Mouseover Image On Buttons In FMX XE2 - delphi

How to make a mouseover image for button ?
I used to make in FMX 2 buttons, and fill it with bitmap. But its owful .
I found property IsMouseOver
procedure TForm1.Button1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas;
const ARect: TRectF);
if Button1.IsMouseOver then
But , i realy dont understand how to use containers, i only want to change fill ( my bitmap) by the method written before. Can someone give a simple code?
Or maybe its easier to make in VCL ?

Put two separate TImage controls on the button (drag them onto the button in the Structure View):
Size them to fit the button, and give each a separate image using the MultiResBitmap property editor.
Create an event handler for one of the TImage components for the OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events, and then assign those handlers to both of the TImage components:
procedure TForm1.Image1MouseEnter(Sender: TObject);
Image1.Visible := False;
Image2.Visible := True;
procedure TForm1.Image1MouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
Image1.Visible := True;
Image2.Visible := False;


How to stop Screen.Cursor affects all controls on the form?

I will try to simplify my problem. If for example you drop 2 TSpeedButton and do:
procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
SpeedButton2.Cursor := crHandPoint; // note I'm setting other cursor than crDefault
The SpeedButton2.Cursor remains showing Screen.Cursor which was set to crHourGlass.
I have looked into the TScreen.SetCursor code, and realize it sets the cursor for the entire form.
My question: is it somehow possible to use the Screen.Cursor for the entire form, BUT without impacting some control(s) which I want to set other cursor.
The same happens with a TButton. I don't mind placing the SpeedButton on a windowed control if I can somehow control it's cursor while Screen.Cursor is set to crHourGlass.
This is intentional behavior as explained in the documentation for TScreen.Cursor:
... When Cursor is crDefault, the individual objects determine the
cursor image. Assigning any other value sets the mouse cursor image
for all windows belonging to the application. The global mouse cursor
image remains in effect until the screen's Cursor property is changed
back to crDefault. ..
Windowed controls handle their cursors in TWinControl.WMSetCursor procedure, handler of WM_SETCURSOR message, where they explicitly set the screen cursor if it is anything other than crDefault and disregard their own cursor.
So to change the behavior you can handle the mentioned message. For a TButton interposer, an example could be:
procedure TButton.WMSetCursor(var Message: TWMSetCursor);
if (Cursor <> crDefault) and (Message.HitTest = HTCLIENT) then begin
Message.Result := 1;
end else
Graphic controls' cursors are handled by their parent TWinControl. So to change the behavior of a speed button, you would still need to handle the same message on its parent. This would likely be impractical since the parent class might not be known beforehand.
Still, a very non-generalized implementation, for example for a graphic control placed directly on the form, might look like the below:
procedure TForm1.WMSetCursor(var Message: TWMSetCursor);
SmPt: TSmallPoint;
Control: TControl;
DWORD(SmPt) := GetMessagePos;
Control := ControlAtPos(ScreenToClient(SmallPointToPoint(SmPt)), True);
if Assigned(Control) and Boolean(Control.Tag) then begin
Message.Result := 1;
end else
Above example would require the graphic control to have a non zero tag value. E.g.:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
SpeedButton1.Cursor := crHandPoint;
SpeedButton1.Tag := 1;

TEdit with clear button [duplicate]

When use TEdit control on the right side stay small icon 'x'. How after click on icon clear TEdit box.
Tnx all!
Delphi provide TClearEditButton to clear the TEdit content. It can be added by right clicking and selecting AddItem - TClearEditButton from the popup menu. It also has a Click procedure overriden in FMX.Edit unit like:
procedure TClearEditButton.Click;
EditTmp: TCustomEdit;
inherited Click;
EditTmp := GetEdit;
if EditTmp <> nil then
if EditTmp.Observers.IsObserving(TObserverMapping.EditLinkID) then
if not TLinkObservers.EditLinkEdit(EditTmp.Observers) then
Exit; // Can't change
EditTmp.Text := string.Empty;
if EditTmp.Observers.IsObserving(TObserverMapping.EditLinkID) then
if EditTmp.Observers.IsObserving(TObserverMapping.ControlValueID) then
Which make you don't need to write OnClick event handler for the TClearEditButton unless you want to do some other job along side with clearing the edit.
If you are using a TEditButton then you should write the OnClick event handler like:
procedure TForm1.EditButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
Edit1.Text:= EmptyStr;

Is it possible to have working OnClick event for TGlyph in FMX?

I just put an instance of TGlyph on a FMX Form and tested this code.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.myClick(Sender: TObject);
Nothing happening when I click the glyph. I know that there is no OnClick event for TGlyph in the Designer IDE. But this TGlyph has derived from TControl which has OnClick. I know that I can use TImage instead of TGlyph but I am just curiuse about that.
You have to set
Glyph1.HitTest := true;
to make it work.

Forcing a Delphi form to draw when its not visible

I have a form that I scrape a bitmap to send to a small embedded TFT display. I then inject touch events from the display into the form to activate the controls. This all works very well unless the form is not visible. If its moved off the visible desktop, minimized or closed it will not get a paint event and never updates.
Is there a way to force the canvas to redraw itself visible or not?
All of the obvious things like called repaint does not work.
Yes you can use the PaintTo method on a form:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Bitmap: TBitmap;
Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
Bitmap.Width := Form2.Width;
Bitmap.Height := Form2.Height;
Form2.PaintTo(Bitmap.Canvas, 0, 0);
Im my small example I made a project with two forms Form1 and Form2. On Form2 i placed a label and Timer.
Here's the code for Form2
procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
Label1.Caption := FloatToStr(now);
And i woks out well.

How to put controls into a Design State Mode just like the Form Designer does?

This one has been puzzling me for some time now and maybe the answer is an easy one, or perhaps it involves much more VCL hacking or magic to accomplish what I am looking for but either way I am at a loss as to how to solve my problem.
If you look at the Delphi Form Designer you will see that none of the controls animate when the mouse moves over them, they also cannot receive focus or input (eg you cannot type into a TEdit, click a TCheckBox or move a TScrollBar etc), only at runtime do the controls behave normally and respond to user interaction.
I want to know how can I implement this type of behavior to any control at runtime, eg set controls into like a Designer State Mode? However, controls should also still respond to Mouse Events such as OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp etc so they can be moved and sized if needed for example.
This is the closest that I managed:
procedure SetControlState(Control: TWinControl; Active: Boolean);
SendMessage(Control.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, Ord(Active), 0);
InvalidateRect(Control.Handle, nil, True);
Which could be called simply like so:
procedure TForm1.chkActiveClick(Sender: TObject);
SetControlState(Button1, chkActive.Checked);
SetControlState(Button2, chkActive.Checked);
SetControlState(Edit1, chkActive.Checked);
Or for example, all controls on the form:
procedure TForm1.chkActiveClick(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
Ctrl: TWinControl;
for I := 0 to Form1.ControlCount -1 do
if Form1.Controls[I] is TWinControl then
Ctrl := TWinControl(Form1.Controls[I]);
if (Ctrl <> nil) and not (Ctrl = chkActive) then
SetControlState(Ctrl, chkActive.Checked);
Two problems I have noticed with the above is that whilst the controls do appear to become Design State like, some controls such as TButton still have the animation effect painted on them. The other issue is when pressing the left Alt key when the controls are Design State like causes them to disappear.
So my question is, how do I put controls into a Design State mode at runtime just like the Delphi Form Designer does, where those controls do not animate (based on Windows Theme) and cannot receive focus or input?
To make that bit clearer, look at this sample image based off the above code sample where the controls are no longer active, but the TButton's animation paint is still active:
But should actually be:
From the two images above, only the TCheckBox control can be interacted with.
Is there a procedure hidden away somewhere that can change the state of a control? Or perhaps a more suitable approach to achieving this? The code I managed to get so far just presents more problems.
Setting the controls to Enabled := False is not an answer I am looking for either, yes the behavior is kind of the same but of course the controls paint differently to show they are disabled which is not what I am looking for.
What you are looking for is not a feature of the controls themselves, but rather is an implementation of the Form Designer itself. At design-time, user input is intercepted before it can be processed by any given control. The VCL defines a CM_DESIGNHITTEST message to allow each control to specify whether it wants to receive user input at design-time (for example to allow visual resizing of list/grid column headers). It is an opt-in feature.
What you can do, though, is put the desired controls onto a borderless TPanel, and then simply enable/disable the TPanel itself as needed. That will effectively enable/disable all user input and animations for its child controls. Also, when the TPanel is disabled, the child controls will not render themselves as looking disabled.
Remy Lebeau's answer on putting controls into a container such as a TPanel, and then setting the panel to Enabled := False does put the controls into the state I was looking for. I also discovered that overriding the controls WM_HITTEST put the controls into the same state, eg they don't receive focus and cannot be interacted with. The problem with those two is that the controls still need to be able to respond to MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events etc but they no longer cannot.
Remy also suggested writing a class and implement Vcl.Forms.IDesignerHook, something I have not attempted yet as maybe it requires too much work for what I need.
Anyway, after lots of playing around I found another alternative way, it involves the use of PaintTo to draw the control onto a canvas. The steps I did are as follows:
Create a custom TPanel with an exposed Canvas
At FormCreate create and align the custom panel to client
Add controls to the form at runtime (bringing the custom panel to the front)
Call the controls PaintTo method onto the custom panels Canvas
What this is essentially doing is creating the components and using the Form as the parent with our custom panel sitting on top. The controls are then painted onto the panels canvas which makes it appear as if the control is on the panel, when actually it sits underneath on the form undisturbed.
Because the controls are underneath the panel, in order for them to respond to events such as MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp etc I overrided the WM_NCHitTest in the panel and set the result to HTTRANSPARENT.
In code it would look something like this:
Custom panel:
TMyPanel = class(TPanel)
procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHitTest;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Canvas;
{ TMyPanel }
constructor TMyPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
Align := alClient;
BorderStyle := bsNone;
Caption := '';
destructor TMyPanel.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TMyPanel.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
Message.Result := HTTRANSPARENT;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
FMyPanel: TMyPanel;
procedure ControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
{ Public declarations }
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FMyPanel := TMyPanel.Create(nil);
FMyPanel.Parent := Form1;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.ControlMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if Sender is TWinControl then
ShowMessage('You clicked: ' + TWinControl(Sender).Name);
Example of adding a TButton to the form:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Button: TButton;
Button := TButton.Create(Form1);
Button.Parent := Form1;
with Button do
Caption := 'Button';
Left := 25;
Name := 'Button';
Top := 15;
OnMouseDown := ControlMouseDown;
PaintTo(FMyPanel.Canvas, Left, Top);
If you try running the above, you will see that the TButton we created does not animate or receive focus, but it can respond to MouseDown events we attached in the code above, that is because we are not actually looking at the control, instead we are viewing a graphical copy of the control.
I'm not sure if this is what you're after or not, but Greatis has a Form Designer component. See:
