Getting error on using WCF Service with CSLA -

I have a create a Wcf Service using WcfPortal.It exposes basic method Fetch,Delete,Insert and Update. I use this Service in my MVC project as below
ServiceReference2.WcfPortalClient obj = new ServiceReference2.WcfPortalClient();
Application App = new Application();
var AppType = App.GetType();
ApplicationCriteria Criteria = new ApplicationCriteria {ApplicationName = "application" };
ServiceReference2.FetchRequest Fetch1 = new ServiceReference2.FetchRequest();
CslaTest.ServiceReference2.DataPortalContext context = new ServiceReference2.DataPortalContext();
Fetch1._context = context;
Fetch1._objectType= AppType;
Fetch1._criteria = Criteria;
var list = obj.Fetch(Fetch1);
But when i compile my project i get error as:
Type 'CslaTest.BusinessLibrary.ApplicationCriteria' with data contract name
ApplicationCriteria:' is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'


Binding on CollectionViewSource -> View -> Groups -> Count (Code vs XAML)

I'm trying to bind to a CollectionViewSource nested property (CVS.View.Groups.Count) and it doesn't seem to work in code :
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.Path = new PropertyPath("View.Groups.Count");
binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
binding.Source = CVS;
BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, ValueProperty, binding);
But it's working well in WPF/xaml.
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=CVS.View.Groups.Count, Mode=OneWay}" Value="1">
So I'm wondering what is the difference between these both approach and what is wrong in code way binding. Meanwhile this kind of code is working well on no-nested property when it's a simple dependency property in a dependency object, so I suppose there is a problem with provided PropertyPath..
Any help would be appreciated.
I succeeded in resolve the problem by changing the binding source. Instead of passing the dependency object directly I create a Windows.Forms.BindingSource with the dependency object and I set this object as source of binding. In this way the binding is now working well.
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.Path = new PropertyPath("View.Groups.Count");
binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource bs = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(DevicesInAlarmCVS, null);
binding.Source = bs;
BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, ValueProperty, binding);
It seems to be linked to a change in .NET framework 4.0 :
Does data binding support nested properties in Windows Forms?
Hope that's can help

Generic Unit of Work & (Extensible) Repositories Framework Generic Unit of Work & (Extensible) Repositories Framework with lazy loading

In my architect solution i have used the Generic Unit of Work & (Extensible) Repositories Framework Open Source from this link :
But the example code is not using lazy loading so i have active it in my project but it's not working ?
2.Normaly with entity framework (lazy loading mode is active) when we retrieve an object there related object not retrived unitl we call some properties of his related object. But in my project with this framework and on lazy loading mode i dont have this result the related is automaticlay loaded when retrieve my parrent object ? i need a help ?
this is the constructor of my data context :
public DataContext(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString)
_instanceId = Guid.NewGuid();
//Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
//Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
And this is an Example of my Controller :
//Loading agencies only (but not working because i get all the related objects)
IList<Agency> Agence = AgencyService.Query().Select().ToList();
Agency Ag = Agence[0];
//Loads Agency company for particular Agency only (seperate SQL query) => also not working
Company company = Ag.Company;
To set lazy loading active:
context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled should be true.
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled should be true.
Navigation property should be defined as public, virtual. Context will NOT do lazy loading if the property is not define as virtual.

VB.NET MVC Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Create' accepts this number of arguments

I'm using VB.NET MVC 5 with Identity 2.0.
I've been trying to configure my Startup.Auth to automatically use a single instance of ApplicationDbContext, CustomUserManager and CustomRoleManager per request as detailed in this tutorial.
My code is as follows: (minus garbage)
Public Sub ConfigureAuth(app As IAppBuilder)
' Error 135 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'CreatePerOwinContext' can be called with these arguments:
' Extension method 'Public Function CreatePerOwinContext(Of T)(createCallback As System.Func(Of Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.IdentityFactoryOptions(Of T), Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext, T)) As Owin.IAppBuilder' defined in 'Owin.AppBuilderExtensions': Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.
' Extension method 'Public Function CreatePerOwinContext(Of T)(createCallback As System.Func(Of T)) As Owin.IAppBuilder' defined in 'Owin.AppBuilderExtensions': Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.
app.CreatePerOwinContext(Of CustomUserManager)(CustomUserManager.Create)
' Error 136 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Create' accepts this number of arguments.
End Sub
But recieve these errors no matter what I do
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Create' accepts this number of arguments.
I think it's to do with me writing in VB and the example being in C#, though it infuriates me that this is a problem. My CustomUserManager is a Public Class, and the Create method is Public Shared.
Public Shared Function Create(options As IdentityFactoryOptions(Of CustomUserManager), context As IOwinContext) As CustomUserManager
Dim manager As CustomUserManager
manager = New CustomUserManager(New CustomUserStore(context.Get(Of ApplicationDbContext)()))
manager.UserValidator = New UserValidator(Of ApplicationUser, Integer)(manager)
manager.PasswordValidator = New PasswordValidator() With {
.RequiredLength = 6
New EmailTokenProvider(Of ApplicationUser, Integer)() With {
.Subject = "Security Code",
.BodyFormat = "Your security code is: {0}"
manager.EmailService = New EmailService()
manager.SmsService = New SmsService()
If Not options.DataProtectionProvider Is Nothing Then
manager.UserTokenProvider = New DataProtectorTokenProvider(Of ApplicationUser, Integer)(options.DataProtectionProvider.Create("ASP.NET Identity"))
End If
Return manager
End Function
Any ideas anyone? Any help is much appreciated, Cheers.
Try this
Public Sub ConfigureAuth(app As IAppBuilder)
app.CreatePerOwinContext(AddressOf ApplicationDbContext.Create)
End Sub
The AddressOf operator creates a function delegate that points to the function specified by procedurename
If you have already updated your visual studio 2013 with Update 3. This comes with all the identity stuff and custom user manager, role manager and many more.
Create new project using MVC template and Authentication selected as Individual User Accounts using Visual Studio 2013. Then you will get created all the code same as you have already implemented using the example. You can use that classes and implementation in order to fix your issues with your custom user manager.
Check the floder App_Start >> IdentityConfig.vb
Only thing I can see in your code, you have used integer as Id rather than string. That won't be a problem if you have correctly bind EF model biding stuff.

Two types that use themselves

recently I started my adventure with F#. I'm trying to create F# library that I will use in my C# projects.
Now I'm facing the problem that I have two types definitions that (as I wish) could use themselves (I'm trying to create fluent API for c# usage).
How I want to use it in c# (simplified example).
Shopping shopping = new Shopping();
Stuff[] stuff = shopping.GoTo("Wallmart").Buy(new [] { "Candies", "Ice cream", "Milk" }).GoTo("Drug store").Buy(new [] { "Anvil" }).GetStuff();
Now I have two types (in separted files):
type ShopResult(someContext: ShoppingContext) =
//some logic
member this.GoTo shopName = new ToDoResult(someContext)
type ToDoResult(someContext: ShoppingContext) =
//some logic
member this.Buy what = new ShopResult(someContext)
Now the file order causing compilation error and I'm wondering if there's any solution for my case? or have I to drop the fluent api idea?
Put both types in the same file and change the definitions to the following:
type ShopResult(someContext: ShoppingContext) =
//some logic
member this.GoTo shopName = new ToDoResult(someContext)
and ToDoResult(someContext: ShoppingContext) =
//some logic
member this.Buy what = new ShopResult(someContext)
For more information, see the section 'Mutually Recursive Types' in the language reference on MSDN.

MvcSiteMapProvider ISiteMapBuilder in conjunction with IDynamicNodeProvider

I'm using MvcSiteMapProvider 4.4.3 to dynamically build a sitemap from the database. I'm following this article: because I'm using multiple sitemaps.
This works and this is the basic structure which is returned:
One of the nodes (/Products) should be dynamically populated again based on different data. So for this I need a IDynamicNodeProvider implementation on the /Productsnode? (please correct me if i'm wrong?)
Anyway, I think I do need the above. Documentation shows ways to do this on a node defined in XML and on a node defined using attributes on controller actions, but not 'manually' in a ISiteMapBuilder. So if I set the .DynamicNodeProvider property of the ISiteMapNode instance it doesn't seem to get instantiated... The .HasDynamicNodeProvider property also returns false.
Looking at the source, i see PluginProvider-stuff which is related to DynamicNodeProviderStrategy and there you go, they've lost me...
How do I create a ISiteMapNode for "/Products" in my ISiteMapBuilder so that it's descendents (/Products/Cat and /Products/Cat/Product) are dynamically loaded from the database?
You can do this with ISiteMapBuilder, but you are probably better off instead implementing ISiteMapNodeProvider. The reason is because adding the nodes to the SiteMap must be done at the very end of the process after all nodes have been instantiated to ensure that every node is correctly mapped to a parent node (except of course, the root node which doesn't need a parent). This was the major design change that was done in 4.3.0.
The default SiteMapBuilder class is now already set up to ensure
The nodes are properly mapped to their parent nodes
There is only 1 root node
All nodes are added to the SiteMap
The visitors are executed last after the SiteMap is completely built
It dosen't make sense to add more than one ISiteMapBuilder instance because this makes it possible to circumvent this important logic. Therefore, it is best if you do not implement ISiteMapBuilder, but instead implement ISiteMapNodeProvider.
The SiteMapBuilder class takes an ISiteMapNodeProvider as a dependency through its constructor. You can use the CompositeSiteMapNodeProvider class to handle multiplicity on this interface so you can add more than one ISiteMapNodeProvider implementation, if needed.
The ISiteMapNodeProvider interface looks like this:
public interface ISiteMapNodeProvider
IEnumerable<ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation> GetSiteMapNodes(ISiteMapNodeHelper helper);
There is just 1 method to implement. In addition, many of the common (but optional) services are injected through the interface automatically from the SiteMapBuilder class through ISiteMapNodeHelper.
This class is at a lower level than IDynamicNodeProvider. You are interacting with ISiteMapNode directly, but all interaction with the SiteMap class is handled by SiteMapBuilder. The ISiteMapNode is wrapped in a ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation instance, which is just there to ensure that its parent node key can be tracked until the time it is added to the SiteMap object.
Your SiteMapNodeProvider should look something like this:
public class CustomSiteMapNodeProvider
: ISiteMapNodeProvider
private readonly string sourceName = "CustomSiteMapNodeProvider";
#region ISiteMapNodeProvider Members
public IEnumerable<ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation> GetSiteMapNodes(ISiteMapNodeHelper helper)
var result = new List<ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation>();
using (var db = new DatabaseContextClass())
foreach (var category in db.Categories.ToList())
var categoryRelation = this.GetCategoryRelation("Products", category, helper);
foreach (var product in db.Products.Include("Category"))
var productRelation = this.GetProductRelation("Category_" + product.CategoryId, product, helper);
return result;
protected virtual ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation GetCategoryRelation(string parentKey, Category category, ISiteMapNodeHelper helper)
string key = "Category_" + category.Id;
var result = helper.CreateNode(key, parentKey, this.sourceName);
var node = result.Node;
node.Title = category.Name;
// Populate other node properties here
// Important - always set up your routes (including any custom params)
node.Area = "MyArea"; // Required - set to empty string if not using areas
node.Controller = "Category"; // Required
node.Action = "Index"; // Required
node.RouteValues.Add("id", category.Id.ToString());
return result;
protected virtual ISiteMapNodeToParentRelation GetProductRelation(string parentKey, Product product, ISiteMapNodeHelper helper)
string key = "Product_" + product.Id;
var result = helper.CreateNode(key, parentKey, this.sourceName);
var node = result.Node;
node.Title = product.Name;
// Populate other node properties here
// Important - always set up your routes (including any custom params)
node.Area = "MyArea"; // Required - set to empty string if not using areas
node.Controller = "Product"; // Required
node.Action = "Index"; // Required
node.RouteValues.Add("id", product.Id.ToString());
node.RouteValues.Add("categoryId", product.CategoryId.ToString()); // Optional - use if you have a many-to-many relationship.
return result;
The above example assumes that you have added a node by other means that has the key set to "Products", which all categories will be children of. You can of course adjust this to meet your needs.
It is typically best if you only implement this interface 1 time and use a single database connection to load the entire SiteMap. You can always refactor this into multiple classes that each handle a single table on your side of the interface to separate concerns. But it is generally best if you put all of the key mapping logic between related entities together to make it easier to maintain.
For additional examples of implementations of this interface, see XmlSiteMapNodeProvider and ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider.
