How do I deal with the distribution on a project I've somewhat taken over? - ios

I've recently taken over a project as a freelancer. I have during the development used my own account so I changed most of the debug/release/etc to my own "iPhone developer" etc in the project.
Now, however, it is time to send the update to the actual app store. I've gotten access to the last developers account, I've downloaded the distribution profiles which I assume I need.
The problem now is that, as far as I understand, I need the last developers ".developerprofile" for signing purposes. Or is there some other way? I can't seem to download it from the apple developer account.
This is the first time I am doing any kind of release so I am a bit shaky on the whole provisioning stuff as I've only developed locally and for that xcode manages everything perfectly so far.

If you can you need to get the P12 file from the previous developer - stack overflow

You actually do not need the previous developer's certificate or provisioning profiles in order to continue the project on your own.
It's relatively easy to revoke the previous developer's certificate and provisioning profiles (via the Apple Developer Portal) and recreate new ones on your machine.
Once you log into, look for the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section.


Make an .IPA for iPhone and iPad

As I had asked this question already and didn't get the answer that I needed, the problem is as follows:
I developed a game for both iPhones and iPads. Everything is working fine but now I want to Archive my project. As I already have signed in for an Apple account, the problem is I don't have another device to register with.
And, according to Apple's terms and condition "Creating a provisioning profile requires one or more devices to be registered with your Account."
Is there any way we can get it done without costing any money?
You mentioned in the comments that the purpose of the archive is to send the IPA to someone else. For that to work, the app needs to be provisioned for the device it's going to run on - that other person's device.
So, ask that person for their device UDID (that they can get from iTunes), then register it in your account in the apple developer portal member center and build using that.
It should be an ad-hoc configuration that you create.
What XCode is complaining here is that you need to register the devices that you want the archive to run on! Or, it can be an expired license causing the trouble.
Note: Check in Keychain for any expired licenses. Go to View -> Show Expired Licenses. And, remove any or all of the expired licenses in System, Root, and any other categories. Mainly its the WWDC License causing the hassle.
Remove your iOS Development and Provisioning License(s).
Now, after removing all the licenses, add back your Provisioning profile, and the developer profile license. That should do it.
Start a clean build, and archive now. This should accept the archive. Do not forget to register a new device UDID in portal. It is needed for TestFlight.
If you have any queries, please ask us in the comments.

Managing Distribution Certificates with a Large Dev Team

I am part of a development team with many apps spanning multiple business units and iOS teams. We are having a lot of trouble right now managing distribution certificates. Apple lets you have 3 distrution certificates on one development account, but there is no way to name the certificates uniquely, so they all look the same. The only identifying information on the different certificates is the date on which it was generated.
Apple, why can't we rename these distribution certificates so that we can manage them better???
We need the ability to allow multiple build boxes to archive and submit to iTunesConnect for TestFlight or App Store releases.
We are finding ourselves accidentally revoking each other's distribution certificates all of the time, and even worse making it impossible for beta users to install from TestFlight if the certificate has been revoked.
Apple, why do you disallow installation of TestFlight builds if the "developer's certificate is no longer valid"??? This is crazy. You don't do this when an app has been published in the App Store. Why should TestFlight be any different??? Why punish beta users because the developers have accidentallly revoked a certificate???
We also think that it is Xcode's "Reset" or "Fix it" buttons that are doing the certificate revoking and causing so much trouble.
So how are other large development organizations handling this better? We've got a big team, but not nearly as big as many others that are out there.
We've tried assigning different dev teams a certificate generated on a particular date and asking them to only use that date and never revoke anyone elses' certificate. We've also tried exporting certificates from a single box. But it seams that no matter what we do something happens that causes the certificates to become revoked. It seems that Xcode itself is causing this.
Have you ever tried fastlane
also you can try match (one of the tools in fastlane) that could help you to sync with all your devs the certificates
also with fastlane tools you can automatically submit to appstore and testflight ipas
We adopted the following approach and have been conflict free for a few months now! We first removed the 'admin' role from most of our development team members so that they couldn't so easily revoke certificates by clicking on a 'fix' button. Then we generated a single distribution certificate that we share amongst the team. We also encourage builds being made on a shared build box when possible.

Can I use two Distribution Certificate or is there another solution for Swift and Enterprise Dist Certs?

First of all, sorry for my bad grammar!
I have this question and hope somebody can help me.
I work in a Mexican enterprise, we develop in house apps for sales, etc. and currently we started developing our apps in Swift.
Well, the point is that our Distribution Certificate where created in 2013 and the IPAs generated with it crashes when installed in a device.
Lurking about the problem, found that we have to re-create the Distribution Certificate and Provisioning Profiles for getting the Swift apps to work, but doing so, all the already distributed apps will crash sooner or later because of the change in the certs.
The question is:
Are we doomed to re-create all the provisioning profiles for all the existing apps in Obj-C, archive and re-distribute them again? or is there another way to get the old apps and the new ones to work simultaneously (like creating another Dist Cert and sign the new Swift apps with it), for I know, Apple is giving the chance to create a second Dist Cert along with the old one, but as far as I understood, it's just a support to re-distribute the apps when Dist Certs expire and not a long-term solution for a problem like this.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Every provisioning profile and certificate will expire one day, from that day on those apps will not launch any longer. You can see the end-date in the Apple portal where you created those.
There is no other way than to create a new certificate and profile and either re-sign the existing app with the new profile and certificate, or build the app with the new ones.

Xcode 6.3 - You already have a current iOS Development certificate or a pending certificate request

Xcode as of 6.3 is no longer allowing me to automatically perform device provisioning for a client. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I found no results when searching for this on Google...
This client has their own bundle ID and it's possible they also have their own provisioning profile for this device. So maybe Apple is matching up the bundle ID irrespective of the developer account being used for provisioning.
I was able to address the issue by modifying the app's bundle ID and manually going through the provisioning process, but I'm guessing this issue is extremely rare, so I'm not sure if this post will be of use to anyone.
When I am create new certificate from my Xcode 9.2 the error was appear
"You already have a current iOS Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request".
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
My problem has been solved (I am using Xcode 9.2).
I just found that if I remove my account from Xcode, and then sign in again, it solved the issue. I did revoke my existing certificates and request new ones though as part of that process. I didn't import an existing profile.
My team has maxed out on release certificates, because apparently there is a quota.
We had to delete one of the existing release certificates.
This issue is actually more common than you think.
Some Solutions:
I usually find that opening Xcode's settings and signing out of my account and the signing in again resolves most of those issues.
You may have an older mac that already used up that one allotted development certificate. In that case you'll want to export the developer profile from that machine. If you no longer have access to that machine, it may be time to invalidate that certificate and simply request a new one.
Another option may be to double check your build settings in your project and ensure that it's looking for the right certificate. It's fairly common in my experience for these settings to make decisions on their own, and confirming that they're what you expect may help.
When dealing with provisioning, it's really easy to get caught up with the frustration of all of the steps you need to go through. The first thing to note is if the error you see is talking about a "Certificate" or a "Profile." In your case, it's a certificate. Good.
Certificates differ from provisioning profiles in a few ways. Certificates are usually only generated twice: once for development, and once for distribution. (Exceptions to this rule are if you decide to add support for some of the special features like push notification or for generating passbook passes on a server.)
The process for generating certificates is also a little more bureaucratic than profiles. You request a certificate from Apple's Member Center. You generate a provisioning profile.
The reason for the word request vs generate is because both Apple and your iOS team's admin need to approve certificate requests. This is because certificates identify you as part of your iOS developer team, and offer all the powers associated with that.
For the sake of completeness, I'll add that provisioning profiles are generated based on that certificate, and really only tell iOS what environment your app is meant to run in. (On any device via the store, specific devices, etc.)
Now, the important part for you is the request business. Most people don't pay much attention to this terminology, since indie developers and small teams (where the developers are admins) don't require developers to ask for permission.
Your error is talking about a previously generated certificate or request. You can only have one development certificate per developer. You either have one, or you've requested one and someone has to approve.
That's what's happening here.
This process is made simple with Xcode 8.3 and 9. Just delete one of your old certifcates in the "validate" interface and click the plus button to request new one, Xcode will request for you and add it in keychain. in my case, maximum number was reached, so I deleted one which was lost in a old Mac and created new one.
This error may also be occur if you reach your distribution certificate limit. After creating 3 iOS Distribution Certificates in an account, the following error message will be displayed when you try to create 4th one: "You already have a current Distribution certificate or a pending certificate request."
Open this link
Press + icon in front of Certificate
Check Apple Distribution section if its show the red text as shown in image then you should revoke you existing certificates to generate new one because you have reached you limit.
Just 2 step for fix this error.
Remove old certificate from
Create new certificate from Xcode or
Delete old developer certificate from and try to create developer certificate from xcode
1) Remove old certificate from apple developer account.
2) Go to the 'Xcode' 3) Select 'Preferences' option and then Select the 'Account' Tab
3) Select apple id from left side and click on 'Manage Certificate'.
4) Click on '+' (add certificate) button.
5) Add 'Apple Distribution' Certificate.
Unfortunately, only a macbook restart resolved this for me.
Creating another Distribution certificate was not an option, because it had already reached the max. number of certificates.
I manually added an existing one (incl. its private key) to the Keychain …and still Xcode said "Not in Keychain". I then tried to trigger a refresh of the Xcode listing by removing & adding my developer account to Xcode, but that didn't work — neither did restarting Xcode.
So, when all else fails, you try to reboot your system.
When you have three active distribution certificates that were created on distinct machines, you'll see this issue. You can either ask for the private key of a previously made one or simply revoke any of them and make your own.

Apple Development Certificate issues

I have managed to get my Development and Distribution certificates in something of a mess (started with separate one for each App and more)
I'd like to start again with just one, generic, cert for each of Development and Distribution.
There are lots of tutorials on re-creating deleted or expired certificates but I can't find any confirmation that I can delete everything and start afresh (and, presumably, then use the new cert for new apps and/or updates to old ones?)
Has anyone actually gone through the steps of cancelling/deleting all Apple certificates and starting again? If so, any advice on steps and things to avoid will be appreciated.
Many thanks for the suggestions which I have now implemented.
I do now have just one each Development and Distribution certificate (although Xcode re-created the dozens of provisioning profiles I was trying to get rid of - I guess I will have to live with that long list for ever...).
An interesting result is the error message I received when I uploaded a new version of an App:
"Potential Loss of Keychain Access - The previous version of software has an application-identifier value of [''] and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of ['']. This will result in a loss of keychain access."
Although the App has gone to review I am not sure of the consequences of this error message which I assume results from the certificate updates?
You have to clear your certificates in 2 places:
Follow these steps to navigate and clear the certificates:
Open LaunchPad
Keychain Access
Select your Keychain
Select My Certificates
Now here you need to delete every certificate that starts with iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution
Apple Developers Members Center
Login to Apple Developers
Go to Member Center
Click: Manage your certificates, App IDs, devices, and provisioning profiles
You have 2 tabs to interact Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
Remove all of them (Remember you can't delete those Provisioning Profiles, that are already in App Store).
Then you need to create it from the beginning: Follow my answer here
