About App Store promo codes - ios

I have recently released an app on the app store. I would like to allow some to have access to a free version but have some concerns about offering promo codes. My big question is:
How many times can one promo code be used? I guess I'm concerned about a promo code getting into the wrong hands and being distributed...
Thanks! V

A promo code can only be used once. Sometime developers will post a few of them on Twitter or other marketing channels and people can grab one, however if it has already been entered, iTunes will report it as "already used".
Apple has a good summary of how promo codes work.


How to create a promotion code for iOS in-app purchases

As of about May 2014 this year, searching Google for "ios in app purchase promotion code", yields lots of news sites reporting the same thing - Apple seem to be working on allowing promotion codes for testing in-app purchases as evidenced by a screenshot from EA games.
My question is; does anybody know how to do this yet? I logged into the new iTunesConnect interface but can't find any link and nothing appears in the Apple docs from what I can find.
Ideally I'm looking to create a code for a monthly subscription but they may only be allowed for consumables. With the lack of actual info on IAP promo codes my guess is that the feature hasn't been officially made available yet and that EA games were invited by Apple to test it out.
As #Christoph Wimberge notes this is old news. Apple is now supporting this.
You cannot officially get promo codes for IAP currently. See here https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ProvidingPromoCodes.html . If you're testing then you should be creating Sandbox Testers under Users and Roles. Depending on how you handled the IAP this could well serve as a promo code of sorts. So, for instance, if you're using the IAP to set a flag in NSUserDefaults or a plist file then this will work as a promo code. You will have to instruct the user to log in as the test user for the purposes of the purchase. Even if you delete the test user once the flag is set the user can use the IAP so long as they don't completely remove the app and assuming you don't change the way IAPs are handled like using App Store digital receipts to confirm purchases. Of course, if you're worried about crackers then you're probably not going to store successful IAP as a flag especially in User Defaults where anyone can just change the value willy nilly. But for apps that aren't games this probably isn't a huge worry. Hope that helps.
We were told by Apple today that they never allow users to type in codes, use Q-codes, or other gateway key to access anything. Instead, she said we should use a members-only webpage (i.e., login required) to accept redemption codes and associate the content through our backend. When the user returns to the app, the content would be available.
If Apple enabled codes for IAP, you could offer sales of the codes from another platform, which would then unlock the IAP. Apple would be doing all of the work, but reaping none of the rewards. In addition, all of a sudden, you've created a knock off market for promotional codes, like g2a.com does for Steam keys.
While Apple might have the functionality, it seems exclusive to EA for now.
Currently, you'll need to figure out how to support promotional items outside of the app store.

How do I do a "combined" subscription model in iOS app?

We have a print magazine and we're going to release an app with subscription model, sort of kiosk app but with extended functionality.
Well, what we want is to solve the following cases:
Case 1 (complex)
User buys a print issue and discovers a promo code in it. This code should allow user to download free digital copy of this issue from our app.
User launches the app, opens a dialog box where he can enter the promo code.
Voila! User gets his free digital copy of purchased print issue.
Digital issue always remains in his list of purchased issues and is a valid purchased issue with all App Store options available for them (restore, etc.)
Case 2 (simple)
User does not have a print issue. He launches the app and buys the same digital issue using IAP.
So, both issues are the same (i.e. "blablabla magazine", November, 2014) but 1st was downloaded using a promo code, and 2nd was purchased with IAP, and they both should have the same properties and "weight" for App Store.
Problem is I don't know if this model will be approved by Apple. Or, if they do, how do I develop this? AFAIK, list of purchased and non-purchased items is provided by App Store and there's no way to intervene this process.
I didn't find any samples of using 3d party promo codes in iOS apps. Can anyone provide a solution for this, please?
To keep a record of the promo code usage, I think the simpliest way to do it is to require an account. Once the user is logged with his account, you can tell a server that the promo code have been used with that account. If the user delete/reinstall your app, you will be able to restore all his promo codes from his account.
For your issue with IAP and promo codes, here is the App Store Review Guidelines
See the 11.16 section:
Apps may enable additional approved features or functionality when
used in combination with specific approved physical products (such as
a toy) as long as the additional features and functionality are either
completely dependent on such hardware (for example an App that is used
to control a telescope) or also available through the App without the
physical products, such as by way of reward for achievement or by use
of IAP
So basically, what you want to do shouldn't be rejected.
But by experience when you do something that borderline with Apple's money (possibility to "undercut" IAP), you should expect a review failure, whatever the guidelines review says.
Keep in mind that the guidelines can be interpreted in your advantage, or in you disadvantage.

App Store promo codes on the fly?

I recently came upon a promotion of a paid iOS app that appears to generate App Store promo codes on the fly.
I thought you could only have 50 promo codes per app version. Where can I find more information about this dynamic promo code service?
I couldn't find a better Stack Exchange site to ask this question, and iTunes Connect does fall into the "software tools commonly used by programmers" category. Apologies in advance if the community thinks this question is off-topic.
I don't think anyone here is going to be able to help you, at least not without breaking non-disclosure agreements.
For the majority of apps, you have to make do with the 50 promo code limit within iTunes Connect. However, Apple will work with developers and publishers for larger promotions - for example, the free 'App of the Week' in Starbucks, or this IGN promotion you linked to.
There is no way for 'normal' or typical app store developers to get access to this. You need direct access to marketing/app store contacts at Apple, which is normally only available to developers of a certain size. I'm sorry it's not better news for you. If you are a developer of significant size then you should get in touch with Apple directly.
There is a difference between the 100 promo codes you get from iTunes Connect and the promo codes distributed at large as a part of a marketing campaign. Technically, you are only supposed to use the 100 promo codes internally or share them with journalists etc. If you would like to get promo codes for marketing, contact Apple directly at AppStoreMarketing#apple.com and request promo codes for a large promotion.

API to retrieve Promo Codes for an App from iTunes?

Is there any API which lets me generate and retrieve promo codes of an App from iTunes?
Please let me know.
In iTunes Connect you can generate promo codes. There is no known API, so the answer to your question is no. That kind of answer does come around once and a while ;)
Note that you can only generate 50 promo codes for each version of an app. Most people send them to reviewers.
Because of that limit, most promotional giveaways are done by temporarily dropping the price of your app. You can change prices instantaneously through iTunes Connect, like screenshots before the recent change to prevent scammers!

Providing a discount code for an iOS in-app-purchase

So I know that there are no promo codes for in-app-purchases in iOS. What I am wondering, is will Apple reject this mechanism:
Provide two in-app purchases, one at full price, say $9.99 and one at discount price say $7.99 (for the same thing)
When you click on the $7.99 one, you are first asked to input a coupon code to be allowed to use the discount price. This discount code would have been found elsewhere - bloggers giving it away, coupon sites, etc.
I believe your proposed method would work because a) you are not linking to an outside site to purchase the product (i.e., you are still using the App Store iAP method) and b) there are other programs that use similar features (e.g., entering in your OpenFeint username to enable that service).
Good luck!
I really think only Apple can tell but it is a good chance that it is okay.
I sometimes just went ahead and called them and often I was lucky and had a real competent guy on the phone telling me answers to stuff like that right away sometimes I had someone more cautious but pointing me into the right direction within the legal contracts. And whatever they said at the end the very much shielded app approval team (no phone numbers, no e-mail addresses) will decide. The worst that can happen is that you have to resubmit your app without it. Costs you time but no more.
I always used this link for phone numbers I think they still work.
I had same problem... so I called to the apple developer IAP helpdesk and they redirect me to email the App Store Review section.
Next day they wrote me:
We understand that you would like clarification about a business model you are developing for your app.
We are unable to provide pre-approval or guidance on app ideas or concepts. After you have submitted your app, we will provide feedback during the review process, if applicable.
So I wish you luck... There is no one clear option 😔
