Upgrade Third Party Library with Cocoapods - ios

I have a project in which I am using coreplot 1.0 for graphing. (This sets the Header search path.)
How can I manage the same code with new a version of coreplot under Cocoapods? I deleted the old version, cleared the header search path etc. But after adding the new version in my project I am getting an error.
I am using following commands:
touch Podfile
edit Podfile # ( IOS version , Coreplot 1.4 version)
pod install
When I open the project workstation and try a build, I get an error.

You can either install CorePlot via CocoaPods or the manual way here.
Choose one.


React Native project version upgrade error: v0.56 to v0.60, iOS fails

I'm currently upgrading one of my projects built in React Native v0.56 to latest v0.60. Created a new project with version v0.60 and updated all the packages used in previous version of app, but now facing weird errors.
I've already tried all the possible solutions mentioned in Git and Stack overflow. None of them worked for me. I've also tried to remove plugins one by one and then adding them but not able to find cause of the error.
In iOS, all the packages by default autolinks as per v0.60, but I got error of linking in very first package, I've tried manual linking too, not working.
After manual linking do cd ios and then pod install. This will not be done by autolinking and you have to do it yourself. On iOS on my project i had to manual link on iOS almost every library and almost all of them needed a pod install
use upgrade helper from react native community Upgrade Helper

Swift and Xcode: How to Build and Run a GitHub repository of iOS Application?

I'm interested on Running this GitHub repository of an iOS Application: https://github.com/septadev/SEPTA-iOS I opened the iSEPTA.xcodeproj file on XCode from the iSEPTA folder, but I'm getting these Buildtime Errors. For example: No such module 'ReSwift', and this is the window I get prompted when I select any of the yellow alerts, I'm not sure if I should perform these changes, yet.
Could it be some incomparability with my XCode and Swift versions?
Please, help!!
This project uses Carthage as a dependency management system for using external dependencies.
You should install Carthage to your computer and then run carthage update from the terminal in the root directory of the project. This will instal the dependencies and will allow you to run the project.
Take a look at Cartfile: it indicates this repo is using Carthage package manager. Follow their instructions to install dependent libraries
This repository requires Carthage ( https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage ) - this is a dependency manager. You can install it using Homebrew (https://brew.sh/)
brew install carthage
then you have to run carthageBuild.sh script (which runs carthage update):
and then you have to open: Septa.xcworkspace file
This would be the correct solution if the project used Cocoapods. Since it uses Carthage, look to others answers unless you are referencing this answer to a similar issue.
You need to use Cocoapods to integrate the pods attached to the project. Often times projects will not come with them precompiled. Either you opened the blue project file with the *.xcodeproj extension instead of the white project file with the *.xcworkspace extension.... or you don't have the pods installed at all. In which case read below.
Instructions as follows:
cd to project directory
Install Cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods
Ensure the you have the given pods in your repo collection for install
pod repo update
Install the pods
pod install
Validate Project Settings
This is necessary until cocoapods v1.6 release (beta is out).
Open the white project file with the *.xcworkspace extension
After those steps are complete, the project should run normally.

Cordova project can't remove plugin after update my project

I am trying to upgrade my Cordova Ionic project ios platform from 3.0.1 to the newest 4.5.2 using xcode 9. I remove the ios platform and re-add it again under CLI 7.1.0. Then I restore all the .xcodeproject settings by copy the old .xcodeproject into the new ios platform and reset all the path necessary in the workspace. Luckily my project build successfully and runs fine in the debug mode.
However when I am trying to upgrade some out of date plugins in the new project, I found that I can only "add" plugin, which everything just goes fine. But when I am trying to remove any plugin (whether they have been added in the new workspace or not), the CLI always show red font message: Error: Could not find *-Info.plist file, or config.xml file.
This message will also show up if I tried to run ionic prepare ios command. Interestingly enough, if I use the .xcodeproject file cordova originally generated, then all the things will just work fine.
Any idea on what specific settings is wrong so that the CLI could only recognize the new .xcodeproject file but not the old .xcodeproject file?
To answer "why don't want to use the new .xcodeproject automatically generated". My project is pretty huge which contains 4 different targets and each of them have different project settings. First of all, CLI don't know that and will only generate one target and I have to duplicate it another 3 times. Secondly, it will be such a pain to restore each target settings one by one. And thirdly the new project doesn't contain any changes in the iOS native code I made such like in appDelegate class. Therefore I just want to find a trick way to make it through.
Cordova creates the files automatically, I believe copying a file generated from an old version and pasting a new one will break your project.
What happens if you remove the platform, add again but without reusing the .xcodeproject? The normal thing is that you got to work normally.
Another option would be to upgrade Cordova or a downgrade, using nvm you can have several versions of Nodejs and Cordova.
You didn't mentioned in your question how you are removing the ios platform , try to do them as follows:
cordova platform remove ios
cordova platform list here you can verify that ios platform deleted
cordova platform add ios --save
I don't know what version you are using but cordova 6.5.0 should solve the ios-build issues. you can install using like below:
sudo npm i -g cordova#6.5.0

how to install Google maps SDK in xcode project

I followed the instructions provided here by google about manually installing google maps SDK, but I have an issue:
When I right-click GoogleMaps.framework, then click show in finder, I can't find resources folder or GoogleMaps.bundle!
my environment:
OS X El Capitan (virtual machine, using vmware)
Xcode 7.3.1
I am adding it to a swift project that uses story board
I did follow exactly what instructions said, and ticked "copy items if needed"
what I have done wrong?
You have to install cocoapods correctly before in order to integrate google map to your project.
Steps to install cocoapods:
Open terminal and type: sudo gem install cocoapods
In terminal go to your project and type: pod init this will create podfile inside your project
In last type: pod install
Note: do not forgot to edit your podfile before install using Link as mentioned and use .xcworkspace file (this will automatically created after install cocoapod) to launch Xcode for further development.
Terminal screen will look like this if you installed cocoapods successfully, see image.
for further in google map see here

MuPDF Cocoapods Installation Error

After researching on what library to use in one of my projects for epub reader, I decided to use MuPDF. I integrated it using Cocoapods, but when I build the app, it gives me a couple of errors on _math.h_ file on lines 36 and 73. I have attached the screenshots for reference. It would be of great help if anyone here can help me build the app after integrating MuPDF without any error. line 36
I think you are being hit by a not-backwards-compatible change that took place in CocoaPods 0.39 ( https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/pull/4057 ).
Can you upgrade your CocoaPod to 0.39? (gem update cocoa pods) If you do so and then run pod install that should fix it.
If you can't upgrade to 0.39, you could use the 1.7 podspec mupdf, which is compatible with CocoaPod 0.38.
There's an example project that uses the MuPDF pod spec here:
(To try and prevent this problem in the future I just pushed a new pod, 1.8.2, that has a cocoapods_version >= 0.39 restriction in the podspec.)
