How I can make a project for win phone 8 in delphi 2010? - delphi

I want to make a application for windows phone 8 OS in delphi 2010.

Delphi does not target Windows Phone. At the moment, as of XE5, Delphi targets:
Desktop Windows, x86 and x64 (not WinRT)
Mac OSX, x86
Android (ARM)
There is no support for Windows Phone and to the best of my knowledge, none is in the offing. The Delphi cross-platform strategy is based on FireMonkey and that's not easy to take to Windows Phone.
As for Delphi 2010, that supports but a single platform: desktop Windows x86.
If you want to use Pascal to make Windows Phone apps then Oxygene from RemObjects is what you need. If that's not attractive to you then the MS tooling based on C# is the most obvious option that remains.

Simply you can't. You need to use the Windows Phone SDK which only works with Visual Studio.
If you install the SDK, you get a free Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone, who you can use to develop any type of app (free or not)


Can Delphi XE5 produce apps for Windows 8 RT and Windows Phone 8?

Is it possible to use Delphi XE5 or RAD Studio XE5 to create apps for Windows 8 RT (ARM based tablets) and Windows Phone 8, using the same code (Firemonkey) as for Android and iOS?
I searched Embarcadero's website on windows development but it goes a long way to avoid mentioning Windows 8 RT and Windows Phone 8. It states that
Your apps will run on Windows desktops and x86 based tablets with Intel and Intel Atom hardware such as Microsoft Surface Professional, Slate tablets from HP, Asus and others, as well as AMD processor based tablets from Acer, Samsung and more.
Does this mean that Windows 8 RT and Windows Phone 8 are not supported by Delphi/RAD Studio XE5?
Delphi XE5 cannot produce apps that run on WinRT or Win Phone 8.
Work is being done on Windows ARM/RT, Linux Server, TBD.
Take a look Embarcadero RAD Studio Roadmap
To confirm David's accepted answer, I just received a response from Embarcadero support:
Yes, you are correct we DO NOT support Win8 RT or WinPhone8 with Firemonkey. We have not seen a huge demand for these platforms, if there is an increase in demand they might be support, but at the moment we are not supporting them sorry.
So it does not sound like they have any plans to support those platforms in the near future.

which software is used for Windows mobile app devlopment

Please give suggestion me which software requirement for developing windows mobile based application?
You could use a number of applications, such as Microsoft's Visual Studio, which is probably a good place to check.
These are the tools of the trade.
When you install the Windows Phone SDK, you get the following free tools and components.
Expression Blend for Windows Phone
Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone
Windows Phone emulator
XNA Game Studio 4.0
-.NET Framework 4
Source with a sample app

Delphi - writing application for IOS, MacOsx and windows?

I would like to make sure I understand the powerful of Delphi correctly. it is possible to write code which will run on those three platforms: windows, MacOSx and IOS?!
How comes?
Is it possible to upload the delphi iOS app to Appstore?
Is it possible the program will run on linux as well?
Which Delphi version should I study ?
Q: Will a Delphi program run under Windows, MacOS and IOS?
A: Yes.
But Mac OSX support is only for newer versions of Delphi XE, and IOS support is for Delphi XE3 and is still in beta:
Delphi use to support Linux under the (failed) Kylix brand.
The FreePascal and Lazarus projects are alive, well and fully open-source.
Free Pascal supports Linux ... Windows (Win32 and Win64; Win95, Win/XP, Win7, etc.), DOS, WinCE, OS/2, MorphOS, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii ... FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS X/iOS/Darwin. And even Raspberry Pi:
Additionally, Delphi XE on .Net should run on both Windows and Linux implementations (.Net and Mono, respectively).
'Hope that helps
There is the Delphi FireMonkey framework, developed to provide single-source cross-platform development. It was included with Delphi starting in XE2.
Delphi XE2 FireMonkey natively supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, and 32-bit Mac OS X and iOS.
Delphi XE3 dropped the iOS support.
In December 2012, the Embarcadero R&D team was reported to have been working on iOS and Android support, with Windows 8 ARM and Linux server also coming.
It is possible in XE3 to upload an OS X app to the App Store. Embarcadero created a video of how to do it. It is likely that support for the App Store will be included when iOS support is added back.

Delphi XE2 / XE3 & Windows 8 Tablets / Phones

Is it possible to develop apps for Windows 8 tablets and phones using Delphi XE2 or XE3? I think XE3 ust supports UI. I am not sure if we can create apps for Win8 tablets using Delphi. I have read somewhere we need to use Prism XE3 with Visual Studio. I don't want to purchase / upgrade to XE3 just because of this. I believe we can develop even using XE2 but not sure.
Also, does anyone know if Microsoft accepts apps to appstore which are written in Delphi?
The Delphi XE2 and XE3 fact sheets, available at Embarcadero, clearly mention which operating systems and CPUs the IDEs support, and WinRT and ARM are not among the ones listed. So the answer would be "No".

Is there a web browser component for use in FireMonkey application?

For Delphi VCL there is TWebBrowser and some 3rd party components like TEmbeddedWebBrowser available for browsing a web.
Is there a similar web browser component but for Firemonkey framework in Delphi XE2 (ideally with Windows and Mac support) ?
You can use the ChromiumEmbedded package for Delphi. There's a TChromiumFMX component which is suited for FireMonkey applications. I've tested the demo project from the repository and it works fine for 32-bit Windows.
However I can't tell you if nor how to build and use it in Mac OS. The only thing I can tell you is that the ChromiumEmbedded for Delphi is distributed only with Windows binaries, the binaries for Mac OS you can download from here.
As far as I know (!), the situation is as follows:
CromiumEmbedded supports OSX (& Windows of course)
There is a Delphi ChromiumEmbedded
Delphi supports OSX through the FireMonkey framework
There is even a FireMonkey version of the Delphi ChromiumEmbedded
The Delphi/FireMonkey ChromiumEmbedded does not support OSX
If somebody knows better, that would be fantastic.
