How to use geminabox with Apache web server - ruby-on-rails

I want to use geminabox with Apache web server. I have searched a lot on web but could not find any concrete information. Can some one please let me know how to do this ? Will appreciate detailed suggestions.

An easy way to use Geminabox with Apache is to configure a HTTP Reverse Proxy.
For this configuration, you just need two files:
1) The just like the example in the file in the geminabox repository:
require "rubygems"
require "geminabox" = "include here the data path"
run Geminabox::Server
To run the server use rackup command. This will start the server in the 9292 port. If you want to change the port number use rackup -p XXXX.
2) In the Apache side, make sure that you have the mod_proxy and the mod_proxy_http installed. If yes, just include the following lines into your Apache config file:
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass / http://localhost:9292/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:9292/
Restart the Apache and it is done!

geminabox is a ruby application, and just like all ruby applications, Apache does not support them out of the box.
With that said, a simple Google of how to use ruby applications with Apache lead me to this, which lead me to this. I have no experience with this tool. However, it is suggested by the rails team, so it has to have some merit.

I did work with Apache VirtualHost.
In folder /etc/httpd/conf.d/ create a file gems.conf, so add it to the file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName gems.mydomain
ServerAlias gems.local
DocumentRoot /var/railsapps/gems/public
Where /var/railsapps/gems is the folder that have the
The domain gems.mydomain must be in your DNS or /etc/hosts


Proxy requests to virtual host in by path prefix

I'm running multiple Rails applications on TorqueBox. Each application is mounted on a different web context, e.g., localhost:8080/app1 and localhost:8080/app2 (configured via TorqueBox). Apache is configured to accept requests to and via virtual hosts. However, I'm running into problems where some application paths (form submission paths and others) expect to be preceeded by /app1, e.g., instead of the correct
How can I configure Apache so that the requests to are made to the correct path (i.e., without the leading /app1)? I've tried doing this with redirects but that doesn't work since they force a GET request and the POST data is lost in the process.
This is my current Apache config:
LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80> # There are multiple vhosts like this one, for different apps.
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
I solved this problem by using a web host instead of a web context in the TorqueBox configuration. After that, getting the Apache configuration to work was no problem since different apps were not under specific context paths.
So, instead of this (in config/torquebox.rb):
TorqueBox.configure do
web do
context '/app1'
You should do this:
TorqueBox.configure do
web do
host 'app1.domain.tld'

Rails not rendering assets over SSL (404 Not Found error)

I am kind of new to Rails and am struggling with an issue that is preventing my assets to be found if I try to access my test app using an SSL connection.
As an example of what I am referring to, if you try to access the default rails page loads fine and I have no issues at all.
You can also access a page I created using this route
However the same address, if accessed via HTTPS is returning 404 errors for all of my assets. I am also unable to access any routes (they all return 404).
I am currently using an Apache server with Passenger installed, and here is what my virtual host configuration looks like:
<Directory /var/www/testapp/public>
PassengerEnabled on
PassengerAppRoot /var/www/testapp
RailsBaseURI /testapp
Any ideas of why this might be happening?
Thanks all, I finally figured out what was going on so in the interest of others having the same issue, the virtual host configuration was only being applied to the default port (80) so I had to specify port 443 as well.
<VirtualHost *:80 *:443>
<Directory /var/www/testapp/public>
PassengerEnabled on
PassengerAppRoot /var/www/testapp
RailsBaseURI /testapp
For people using Media Temple's DV server, this configurations has to be specified in two separate files (make sure you remove the VirtualHost tags).
And don't forget to restart apache.
/usr/sbin/apachectl -K graceful

Run two different Rails application on one dedicated server

I have one dedicated server with below configurations
i3 - Dual Core - 3.06Ghz H/T
Now I want to execute two different Rails application on one dedicated server. A both application are different but they are using common database.
Is it possible to do that? If yes – How can I do that?
Is Phusion Passenger with Apache a good approach? If yes - How can I configure two application with one Phusion Passenger server?
I will describe how I run multiple Rails applications on one Linux server, using Apache, Phusion Passenger, and some version of Ruby. You have many choices, but this should help you get started. Many of these details come from the installation script
First, install Phusion Passenger.
> gem install passenger
Second, build the Apache 2 Passenger module. You should be able to execute the following script installed during step one.
> passenger-install-apache2-module
This script will compile the Apache 2 module and explain how to configure Apache. If dependencies are missing the script should offer some helpful advice about how to install them.
Third, edit your Apache configuration file. I have to add something like this. (Just use this for references and don't worry about .rvm) The script run in step two will give you something that you can copy and paste.
LoadModule passenger_module /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ree/gems/passenger-3.0.9/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ree/gems/passenger-3.0.9
PassengerRuby /Users/me/.rvm/wrappers/ree/ruby
Fourth, add something like this to your Apache configuration file for each application you want to run.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /somewhere/app1/public # <-- be sure to point to 'public'!
<Directory /somewhere/app1/public>
AllowOverride all # <-- relax Apache security settings
Options -MultiViews # <-- MultiViews must be turned off
If you have two Rails application sharing one database then they will both have similar connection information in config/database.yml
Yes, It's definitely possible. I've never done it with Passenger + Apache, but I'm sure thats a fine way. I've only ever done it with thin + nginx.
Passenger Phusion with Apache is a solid approach. The fact that they are using the same database shouldn't be a problem (just make sure they don't step on each other in any way).
Generally, just set things up as normal, but take a look at Apache name-based virtual hosts:

Ruby on Rails app in root directory?

Hey guys, new to rails, but I have found out how to create an app now through the shell but to create an app using rails appname would give me a url of but I want my app, to be within the route if you understand me, so it's just or /signup or /play so on?
So does anyone have any ideas how to do this, or why you can't or I shouldn't? Anything really, thanks guys!
if you use passenger and apache, firstly in your apache conf file
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName myapp.local
DocumentRoot "/home/davit/myapp/public"
DocumentRoot should be point to your app' s public folder.
And in public folder create a .htaccess file and write this:
PassengerEnabled on
RailsEnv development
Rails application is stored in some directory like appname but it doesn't appear in url path. In general you should configure your server (Apache, nginx, ...) to point to public folder in rails application. The only thing to do is to configure your server properly.
It depends on your hosting provider, with dreamhost, which I use, its part of the tools they provide to configure where do I want the application to be.
If you have to configure things yourself, you can still write your alias configuration or whatever your server uses to map to your rails application public/ folder.

Configuring Ruby On Rails App in a subdirectory under Apache

I've got apache2.2 on windows. I'm trying to serve both subversion (/svn) and redmine (/redmine). I have svn running fine with this config:
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath C:/svn_repository
This is working great--my svn users can hit http://mybox/svn just fine.
Now I want to add another directory for a rails app (RedMine):
I followed the advice in this question to setup a mongrel server and have apache proxy clients through to it. It works fine if I make it the root--but I'm having trouble making it in a subdirectory:
<Location /redmine>
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/
Any suggestions?
Here's what I had to change:
I removed the trailing slash:
<Location /redmine>
ProxyPass http://localhost:3000
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:3000/
And in my rails app:
# added to end of file C:\redmine\config\environment.rb
ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = "/redmine"
Now it's working!
I wasn't completely happy with this approach--I ran into some redirect issues. This is another attempt which seems to be working well so far.
Fast CGI and Fast CGI without VirtualHosts
Tuning Fast CGI
This second approach seems better.
As noted in the comments, for more recent apps running on Rails 2.3.2+, use this instead:
config.action_controller.relative_url_root = '/redmine'
I put it in the new additional_environment.rb file.
In case you still wish to use Mongrel + Apache using a reverse proxy here is how I solved the same issue on our system (Win2k3, Apache 2.2, trunk of Redmine). The secret is to install your mongrel service using --prefix /redmine which tells it to serve it from http://localhost:port/redmine
In Apache httpd.conf (or suitable include file):
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests Off
#No need to forward on static content - let apache do it faster
ProxyPass /redmine/images !
ProxyPass /redmine/stylesheets !
ProxyPass /redmine/javascript !
# Remove the following entry on public sites as this is insecure
ProxyPass /redmine/plugin_assets !
ProxyPass /redmine/help !
ProxyPass /redmine http://localhost:4000/redmine
ProxyPassReverse /redmine http://localhost:4000/redmine
ProxyPreserveHost On
#continue with other static files that should be served by apache
Alias /redmine/images C:/Repositories/redmine/public/images/
Alias /redmine/stylesheets C:/Repositories/redmine/public/stylesheets/
Alias /redmine/javascript C:/Repositories/redmine/public/javascript/
# Remove the following on public sites as this is insecure
Alias /redmine/plugin_assets C:/Repositories/redmine/public/plugin_assets/
Alias /redmine/help C:/Repositories/redmine/public/help/
# Make sure apache can see public and all subfolders - not suitable for public sites
<Directory "C:/Repositories/redmine/public/">
Allow from all
Order allow,deny
Mongrel is installed as such:
mongrel_rails service::install --prefix /redmine -N redmine_prod -p 4000 -e production -c C:\Repositories\redmine
Hope that helps someone. Initially, I tried setting up Apache + fastcgi etc but I lost more precious hair - it's not Windows friendly.
P.s. I found this PDF a very useful referene:
Passenger ( is a better alternative to fastcgi because it's very easy to configure I would recommend using this for hosting your rails apps using a similar configuration to what you have now
I agree with Radar. Passenger is really easy to set up, lets Rails apps share memory, removes the burden of managing a cluster of mongrels and requires virtually no configuration. All you need are a special '' file with a RackUp config and a DocumentRoot pointing to RAILS_ROOT/public set in Apache.
