Not able to communicate with PayPal server - ios

Update: hideCreditCardButton has no role in this issue, it was just a coincident that when I tried it w/o credit card it worked for me but thats not the case anymore.I does work but only 20-30% of the time.
I am using PayPal iOS SDK 1.4.6. if I use paymentViewController.hideCreditCardButton = YES; it works fine but if I set this to paymentViewController.hideCreditCardButton = NO; I get the server error (ref. to image).
here's my code:
- (void)paypalPayment {
// Create a PayPalPayment
float paypalPrice =[youPay floatValue];
NSString* currencyCode = appDelegate.countryCurrency;
if ([currencyCode isEqual: #"INR"]) {
float new = [[[ExchangeRate sharedManager]getExchangeRate:#"INR" toCurrency:#"USD"]
paypalPrice = paypalPrice*new;
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f",paypalPrice]];
payment.currencyCode = #"USD";
payment.shortDescription = #"Total Order";
[PayPalPaymentViewController setEnvironment:PayPalEnvironmentProduction];
// Provide a payerId that uniquely identifies a user within the scope of your system,
// such as an email address or user ID.
NSString *aPayerId = #"";
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController;
paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc]
paymentViewController.languageOrLocale = #"en";
paymentViewController.hideCreditCardButton = NO;
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];

Dave from PayPal here.
That's indeed weird. You're getting this as soon as you present the viewcontroller? Is it still happening today?
From your screenshot, it looks like the SDK is still trying to get an initial connection with the PayPal server. At this early stage, the setting of hideCreditCardButton shouldn't yet affect anything.
You are using the Client ID that's designated for Production (as opposed to the Client ID designated for Sandbox), right?
Do you see anything helpful in the console log?

I have same issue and solved by change kPayPalReceiverEmail.
If you use same email as kPayPalReceiverEmail to login in paypal to send payment than this error comes.
I just change kPayPalReceiverEmail email to another one and I get successful response from paypal server.
It may help you


Explicit Sharing on Facebook iOS SDK 4.0

I want to explicitly share an open graph action on Facebook using the new iOS 4.0 SDK. The following does not work. It shows up on my Activity Log, but not on my Timeline.
// Construct an FBSDKSharePhoto
FBSDKSharePhoto *photo = [[FBSDKSharePhoto alloc] init];
photo.image = img;
photo.userGenerated = YES;
// Create an object
NSDictionary *properties = #{
#"og:type": #"theprose:post",
#"og:title": post.title,
#"og:description": post.text,
#"og:caption": #"A fresh picked Prose for you.",
#"og:url": post.url,
#"fb:explicitly_shared": #"true"
FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject *object = [FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject objectWithProperties:properties];
// Create an action
FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction *act = [[FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction alloc] init];
act.actionType = #"theprose:share";
[act setObject:object forKey:#"theprose:post"];
[act setPhoto:photo forKey:#"image"];
// Create the content
FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent *content = [[FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent alloc] init];
content.action = act;
content.previewPropertyName = #"theprose:post";
[[FBSDKShareAPI shareWithContent:content delegate:nil] share];
Piecing together the answers from this page, this is what worked for me:
1. Check the Explicitly Shared box
Go to your open graph settings, action types and then choose your custom action. Scroll down to capabilities section and make sure that "explicitly share" box is checked.
2. Set fb:explicitely_shared On Action
[action setString:#"true" forKey:#"fb:explicitly_shared"];
3. Set the Relationship Between Action & Object
Make sure that you know the correct to connect your action to your object. In this case the key is "article":
[FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction actionWithType:#"mynamespace:share" object:object key:#"article"]
You can find that key by looking at the Action Type you created in your FB app's Open Graph settings. When you connected the Action with the Object via a Story, a new key for that relationship appears on the Action's page under the Property Name column.
The original poster is using the namespace:property_name format when what you really need is just the property_name for that key. This could be the fix for the OP.
4. Set the Delegate, Look For Errors
The OP is not taking advantage of the FBSDKSharingDelegate features. It reports errors and will help you fix the problem:
[[FBSDKShareAPI shareWithContent:content delegate:self] share];
And implement the delegate methods in self:
#pragma mark - FBSDKSharingDelegate
- (void) sharer:(id<FBSDKSharing>)sharer didCompleteWithResults:(NSDictionary *)results {
NSLog(#"Facebook sharing completed: %#", results);
- (void) sharer:(id<FBSDKSharing>)sharer didFailWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"Facebook sharing failed: %#", error);
- (void) sharerDidCancel:(id<FBSDKSharing>)sharer {
NSLog(#"Facebook sharing cancelled.");
For Reference, Here's My Working Code
// Create the object
NSMutableDictionary *properties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: #{
#"og:type": #"mynamespace:article",
#"og:title": myModel.title,
#"og:description": #"myModel.description",
#"og:url": #""
NSURL *imageURL = [myModel getImageURL];
if (imageURL) {
FBSDKSharePhoto *photo = [FBSDKSharePhoto photoWithImageURL:imageURL userGenerated:NO];
[properties setObject:#[photo] forKey:#"og:image"];
FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject *object = [FBSDKShareOpenGraphObject objectWithProperties:properties];
// Create the action
FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction *action = [FBSDKShareOpenGraphAction actionWithType:#"mynamespace:share" object:object key:#"article"];
[action setString:#"true" forKey:#"fb:explicitly_shared"];
// Create the content
FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent *content = [[FBSDKShareOpenGraphContent alloc] init];
content.action = action;
content.previewPropertyName = #"article";
// Share the content
FBSDKShareAPI *shareAPI = [[FBSDKShareAPI alloc] init];
shareAPI.shareContent = content;
shareAPI.delegate = self;
[shareAPI share];
The same problem but works fine with FBSDKShareDialog under the same account. So the problem is in something else.
I got the same problem. I mean the reason in your code is, that you set the fb:explicitly_shared property in the object not in the concerning action.
The following code should solve the issue.
[action setString:#"true" forKey:#"fb:explicitly_shared"];
If your Facebook app is not public, make sure you have the test account added as a Test account, in the Roles section.
Make sure you have requested the publish_actions permission:
You have no delegate assigned to your call, there is a high chance you are not getting the error returned by Facebook
Go to your open graph settings, action types and then choose your custom action. Scroll down to capabilities section and make sure that "explicitly share" box is checked.
It shouldn't work because there is a bug in FB with SDK versions before 4.1:
but with SDK version 4.1 this bug is fixed but the content for custom story/action/object was shown in very different way in compare with FSDKShareDialog (((
One more check to the checklist: FBSDKShareApi only works on the main thread. So make sure you are sharing from there.

PayPal sdk doesn't go in sandbox mode

i have some problems with PayPal sdk on iOS.I created my app at and got client id . i used paypal sample apps with my ID its working fine in mock and sandbox mode. when i am using this in my apps each time my apps moving in mock data mode i am getting response from paypal server.
client = {
environment = mock;
"paypal_sdk_version" = "2.2.1";
platform = iOS;
"product_name" = "PayPal iOS SDK";
response = {
"create_time" = "2014-08-27T10:18:57Z";
id = "PAY-8UD377151U972354RKOQ3DTQ";
intent = sale;
state = approved;
"response_type" = payment;
.i am not anle to set sandbox mode which variable i need to use .
- (void)viewDidLoad
// Set up payPalConfig
_payPalConfig = [[PayPalConfiguration alloc] init];
_payPalConfig.acceptCreditCards = YES;
_payPalConfig.languageOrLocale = #"en";
_payPalConfig.merchantName = #"KicksCloset Shoes, Inc.";
_payPalConfig.merchantPrivacyPolicyURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
_payPalConfig.merchantUserAgreementURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
_payPalConfig.languageOrLocale = [NSLocale preferredLanguages][0];
// use default environment, should be Production in real life
self.environment = #"sandbox";
NSLog(#"PayPal iOS SDK version: %#", [PayPalMobile libraryVersion]);
this is my pay action
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:amountforserver];
payment.currencyCode = #"USD";
payment.shortDescription = creditsforserver;
// payment.items = items; // if not including multiple items, then leave payment.items as nil
// payment.paymentDetails = paymentDetails; // if not including payment details, then leave payment.paymentDetails as nil
if (!payment.processable) {
// This particular payment will always be processable. If, for
// example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was
// empty, this payment wouldn't be processable, and you'd want
// to handle that here.
// Update payPalConfig re accepting credit cards.
self.payPalConfig.acceptCreditCards = self.acceptCreditCards;
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPayment:payment
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
your action method have issue .
just pass the environment
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:amountforserver];
payment.currencyCode = #"USD";
payment.shortDescription = creditsforserver;
// payment.items = items; // if not including multiple items, then leave payment.items as nil
// payment.paymentDetails = paymentDetails; // if not including payment details, then leave payment.paymentDetails as nil
if (!payment.processable) {
// This particular payment will always be processable. If, for
// example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was
// empty, this payment wouldn't be processable, and you'd want
// to handle that here.
self.environment = kPayPalEnvironment;
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPayment:payment
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
and just use this
code in
[PayPalMobile preconnectWithEnvironment:self.environment];
change your paypal environment to PayPalEnvironmentSandbox
this is for sandbox mode
self.environment = PayPalEnvironmentSandbox;
if you want go with live mode..
self.environment = PayPalEnvironmentProduction;
check your PayPalMobile.h file
/// This environment MUST be used for App Store submissions.
extern NSString *const PayPalEnvironmentProduction;
/// Sandbox: Uses the PayPal sandbox for transactions. Useful for development.
extern NSString *const PayPalEnvironmentSandbox;
/// NoNetwork: Mock mode. Does not submit transactions to PayPal. Fakes successful responses. Useful for unit tests.
extern NSString *const PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork;

PayPal SDK for iOS

I am trying to implement the Paypal SDK into my iOS app. I copied the code exactly from the Readme instructions, imported the files, and linked my button to my action but when I clicked the button it gives me a "Thread 1 signal:SIGABRT" error and crashes.
Here is the Paypal code in my .m files:
- (IBAction)pay {
// Create a PayPalPayment
PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:#"39.95"];
payment.currencyCode = #"USD";
payment.shortDescription = #"Product";
// Check whether payment is processable.
if (!payment.processable) {
// If, for example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was empty, then
// this payment would not be processable. You would want to handle that here.
// Provide a payerId that uniquely identifies a user within the scope of your system,
// such as an email address or user ID.
NSString *aPayerId = #"";
// Create a PayPalPaymentViewController with the credentials and payerId, the PayPalPayment
// from the previous step, and a PayPalPaymentDelegate to handle the results.
PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController;
paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithClientId:#"MY-CLIENT-ID-HERE"
// Present the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
#pragma mark - PayPalPaymentDelegate methods
- (void)payPalPaymentDidComplete:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
// Payment was processed successfully; send to server for verification and fulfillment.
[self verifyCompletedPayment:completedPayment];
// Dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)payPalPaymentDidCancel {
// The payment was canceled; dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
- (void)verifyCompletedPayment:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
// Send the entire confirmation dictionary
NSData *confirmation = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:completedPayment.confirmation
// Send confirmation to your server; your server should verify the proof of payment
// and give the user their goods or services. If the server is not reachable, save
// the confirmation and try again later.
Does anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?
You know what?
cuz you use decimal number on you currency.
so you need do something in this code
// Check whether payment is processable.
if (!payment.processable) {
// If, for example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was empty, then
// this payment would not be processable. You would want to handle that here.
If you in debug point you can find a keyword in payment, display, it's mean your currency will change to 40.0.
Try it.

I can't connect paypal account with Mobile Payment Libraries

I have a little problem with "Mobile Payment Libraries", I can't use paypal SDK because I'm not US developer.
I downloaded the iOS Mobile Payments Library SDK from PayPal. I created a developer account and try example test. This works.
I change "PayPalPayment recipient" for check if sandbox account received money. I run app, Paypal button is correctly appear but when I encode email and password for an other sandbox account, the connection button is disable. And this button stay in disable all time after that. This app was kill and uninstall from device and I download again "iOS Mobile Payments Library SDK" and run again, the connection button is already disable with no modification on paypal code.
Why the button is already disable?
Sorry for my english.
This is code call buy Button Paypal with my modification. But I don't things that this is the problem
- (void)simplePayment {
[PayPal getPayPalInst].shippingEnabled = TRUE;
[PayPal getPayPalInst].dynamicAmountUpdateEnabled = TRUE;
[PayPal getPayPalInst].feePayer = FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER;
PayPalPayment *payment = [[[PayPalPayment alloc] init] autorelease];
payment.recipient = user.paypalAccount; //Sandbox account Email - Type:BUSINESS - Contry:US
payment.paymentCurrency = #"EUR";
payment.description = description;
payment.merchantName =;
payment.subTotal = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f",(price * nb)]];
payment.invoiceData = [[[PayPalInvoiceData alloc] init] autorelease];
payment.invoiceData.totalShipping = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f€",type * nb]];
payment.invoiceData.invoiceItems = [NSMutableArray array];
PayPalInvoiceItem *item = [[[PayPalInvoiceItem alloc] init] autorelease];
item.totalPrice = payment.subTotal; = app.currentTicket.title;
[payment.invoiceData.invoiceItems addObject:item];
[[PayPal getPayPalInst] checkoutWithPayment:payment];
Check in your log, maybe you have this message:
PayPalPayment not processable: At this time, 'USD' is the only currency code allowed.
At the moment you can't use EUR as currency, I have the same problem.
Have the same issue. It is not active while you are pasting email/password. When you are typing it handly - it works for me.

GKSession - kill and renew session

In order to read a new display name of a peer I need to kill and renew the GKSession. Setting it to nil and initiate it anew does not work. In the code below, the NSLog in the for-loop to show the available peers is not called (there's no error message):
-(IBAction) btnRefresh:(id) sender {
self.currentSession = nil;
self.currentSession = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID:#"anything" displayName:name sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];
self.currentSession.delegate = self;
self.currentSession.available = YES;
self.currentSession.disconnectTimeout = 0;
[self.currentSession setDataReceiveHandler:self withContext:nil];
peerListAvailable = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[currentSession peersWithConnectionState:GKPeerStateAvailable]];
for (NSString *peer in peerListAvailable) {
NSLog(#"found available peer; checking name and ID... %#, %#",[currentSession displayNameForPeer:peer], peer);
What is wrong with setting the currentSession to nil and initiate it anew?
Maybe you know of another way to renew a GKSession?
Thanks very much in advance.
The following methods illustrate GKSession setup and teardown:
- (void)setupSession
gkSession = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID:nil displayName:nil sessionMode:GKSessionModePeer];
gkSession.delegate = self;
gkSession.disconnectTimeout = 5;
gkSession.available = YES;
- (void)teardownSession
gkSession.available = NO;
[gkSession disconnectFromAllPeers];
If you're interested in delving deeper, take a look at GKSessionP2P, a demo app that illustrates the ad-hoc networking features of GKSession. The app both advertises itself on the local network and automatically connects to available peers, establishing a peer-to-peer network.
