavetoFile(sFile,Ansi);//returns text but chr(175) is replaced with (?) etc.
The same results also when converts the code to TStreamFile or textfile.
base64 encode files
Old one - Correct one (StrData.SavetoFile(sFile)) //Delphi 7
StrData.SavetoFile(sFile,Tencoding.Ansi); & StrData.SavetoFile(sFile); //XE8
StrData.SavetoFile(sFile,Tencoding.UTF8); //XE8
Any ideas?
The file saved by your Delphi 7 program is UTF-8 encoded. I decoded the base64 that you supplied and look at it in a hex editor. It looks like this:
The first two bytes are C2 B1. That is the UTF-8 encoding for ±. You can check that here:
Use LoadFromFile(..., TEncoding.UTF8) to load the file, and SaveToFile(..., TEncoding.UTF8) to save it. That's all you need to do. Note that when you save this way then a BOM will be included in the file. If that is not desired then it possible to omit the BOM, as has been covered here before.
Do note that you must remove the call to StringReplace. That modifies the text and serves no useful purpose. You absolutely do not wish to replace U+2015 ― with U+00AF ¯.
Based on the comments to this answer it seems that you have some Delphi 7 code that produced UTF-8 encoded text which behaves incorrectly when executed by Delphi XE8. That's not surprising due to the change from ANSI to UTF-16. You will need to revisit this code and adapt it appropriately. It's impossible for us to say more given the fact the only you have this code.
It feels very much as though you are trying things almost at random and hoping for a quick fix. That is not productive. You will only make progress with a clear understanding of Unicode, and your program. You will need to step back, slow down, and fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

Word Equation doesn't paint correctly on TOLEContainer

My application uses TOLEContainer. If i embed a Word document in the OLE container and in the word document i put some equations, these equations doesn't paint properly within the application. If i open the OLE object is Word, the equation is displayed correctly.
What could be the reason? What can i do to fix this?
if You are not use olecontaner.CreateObjectFromFile please try this method instead of CreateObjectFromInfo
Best regrads,
Irq Mishell

Example on how to create HTML for THTMLViewer at runtime

With Delphi XE I've installed THTMLViewer. I see plenty of examples on how to read an HTM file (LoardFromFile) and display it in the Viewer. What I want to do is create the HTM at runtime in my program. If I had a RichEdit component I would have several SelText := lines.
Of course I can add lines to a stringlist, then SavetoFile the stringlist and finally LoadFromFile into htmlViewer, but that seems like an unnecessary extra step.
Is there a Memo.Lines or some other property of THtmlViewer where I can Add the desired lines of HTML coding?
If you are using a version of the component that supports it then LoadFromString would probably be the simplest function to use.
I am surprised that you didn't find that in the source. As I seem to recall it being available for some time.
If you need a newer version of the component source you can find it here: THTMLViewer Project

Generating a new Random GUID in the Delphi IDE

How I can generate a random new GUID inside of the Dephi IDE?
I am using Delphi 2007.
Just press Ctrl + Shift + G
Ctrl+Shift+G will place a new GUID at the current position in the editor.
It's formatted for use as an interface IID, i.e. with enclosing square brackets - [] - , but once you've got the GUID in the text editor you can do whatever you want with it - Copy/Cut it to the clipboard etc
I had wondered why this didn't work for me, but now I found out that it depends on the selected keyboard-layout in the Delphi-Options (Options->Editor-Options->Keyboard).
With the classic IDE layout it really is Ctrl+Shift+G, but I usually use the VisualStudio-Emulation and there it is Ctrl+Alt+G instead.
Default key shortcut for Get module in Jedi VCS (if anyone still use VCS today) is the same and must be cleared in Jedi VCS Settings. Otherwise GUID shortcut won't work.

Delphi Short Cut to add Date and Name Comment

Does anyone know of a short cut to place my name and the date where the cursor is i.e.
//021208 DarkAxi0m
so i don't keep check what the date is when i'm adding comments.
Im using Delphi7, with CnPack And GExperts Installed.
I think it should be able to be done with one of those experts.
I use GExperts to do this, like so:
in the
Select the Editor Experts tab.
In the list of experts, select
Insert Date\Time
Click on the configuration, insert the desired text:
'//' ddmmyy 'DarkAxi0m: '
//021208 DarkAxi0m:
After, to insert your new Date name comment all you need to do is:
I setup most programmers at the job like that.
It is also simple to do with GExperts' Expand Macro Template (found in Editor Experts).
I use this expansion to insert yyyy-mm-dd at the current position:
For a solution that will work in most applications under Windows, not only in Delphi, you can use Authotkey (free, One of its many features is the ability to expand strings that you type - typically used for autocorrecting typos.
I start all my shortcut strings with a semicolon, since it practically never leads strings I type in real life, so in your example, to insert a comment-date-username sequence, I would want to type semicolon, slash, slash:
The Authotkey script (which you can put in an .ahk text file and add the file to Autostart) would look like this:
::;//:: ; this means: when I type ";//", do what follows
FormatTime, curDate,, yyyy-MM-dd ; the double comma is intended
SendInput // %curDate% %A_UserName% ; variable expansion
This produces the following output:
// 2008-12-05 moodforaday
AHK syntax is a little dense, but there is an extensive help file.
On edit: this script could be expanded to apply the correct comment syntax depending on the IDE you are working in at the moment. You would detect active window title, find a signature substring ("Delphi") and choose the proper comment character(s). This way you could type the same hotstring to insert your comment regardless of the current IDE or language. You can also use SendInput to position the caret the way Delphi templates do.
Never mind found one in CnPack/Soure Templates
Added the template
//%Date% DarkAxi0m
Note: i should look in the menus more closely
You might also look at the Live Templates feature, which can be scripted to do just what you want:
Don't be put off by the name, it includes a template script to include the date, time, including the ability to format it as you want.
Here is a variation with GExperts ( that makes it easy to search for changes based on developer or date.
Example of output and comment:
//07.25.2009 (SLB20090725) - Added 3rd optional parameter.
Besides an easily readable date I can easy search for comments programmer, by year, year+month etc.)
For example I can search for (SLB200905 for any comments I logged in May of 2009.
To do:
Under the GExperts menu open Configuration... (at the bottom of the list) then select the Editor Experts tab.
Locate 'Insert Date/Time' and double click on it.
//mm.dd.yyyy '(ABC'yyyymmdd') -'
Where ABC is the programmers name, initials, id, or whatever.
Then use Ctrl-Alt-A when in Delphi's IDE to insert
This should work in any verison of Delphi supported by GExperts.
