iOS Core data: How to setup delete rule in relationship [duplicate] - ios

I'm a little fuzzy on how the delete rules for relationships in Core Data work, at least beyond the simple cases described in the documentation.
Most of those cases, and most of the answers I've seen for questions here, use a model where the object on left side of a one-to-many relationship "owns" the objects on the right side: e.g. a Person has PhoneNumbers, and if you delete the person you delete all their associated numbers. In that kind of case, the solution is clear: Core Data will handle everything for you if you set the relationships like so:
Person --(cascade)-->> PhoneNumber
PhoneNumber --(nullify)--> Person
What I'm interested in is the opposite: A to-many relationship where the "ownership" is reversed. For example, I might extend the CoreDataBooks sample code to add an Author entity for collecting all info about a unique author in one place. A Book has one author, but an author has many books... but we don't care about authors for whom we don't list books. Thus, deleting an Author whose books relationship is non-empty should not be allowed, and deleting the last Book referencing a particular Author should delete that Author.
I can imagine a couple of ways to do this manually... what I'm not sure of is:
does Core Data have a way to do at least some of this automagically, as with relationship delete rules?
is there a "canonical", preferred way to handle this kind of situation?

You could override prepareForDeletion in your Book class and check if the author has any other books. If not you could delete the author.
- (void)prepareForDeletion {
Author *author =;
if (author.books.count == 1) { // only the book itself
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:author];
Edit: To prevent deletion of an author with books you could override validateForDelete or even better: don't call deleteObject with an author with books in the first place

Check below for the relationships to get your two criteria done.
Author -- (Deny) -->> Books
deleting an Author whose books relationship is non-empty should not be allowed
DENY: If there is at least one object at the relationship destination, then the source object cannot be deleted.
Book -- (Cascade)-- > Author
deleting the last Book referencing a particular Author should delete that Author
You cannot delete the Author, as our first rule is saying, if there are any Books which are non-empty should not be deleted. If they are not present the Author gets deleted.
I think theoretically it should work. Let me know, if this works or not.

Similarly to Tim's solution, you can override the willSave method in your Author NSManagedObject subclass. Note that if you do use Tim's solution, I highly recommend filtering the books set for books that haven't been deleted; this way if you delete all of the Author's books at the same time, the Author will still be deleted.
- (void)willSave {
if (!self.isDeleted) {
NSPredicate *notDeletedPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *bindings) {
return ![(NSManagedObject *)evaluatedObject isDeleted];
NSSet *filteredBooks = [self.books filteredSetUsingPredicate:notDeletedPredicate];
if (filteredBooks.count == 0)
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:self];
[super willSave];

The following worked for me:
Set the deletion rule on the 'book' relationship of your author entity to 'Deny' meaning that as long as there is a book linked to your author it cannot be deleted.
Subclass your book entity and override the prepareForDeletion() function as follows:
public override func prepareForDeletion() {
do {
try author.validateForDelete()
} catch {}
Validate for delete will throw an error unless the book relationship is empty.
You can optionally handle the error.


Core Data applying delete rule when updating

Beginner in Core Data here, there is something very basic in Core Data that I don't understand. I know the delete rules, such that if my object gets deleted, if it has relationships that are cascade for example, those relationships will get deleted as well. But what happens on updates?
Person has a relationship to a car. Delete rule is cascade.
Person --> Car
If Person is deleted, Car will be gone too.
But now what if Person just points to another Car, the previous Car will NOT be deleted and will just be dangling in the DB.
Any solutions to this?
I figured ideally you should delete the first car before setting the new one, but this is automatically done from a server fetch.
If this is the behavior you want in all cases you could override the managed object subclass method to set the new relationship. In the method, check first if another object exists and delete it if desired.
-(void) setCar:(Car *)car {
if (Car* oldCar = {
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:oldCar];
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"car"];
[self setPrimitiveValue:car forKey:#"car"];
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"car"];

Realm Many to Many Query (Inverse too!)

My app's db has a many to many relationship between a Feed object and a Tweet object. This is to keep track of which feeds every tweet belongs in. If you're familiar with Twitter, imagine the main feed, a list feed, a user profile feed, etc.
How can I make a query using an NSPredicate to get a list of Tweets that exist in a specific Feed (and, inversely, get a list of Feeds that a Tweet exists in)? It seems that queries on inverse relationships does not work in Realm, so what are my options?
If I understand your question correctly this part of the documentation should be helpful:
Inverse Relationships Links are unidirectional. So if a to-many
property Person.dogs links to a Dog instance and a to-one property
Dog.owner links to Person, these links are independent from one
another. Appending a Dog to a Person instance’s dogs property, doesn’t
automatically set the dog’s owner property to this Person. Because
manually synchronizing pairs of relationships is error prone, complex
and duplicates information, Realm exposes an API to retrieve backlinks
described below.
With inverse relationships, you can obtain all objects linking to a
given object through a specific property. For example, calling
Object().linkingObjects(_:forProperty:) on a Dog instance will return
all objects of the specified class linking to the calling instance
with the specified property.
I guess you can do something like:
//assuming your Tweet object has a property like "let feeds = List<Feed>()"
someTweet.linkingObjects(Feed.self, forProperty: "feeds") //should return feeds your Tweet is in
But still I don't think I understand your question clearly. From my point of view your first requirement:
get a list of Tweets that exist in a specific Feed
should have a straightforward solution such as having a property in your Feed object like:
let tweets = List<Tweet>()
I wish you can clarify your situation further.
I wonder if it's possible to simplify the model a bit so many-to-many isn't necessary.
My understanding of Twitter is that tweets aren't 'owned' by any feeds. They simply exist on the platform, and are referenced by any number of feeds, but don't actually belong to any specific feed.
So a model setup like this should be appropriate:
class Tweet : Object {
class Feed : Object {
let tweets = List<Tweet>()
You can do a reverse lookup on a Tweet to see if there are any feeds in which it is currently visible, and you can simply use the tweets property of Feed objects to see which tweets they're displaying
Since the linkingObjects reverse lookup method of Realm simply returns a standard Swift Array, if you did want to filter that further, you could just use the system APIs (like filter or map) to refine it further.
Otherwise, if you really do want to be able to use Realm's NSPredicate filtering system both ways, then, as messy as it is, you would need to manually have each model linking to a list of the other:
class Tweet : Object {
let feeds = List<Feed>()
class Feed : Object {
let tweets = List<Tweet>()
While it's not recommended (Since it adds additional work), it's not disallowed.
Good luck!

Don't delete object of destination if it is in another Source in Coredata

I have a many to many relationship where entity are Employee and Department. Everything is going good but when i am trying to learn the relationship delete rules,i couldnot find out the right way.
I want to remove all the employee of the department if Entity Department gets deleted.But not those employee who are in another deparment.
Cascade Delete the objects at the destination of the relationship. For
example, if you delete a department, fire all the employees in that
department at the same time.
But i dont want to remove the employee if they are already in another department.One teacher teaching Swiftmay be in many departments "Computer","Electrical","Civil".How can i acheive that..Tried to use cascade but that removes all the Employees which i have set destination as below:
EDIT: Tried using nullify but deleting Source causes the deletion of all related Destination. However, deleting any single one Source simply causes Destination to forget about that particular Source.I gues,I need something intermediate nullify and cascade?
The following relationships will do what you want I think (I don't have the ability to test the answer here, but don't have rights to just leave a comment so you get the suggestion as an answer)
Employee -> Department Deny (can't fire an employee that is still assigned to a department).
Department -> Employee Cascade (fire all employees you can fire when the department is deleted, ie no longer has a department).
But it seems more reasonable to me set Department -> Employee to Nullify, and then make a separate scan for unassigned employees to fire outside the delete department code. This would also support general maintenance checks for employees that have had all their assignments removed.
In the case of mine i should not set the delete relationship to Cascade.But instead make both delete rule to nullify.And Check as in
class Departments: NSManagedObject {
// Insert code here to add functionality to your managed object subclass
override func prepareForDeletion() {
for teacher in self.teachers!{
if let tempTeach = teacher as? Teachers{
if tempTeach.departments?.count == 1{
print("this teacher is assigned to another department also so dont delete it")

iOS - Core Data - Delete records using relationships and fetch request

I have an iOS project in which I am using core data
I have an Employees entity and a Department entity.
1 department can contain many employees
So the entity Department has a "to many" relationship with the entity Employees, the relationship is called employees and the reverse relationship is called whichDepartment
I want to delete all the employees in a specific department
a) is the following correct, or would it cause mutation or some problems ?
b) is this is the correct way to do it ?
Pls Note - removeEmployees is a method that was auto generated while creating the subclasses of the entities
- (void) deleteAllEmployeesForDepartment: (Department*) requestedDepartment
[requestedDepartment removeEmployees:requestedDepartment.employees];
I want to delete the employees based on some condition
I am deleting objects inside a fast enumeration loop for the fetched records
c) Is the following correct, or would it cause some mutation ?
d) Is it like modifying the object in fast enumeration ?
e) Is there a better way to do it ?
Pls Note - removeEmployees is a method that was auto generated while creating the subclasses of the entities
- (void) deleteAllType1EmployeesWithDepartment: (Department*) requestedDepartment
fetchRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"type == %i AND whichDepartment ==%i", 1, requestedDepartment.departmentID];
NSError *error;
NSArray *listOfEmployeesToBeDeleted = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
for(Employees *currentEmployee in listOfEmployeesToBeDeleted)
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:currentEmployee];
Firstly, in your deleteAllEmployeesForDepartment: this is fine to remove objects that way.
If in addition you want to delete the Employees objects from Core Data then you should add another rule, a delete rule set to cascade, meaning that when an Employee "losses" a Department (the relationship is broken, either by the Department being deleted, or the Department removing the Employee), it (the Employee) also is deleted.
Your second question is a little more interesting.
What I recommend is adding another method directly to the Department subclass of NSManagedObeject, you could call it - clearEmployeesOfType: passing a type number.
Since your Department has a reference to an NSSet of Employees via the to-many relationship you could use that NSSet and it's filteredSetUsingPredicate: method to filter out the ones you want.
The returning set can be used to message the removeEmployees: method on your Department, a little like the following (warning, code not tested).
- (void) clearEmployeesOfType:(NSUInteger)type
NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF.type == %d", type];
NSSet * firedEmployees = [self.employees filteredSetUsingPredicate:predicate];
[self removeEmployees:firedEmployees];
I would recommend this solution rather then loading objects and removing them one by one, whenever you can, rely on relationships and delete rules in Core Data.

How can I save an object that's related to another object in core data?

I'm having difficulty with a one to one relationship. At the highest level, I have a one to many relationship. I'll use the typical manager, employee, example to explain what I'm trying to do. And to take it a step further, I'm trying to add a one to one House relationship to the employe.
I have the employees being added no problem with the addEmployeesToManagereObject method that was created for me when I subclassed NSManagedObject. When I select an Employee in my table view, I set the currentEmployee of type Employee - which is declared in my .h.
Now that I have that current employee I would like to save the Houses entities attributes in relation to the current employee.
The part that I'm really struggling with is setting the managedObjectContext and setting and saving the houses attributes in relation to the currentEmployee.
I've tried several things but here's my last attempt:
NOTE: employeeToHouse is a property of type House that was created for
me when I subclassed NSManagedObject
House *theHouse = [NSEntityDescription
// This is where I'm lost, trying to set the House
// object through the employeeToHouse relationship
How can I access and save the houses attributes to the currentEmployee?
since House is setup as an Entity it can be considered a table within the data store. If that truly is the case, you need to setup a 1 to 1 relationship between Employee and House in your data model.
If you have already done so, then it is as simple as calling. Although I'm not as familiar with one to one relationships with Core Data as I am with to-many. In either case, try one of the following
[self.currentEmployee addHouseObject: theHouse];
then to the save to the managedObjectContext:
NSError *error=nil;
if (![self.managedObjectContext save:&error]{
NSLog(#"Core Data Save Error: %#", error);
Also, I'm not sure about your particular situation, but your self.managedObjectContext should already be the same as the one pointed to by self.currentEmployee.managedObjectContext.
Good luck,
